Avatar - Investment Nutcase Thread


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
I don't need to provide numbers to contridict lies and half-truths.
Yes, you do. Otherwise, you don't have any numbers. You're jibberish. You didn't provide any facts to contradict (nor a single number to dispute mine, which are fact).
All you are doing is "strenuously objecting". Overruled.

Keep talkin', I'm going to The Hilton.



Jun 6, 2009
When you remove your diaper, someone on TERB will tell you.....farkin' macadamia nut.

I really wasn't expecting any help from you Gayass and right on queue you show your colours. For someone who screams for numbers, numbers, numbers all the time, the only ones you've offered were in your initial two posts and they've clearly been shown to be too simple, wrong and now out of date. Aside from that, you've come out true to form and fallen back to your time tested tactic of spewing non sensical diatribe and clap trap. Then that's followed closely by ducking and diving. Keep up the good work.

I thought you said you were going to the Hilton. Got a call back did you, more dishes to wash?


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Yes, you do. Otherwise, you don't have any numbers. You're jibberish. You didn't provide any facts to contradict (nor a single number to dispute mine, which are fact).
Fine, if this is how childish you need to be.

Let’s do this one more time.

You’ve strenuously claimed and argued that the budget for Avatar is $750 Million dollars, which is not what is being reported by any other reputable news source or the studio itself. So where did this magical number of yours come from?

You’ve also claimed that the merchandising and licensing costs are factored into the production budget, and made other wild accusations about tax write offs and such.

You also originally claimed that the film would be a financial flop.

I've asked you repeatedly to provide any sources to back this up, but to date you have not. All you have done is tried to obfuscate (via childish name calling) the discussion to avoid every having to back up any of your so called ‘facts”.

So once again…I ask you to provide some facts, and the minute you do I’ll admit to your point. Until them you are nothing more than a wannabe (more likely a never was)making lots of noise.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
Guyass thinks if he uses buzz words it sounds like he know what he's talking about.
Of course he does, he thinks if by using some industry related buzzwords he picked up from Box-Office Mojo or variety he can try to pass himself off as someone who knows what he’s talking about.

All it really does is shows how much of a buffoon he really is.

I’ve been giving him ample chances to prove his point, but instead he tries to confuse the issue with lame insults. I told him show me reputable facts to back up your claims and I will admit that you are right…to this date…nothing.

Maybe he needs to be left alone to go through his back issue collection of Premiere Magazine to find some more cool phrases to use in his next irrelevant post.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven

Take a walk. Provide the actual numbers if you're so real. You don't, so you "object" and I overrule you.
No wait, masterchief "strenuously objects". Oh, well in that case, I'll have to take some time to reconsider.

My numbers are facts, because you can't identify the cost for something else, outside the box.
I see your feeble attempt for me to tell you, so you can acquire free strength. But forget it,
your experience is that much greater.

Dude, Much Music has rejected your work. Can't help you with MTV.
And the comment is "better to be a has been than a never was".
Plagiarism isn't accepted for extra credit.

Gyaos Baltar.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
masterchief,Take a walk. Provide the actual numbers if you're so real. You don't, so you "object" and I overrule you...

Once again you fail to do the simplest thing…back up your claims.
My numbers are facts, because you can't identify the cost for something else, outside the box.
I see your feeble attempt for me to tell you, so you can acquire free strength. But forget it,
your experience is that much greater..
By the way your numbers are not facts, since you can’t produce any evidence to support them, therefore they are nothing more than a guess; and that’s all you can do is guess (badly that is) and try to confuse people into believing you think you know what you talk about.

But I’ll play your little game, since it will do nothing more than once again show everyone what a buffoon you are.

Since you’ve repeatedly claimed that the production budget of Avatar is “$750 Million Dollars”
Hmmm. But, but, but, it cost $750 Million USD to make it.
I’d like you to prove your figures. You keep throwing back how you numbers are supposedly facts, yet they don’t seem to match any other recognized reporting of the reported production buget/costs. Take a look at just a small sampling here…

New York Times – $230 Million
Washington Post – $230 Million
AP – $250 Million
BBC – $200 Million
Canadian Press – $250 Million
Variety – $300 Million
Hollywood Reporter - $250 Million
Production Weekly – $300 Million
IMDB – $350 Million

Wow….none of these seem to agree with your repeated claims” of the budget being $750 Million, actually they’re nowhere near that figure you seemed to conjure up. So what you’re saying is that all these reputable news organizations are wrong, and that only you are right, that only you really know what the production budget of this film really is?

Come on.

Well I’ve shown my numbers…now where are yours?

Or is this the time that you’ll come up with yet another lame attempt to insult me to avoid having to answer?
Last edited:


Jun 6, 2009
................ Pause! Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! He's thinking. Be vewy vewy qwiet now! He's nowhere to be found in the world of Terb. I think he's gone away to hide. Again.


Le French stud
Feb 21, 2009
The more I read this thread, the more I question gyaos'sanity.
Where do you get your numbers from??
If thy were estimates, please have the decency to update them. I hope you have not chosen accounting as a career!
Avatar's official budget is aroung 250 millions and after 4 weeks it has earned over $429 million on domestic screens.
Now that is what one would call a profit.
Some sources add another 150 millions to the production costs, but even if that is accurate, the movie is still profitable. Besides all shows have been sold out for 4 weeks and counting, and with a ticket price 2.5 times higher than your regular flick, you'd need less ticket sales to turn in a profit. Avatar is still #1 at the box office and it mostlikely will stay at that spot for at least 2 or 3 weeks.
At the rate of 50 millions + per weeks, there is no way this movie can be said not to be profitable - Nutcase!

Please do some research before and after you talk.
Let me help:

It is ok to be mistaken Mr. starwars/powerranger!
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