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Are you attracted to all ethnicities equally, or are you like John Mayer?


New member
Jul 6, 2008
this is meaningless, now if you had a choice of a black one and a white one, I wonder how many people would choose white
It's not about choosing one over another. I'm more curious as to whether guys are excluding one (or more) race(s) from all consideration.

As a lame analogy, I'm not asking which flavor of ice cream he likes best. I'm asking whether he's a vegetarian/vegan (i.e. will NEVER eat meat).


New member
Jul 14, 2009
It's not about choosing one over another. I'm more curious as to whether guys are excluding one (or more) race(s) from all consideration.

As a lame analogy, I'm not asking which flavor of ice cream he likes best. I'm asking whether he's a vegetarian/vegan (i.e. will NEVER eat meat).
to be racist, you don't need to exclude


New member
Oct 28, 2006
technically, it is racist, but not illegally racist

that's YOUR personal choice, if that's the way you want it

Keebler had it right; it's racist, if you really want to call someone racist for this

there's nothing illegal here; no one is being denied employment or public accommodation because of their race

yeah, if you're selling products to the general public, and there's a perception that you're racist, you might lose some business

if you need the business, you simply don't make your personal beliefs public, like Mayer did

imo, people need to separate between racism as a naturally occurring phenomenon, and acts of racism which society deems as unacceptable/illegal

eg. notice the natural segregation which occurs in dating, churches, and other social venues


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Regardless of what he said, why is anybody paying attention to it, and why does this guy supposedly have sell-out concerts? His music is absolute shit.
I like Mayer's music and unless you can play a whole lot better I respectfully suggest you're not qualified to say if it's "shit" or not. If you can, it's time to get off Terb and get busy being famous 'cos Mayer can play! Unfortunately he seems to be perpetuating a bit of a stereotype himself - that guitar gods have their dicks mounted on their foreheads. There is a world of difference between preference and exclusion. Most are sensible enough to know, so his comments seem insensitive and imprudent to say the least. I will buy the "biological" disposition argument when it comes to gender preference. But race, ethnicity? Sorry I have to lean to the environmental/behaviorist side on that. For me beauty and sex appeal has a gender, it does not have a race. I don't believe there is a gene that disposes me to preferred ethnicity from a purely aesthetic point of view.

The human condition has to be more than a mere sum reflection of mass media stereotypes. Otherwise infers that we are too facile/lazy/cynical to exceed superficial values and conditioned belief and absolves us of any responsibility or will to do so. I think we are better than that and in the main capable of independent and objective thinking. Empathy and humility are hardly the provenance of the erudite and these are qualities that hopefully steer us to our "better angels" in body and spirit. I can't see porn or Terb as bell weathers of anything beyond the peccadillos of fantasy and recreational sex. Hardly a template for the full spectrum of real life and long-term relationships or basis for any sweeping sociological conclusion.


May 22, 2007
Nobody is attracted each race equally. Those that say that they do either are not taking an honest view of how they view race in their environment, or are liars.

But this is an important issue, living in a multicultural city like Toronto. I am not an advocate for racism, but before we can move forward socially in regards to racial issues in a Canadian context, we have to first be willing to talk about what bothers us about each other first. Once a dialogue gets open on the way each group treats one another, only then can we as a society start to address those issues. Being frank and open about why I have a problem with group X, and then explaining why, is the only way to raise awareness, and consciousness about a particular group's behavior to another. Racism in a multicultural climate is multidimensional in that you can be racist to one group and yet not another, and all the permutations in between. It is not enough to confine issues of racism in Toronto to issues between Black and White people. Toronto has many groups interacting with one another and it is not as, pardon the expression, Black and White.

I have yet to meet someone who genuinely treats all races the same. It doesn't happen. There are some who are convinced however, that that's not the case.


Jan 31, 2005
Nobody is attracted each race equally.
Whereas, I am attracted to women. I don't think I have ever been attracted to a "race".

Those that say that they do either are not taking an honest view of how they view race in their environment, or are liars.
I think you are projecting yourself onto other people.

I would readily admit that it would be challenging for me to form a girlfriend/wife relationship with people from some cultures, just owing to the amount of things we'd each have to get used to, but I can't think of any so called race on this planet that hasn't produced at least one woman I have (or would) thoroughly enjoyed fucking.

More to the point, if I have mostly been fucking white women for the last while then a black, asian, or indian (anything but yet another white) woman would be much more attractive to me in that moment. I like variety more than anything else.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Of course. And I think most people understand that porn is fiction. But that doesn't prevent many guys to come here on Terb asking if there's someone who does X, Y, or Z just like in the porn clip they just watched. And PSE services wouldn't be that popular if porn didn't have any effect on our sexual preferences.

So, if we agree that porn as some influence on the formation of our sexual desires, I don't think it's such a strech to think that it also has at least some influence on who we are attracted to. And given that porn is full of racial stereotype (like many other media production and society in general), I don't think it is such a strech either to think that our sexual preferences in terms of who we want to fuck are informed by those ideas which are circulated in porn and society more generally.

Yes, but we all know that.

If one takes it a step further it's factual that the more one watches porn and the more it influences us the result is the search for, let's use the word kinky", a more extreme kinky experience. PSE+. Porn desensitizes normal sexual desires.

