The fact of the matter is that Toronto is growing in leaps and bounds. When I started working here in 1993, the population was 2.1 million. Now it's 2.6 / 2.7 million I believe.
In ten years, it will be 3 million - easily. And I'm talking Toronto proper here, never mind the GTA. Adding a million people in 25 years increases the demand on the system, including Transportation. Building the city around the automobile is not sustainable. Whether you like it or not, we need some sort of improved Public Transportation.
The LRT is a Poor Man's Subway. It's a compromise.
I'd love to see subway on Eglinton, Queen, Jane, Vic Park, whatever. But it aint going to happen because we have neither the money, nor the political will. The dedicated street car is a compromise and Mr. Rossi is obviously a ludite to criticize what has been done on St. Claire.