TTC Workers don't like being held accountable to the public


Jan 31, 2005
“We’ve got 13 and 14-year-olds that feel that they have an entitlement to film our operators in the performance of their duties, and that’s not acceptable,” said Bob Kinnear, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113, which represents Toronto’s transit workers.
You're damn right they're entitled to do so. Your operators better be doing their fucking job, we're watching, even the 13 and 14 year olds among us. Suck it up or find another job!


New member
Oct 27, 2006


Just show me the boobs.
Feb 4, 2010
I don't feel that 13 and 14-year-olds should be recording TTC operators doing their jobs. But, I say that because I don't feel TTC operators should be doing things that warrant their jobs being documented the way they have been lately.

Overall, I support TTC operators. But I can't support them when they are not doing their jobs, or acting like asses when they do do their jobs. There should not be all this hue and cry over what operators are doing, because they shouldn't be doing all these inappropriate things.

There is a lot more to this entire story than what we see. More transparency and more accountability is needed.


Apr 10, 2004
TO - aka The Big Smoke
TTC has been pitting operators against riders, strangling the system with ever tightening resources. It makes no sense. Drivers and collectors are already working split shifts. Now they work overtime just to secure their jobs in light of new metrics that are intended to raise attrition rates.

New technology allowing for the measurement of every minutia of driver and collector activity enables management to warehouse petty grievances against every staffer. The end result is noone has a secure job anymore. Staffers have no time or energy for pleasantries. They are helpless against black marks being placed on their record for every single instance of falling 90 seconds behind reaching point "X" on their route or passing Y-number of passengers through their turnstiles. No wonder they feign deafness when someone stops the flow to ask a question. With the added attrition rates, they are becoming increasingly short-staffed. Some of the veterans are taking advantage of the first right to overtime just to secure their jobs until their pensions kick in. I often wonder, with overtime on a split shift, if they don't nap on the job, when the hell do they sleep at all?


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Let's film the cops also when they're hiding in their cars in a laneway sipping their Tim's and donuts. Let's film the garbage collectors also, heck let's film all government workers, at all levels. Let's have shareholders film employees of the public companies.

What company do you work for? Maybe the owners should film you while you work. I sure as hell wouldn't like it.

I don't agree workers should be filmed while working, workers that are doing their jobs are to be left alone, those workers that are slacking off should be reported and dealt with accordingly.

It's a shame that a few slack workers can be viewed by the public as representative that all the workers are slackers. Most are good workers.

I'm all for punishing workers who don't perform their work, but I'm also a supporter of rewarding those that perform.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The issue isn't the filming, it's the not working. The recent incidents are amusing, like a provincial premier going to the US for surgery, posting them should be no more than a giggle of the day. Any reasonable person would understand that these workers are like any others who get caught short or succumb to boredom. They're hardly a national emergency, or a civic disgrace. A knock on the window would have woken the embarrassed sleeper; 'Thanks for the idea, I'm takin a rest stop and getting a coffee too' would have taught the driver just as much and left both content.

I just love Work to Rule Campaigns. To my mind they're wonderful examples of bad managers hoist by their own petards: If these are good rules, the system will run all the better, if it runs slow, what's that telling us about the mangers who made the rules that have to be ignored so it can run normally?

BUT calling a WTR Campaign—and we do not know, just suspect there is one—because you've been embarrassed is childish, stupid, self-defeating in the extreme. Even countenancing a spontaneous wildcat version is stupid, hostile and shortsighted if it pisses off the working-stiff riders more than it hurts the managers who have let this behaviour become the norm over the years.

Cops have already figured this cameras everywhere stuff out; as in the Djiiekanszki case, they go for the cameras right away. TTC drivers who don't have that licence to use coercion would be well advised to try brains instead and get with the public. With a coupla thosand operators, there's bound to be be another 'star' waiting to be discovered.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism

Most of big government doesn't like being held accountable to the public. Hell, most of big business too.


Jan 31, 2005
What company do you work for? Maybe the owners should film you while you work. I sure as hell wouldn't like it.
I work in a secured environment, there are cameras everywhere, and devices that monitor where I am as I travel from location to location. They did a huge fucking background check on me before even agreeing to let me in the building. They work in a public place where people have cell phones. Suck it up.


Jul 25, 2004
I got a kick listening to a TTC employee crying about the camera because they have to take a washroom break like everyone else. So you got a guy sleeping on the job and another taking a daily 7 minute coffee break leaving the paying publics to wait- how can anyone possible equate that to a normal washroom break ??? They get over $50K a year and they can't understand why we expect them to actually put in a full schedule to earn it ???? Maybe they should have to work at least 6 months in the private sector to get an appreciation for salaries and work load in the real world.