This isn't racist. It's his personal preference and I believe racism was the original question.



Mar 26, 2009
I still find it hard to believe the people in this thread who say they have absolutely no racial or ethnic preference when it comes to sexual attraction. As a society, we've taken political correctness way too far. It's either people are denying their sexual preference in order to appear to be political correct to others, fear of being labelled as a racist (even though being more sexually attracted to one ethnicity over another is not racist since there's no conscious decision being made in the matter), or just plain denial.

It doesn't make sense, if a white guy only wants to fuck, date, and marry white women, is that racist? If a black guy only wants to fuck, date, and marry black women, is that racist? If an Asian guy only wants to fuck, date, and marry Asian women, is that racist? How about if an Asian guy only wants to fuck, date, and marry black women, is he racist too? If that were the case, every single person who's never fucked, dated, or married interracially is racist. If you have a kid that's not mixed racially, you're a racist. See how absurd that sounds? Most kids are not mixed racially, so I guess that means the majority of the people in our society are David Duke wannabes.

Moving back to reality, you're only racist if you discriminate against other races consciously, independent of your sexual and biological ethnic and racial preferences.


Just show me the boobs.
Feb 4, 2010
I don't see how a personal preference for one (or more) race(s) in a sexual fashion could be racist.

Personally, as I have mentioned, I like the lighter skin tones. Blacks are not attractive to me. This is because I have met black girls (when I was in high school) who had that stereotypical overinflated sense of worth, thinking they were the shit and all that. It turned me off them. Not that I was attracted to them in the first place, but that just sealed the deal as it were.
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New member
Jan 18, 2009
Mayer a guitar god? What is the world coming to? Mayer is the epitome of mediocrity, and mediocrity sells today.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
it comes into play if someone from another race asks you out

if you decline based on no other reason than that person's race, than aside from illegality, how is that different from turning down someone for a job because of their race

you are saying that that person, because of their race, is not worth your personal time and affection

racism : a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

of course, no one will admit to this

they'll just come up with some other excuse (he/she was too short, talked too much about Baskin Robbins ice cream, etc.)


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
Its that simple? Really?

Just as there are those who have preferences for certain ethnicities, I'm sure there are many, like me, who have no real preference. Unless spinner suddenly became an ethnic origin.
Yes, I think so. And yes, all races have women who are attractive and desirable. Hell, some guys have sex with sheep (no discrimination at all there). There is nothing wrong with having a preference. Its not racist. But most people will never admit to that for fear of being percieved as a racist. Poitical correctness is turning us into a buch of overaccomodating pussies in denial.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Whereas, I am attracted to women. I don't think I have ever been attracted to a "race".
You hit the nail on the head.

FACT: EVERY man and woman on Earth is attracted to some members of other "races". The ardent racist will deny it, but it is true. We are also all attracted to different features, and some features are more prevalent in certain "races" than others. Therefore we will find a higher proportion of people that we find attactive in some "races" over others.

So, it's legit to say "I'm rarely attracted to members of X race" but a complete lie to say "I'm not attracted to members of X race".


New member
Oct 28, 2006
maybe that's just it

just say that you prefer certain races and other physical qualities

instead, people just throw around that e-harmony bullshit (imo), about how you're incompatible


New member
Jan 19, 2006
So when JM compares his dick to David Duke, a racist white supremist, why is there any surprise when people take him at his word.
That it was a mind boglingly stupid thing to say, I would believe that most if not all of us agree.

However, this goes back to threads we've had here before, as to why so much attention is paid to the pronouncements of someone such as John Mayer who although a highly successful singer and deserving credit for that, certainly can not be described as being well educated.



Just Horny
Aug 22, 2001
between the sheets
I think John's motive could have been to serve his self interests rather than racists. Hear me out. Think about it he just put the challenge out to every non white female out there to see if she can get his dick hard. Even if the woman wasn't interested in him before perhaps he'll be getting alot more teasing or come ons from non white females who simply want to have claim to turning him on. Now if he didnn't intend to score more non white women with the comment being more of a challenge to non white women then to each their own choice but DAMMM there are so many hot non white women how can you not be aroused by them. IMHO. Sort of like the guy claiming to be gay to see if the hottie he is talking to takes it as a challenge to her being a hot woman who is hard to resist by most men. Maybe his commnets aren't as dumb as you think if the amount of non white pussy he is offered goes up dramatically. Could be method to his madness!! If this were to work then I am sure alot of guys would follow his lead just so that some non white hottie would want to roll over after fucking you and say "there I just showed you that your dick likes more than just white women" and of course his response would be "ya i guess you did, that has never happened before" of course his response would be the same for every non white woman who said this to him, " this has never happened before" of course if he is really smart he adds "maybe this was just luck we should try it one more time just to make sure it was beacuse of you"
Dam if this works he might be on to something if you can handle the abbrasive comments due to your own commnets that would offend many.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
There is nothing wrong with being attracted to only your own race. It's not racist for him to say he's not attracted to black people It would be racism if he said he HATES all black people.

The problem is how he said it. His response was really inappropriate. He REALLY could have phrased it alot better. "My dick is like a white supremacist" What a stupid thing to say.

and when it comes to race I really don't have a preference.
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