The Finisher

Active member
May 15, 2002
Way too much fat in both mgmt and union employees!
It's no wonder that the TTC is claiming to be broke! Sheesh!

I think all employees (mgmt & union) should be grateful that the public trough is still continuing to feed them!


May 22, 2007
I don't know why other transit commissions like York Region Transit and GO transit consistently offer a better travel experience than the TTC. I think that the TTC has an enormous amount of racist, lazy white people from small towns who are hired by racist hiring teams within the commission.

The commission is broken. The other commissions have white drivers, but they don't tend to have the asshole factor that the white TTC drivers do. Plus they do their jobs very well I think. But generally speaking white or not, the TTC tends to hire assholes. I think its a job qualification. My most recent experience with TTC drivers involve one who saw me at the stop, had a relatively empty bus, gave me eye contact and drove right by in the freezing cold. I called TTC about this, and she's not on the route anymore. The other time, just a few weeks ago, was when I was taking a street car, got off it, and my bag got accidentally stuck in the door. The driver looked at me, smiled with a devilish grin, and motioned like he was going to press on the accelerator. It was both embarrassing, scary and humiliating at the same time. I have never had anything remotely like that happen to me from any of the other drivers on any of the other transit commissions.

There's nothing wrong with 13-14 years old recording TTC's behavior. It's called quality control. In a way, it's a bit of a social revolution and good for the kids for taking ownership of this. I've seen far too many TTC drivers give kids a hard time, and I remember what my TTC experience was as a teenager, and it wasn't a good one as I recall.

HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
We're all acountable to our customers. It just so happens that the TTC's customers are the general public.
I've worked at various customer sites with varying degrees of security. I'm sure some of them had me on film doing my job. None of them ever complained that Iwasn't doing my job. And of course it's normal to have a bio break periodically. If there wasn't such apparent rampant abuse in other areas, I don't think there would be much attention directed to the bio breaks.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
I wouldn't have as big a problm if there were not coffee shop employees all over the city who know these guys by name and have their order ready before they get there. And yes it is that prevalent. Nobody has bothered to deal with teh issue because the TTC managment was not going to get into it . Now they have a PR disaster on the go.

As far as people not filming them misbehaving I am with Cycle guy on this one .


May 22, 2007
I wouldn't have as big a problm if there were not coffee shop employees all over the city who know these guys by name and have their order ready before they get there. And yes it is that prevalent. Nobody has bothered to deal with teh issue because the TTC managment was not going to get into it . Now they have a PR disaster on the go.

As far as people not filming them misbehaving I am with Cycle guy on this one .
I agree. There's nothing wrong with a TTC employee taking a necessary washroom or coffee break, but they can do that after they have reached their station. When I or any other TTC customer needs a coffee or needs to go to the washroom, we don't ask the bus driver to stop, wait for us and then to go again. We hold it until we get to a stop like everyone else. It is not a huge thing to ask drivers to do the same. They're not kindergarden students - and even they have more sense, as they ask permission first. The TTC doesn't just transport customers from point A to point B. They are transporting people who are depending on them to get them to work on time, young people who have that date they are looking forward to, children that need to get to and from school on time, and people who are going out to enjoy an night on the town, maybe to a show or dinner, and need to get there in a timely manner.

What that does not entitle a driver to do is to be rude, verbally abusive, inconsiderate, unsafe, or sleep on the job. This is what the TTC is about right now. and the commissioner has a problem because though I think he wants to genuinely change things for the better (he's young and it's apparent he wants to improve things), he has to fight an entrenched union, with a very, very, poor work ethic.


Jan 22, 2010
I agree. There's nothing wrong with a TTC employee taking a necessary washroom or coffee break, but they can do that after they have reached their station. The TTC doesn't just transport customers from point A to point B. They are transporting people who are depending on them to get them to work on time, young people who have that date they are looking forward to, children that need to get to and from school on time, and people who are going out to enjoy an night on the town, maybe to a show or dinner, and need to get there in a timely manner.

What that does not entitle a driver to do is to be rude, verbally abusive, inconsiderate, unsafe, or sleep on the job. This is what the TTC is about right now. and the commissioner has a problem because though I think he want to genuinely change things for the better (he's young and it's apparent he want to improve things), he has to fight a entrenched union, with a very, very, poor work ethic.
I am with you on this one .
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