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How much to pay an SP for a Hawaii vacation?


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
I don't know where Chuckt went but this thread probably holds some of the truth about declining participation on this board . A fellow asks for some advice and the next thing you know the bottom dwellers spring into action with shouts of pedophilia and trying to show him why he shouldn't explore his fantasy .

Looks like the haters are taking over . Mods might want to look a little closer at members who drive away participation .

I tend to agree with this analysis.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Chuckt I say GO FOR IT!!!

There is another thread here where a guy dropped dead in a parking garage.

If she wants to go and you want to go,you are BOTH adults. It's your money do what the hell YOU want to do.

Take some of the advice from the guys and girls on the appropriate fee and Bite The Bullet man! If it works out , GREAT! If it doesn't work out, you have learned something for the next time and give thanks all it cost you was money, which is easily replaceable.

You're only on this beautiful Earth for a short time brother and at 56 you're on the downside of the hill, so live the rest of it at it's fullest!

Most of the guys criticizing you would jump at the chance if they were in your shoes!

Make the best of it!!


Apr 24, 2005
If she wants to go and you want to go,you are BOTH adults. It's your money do what the hell YOU want to do.
Old Irish proverb: "Better to have gone to Hawaii and lost, than never to have gone at all."

One day, you will be 98 years old and you'll regret not having gone to Hawaii with a 19 year old hottie when you were a youthful 56.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Old Irish proverb: "Better to have gone to Hawaii and lost, than never to have gone at all."

One day, you will be 98 years old and you'll regret not having gone to Hawaii with a 19 year old hottie when you were a youthful 56.
Amen amen amen!!!! Absolutely correct!!!

After 5 pages..this is exactly the best advice so far!!!!


New member
Jan 19, 2006

My few cents worth.

Do you speak Spanish or Portugese? If so you might want to consider South America instead.

If you decide to go to Hawaii with someone, as a number of posters have wisely stated you need to make sure that the two of you are on the same page Hawaii is a distance away to after three days come to the conclusion that you don't get along at all. Related to this you need to talk about what you are going to do. . . she thinks mostly sightseeing with a nightly horizontal mambo, you see it as much more frequent.

If you go to Hawaii, best to fly out of a U.S. Airport -perhaps take the bus to Buffalo - no reason to arouse questions going through Customs and Immigration together in Hawaii.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2006
Thank you

Please accept my apology for starting this controversy thread. I sincerely thank everyone for your sound advice. You gentlemen (and ladies) have certainly enlightened me. Now I have a much better understanding of pricing and payment terms.

I will definitely see her couple more times to work things out. Unfortunately, I usually lose interest after a couple of visits. I seldom repeat.

In terms of going native in South America, BTDT. See In fact, I’ll be in Central American mountain biking over the holidays and extracurricular activities are definitely on my agenda. Going to Kauai (been to all the Islands except this one) is more of a GFE fulfilling my fancy. Like Medman52 said, life is too short.

In response to taking out cocktail waitresses for vacations, no thanks. I still love my wife even though she can be a bitch, and we hadn’t slept together for a least a couple of years. Don’t want to be Tiger, although I wouldn’t mind hitting on Elin after the New Year, ha-ha. But 2nd thought, the 9-iron, it hurts.

RE: pedophile thing, I’m not one, far from it. But I do like the companies of young ladies. And who doesn’t? Just look at the average age at the agencies section. Some 19yr can be so mature I just had a duo with one, see And you should see Kayleigh Carter working the room at the Terb party; she put most salesmen to shame. I may also have to check out Serenity_ASA too.

Thanks to Yoga Face for suggesting health insurance since I like to participate in more dangerous sports.

I never thought of “arouse questions going through Customs and Immigration together in Hawaii”. Thanks Aardvark154

Sheik thanks for putting on the Terb party, I had great time.

About sex on demand on this vacation, no way. I intend to charm her into submission.

I total agreed with Becky about spending time apart since Becky is so experienced. Besides there are so many water sports I like to do. However, if things don’t work out I may have to invite Becky instead. I really enjoyed your company, but I’m afraid I won’t last a day with you dear


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I wouldn't offer any more than $500 per day with all expenses paid. You're obviously looking for the outstanding services only an SP can provide, but still! You're flying her to Hawaii! No offense to Miss Maya Blue, but there is more appropriate ways to spend $4000. I think in this case, most SPs would be open to much lower rates. Good luck in your hunt :rolleyes:


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
So in your book as long as it's legal it's ok and everything else is irrelevant, right?

Then I suppose you wouldn't have any problem with a 56 years old fucking a 9 years old girl in oh let's say, any of the Muslim countries under Sharia law? That's the age of majority for girls as defined by Sharia.

I'm not claiming what he is doing is illegal, but it is surely on the very border of being a pedophile and obviously he seems to have pedophilic tendencies.

Your response doesn't even make sense. For THIS 56yo man, it would be illegal to be fucking a 9yo anywhere in the world, so the religious affiliation of the country doesn't matter.

And there is no "border" of pedophilia. You either are, or you aren't.

And yes, finally, the law is there for a reason, and for definition as much as anything else.

If you have a problem with the laws as written, then take the necessary steps and get the laws changed. Don't break them, and don't knock anybody who hasn't broken them.


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
I've had it up to here with some of you guys.....

What a bunch of frigging cheap fucks you are. What gives you the right to say that the SP is getting a holiday so you shouldnt pay or pay considerably less.....

FACT OF LIFE, the girls are in this business to make money. Some of them may be receptive to a free holiday and not charge more, many are not in that position. If you are asking the girl to spend a few days with you, you cover her daily rate or weekly rate and if you cannot afford that and the vacation then put it out of your mind.

Sometimes the rates are negotiable, sometimes they are not. The girls are not going to fuck you silly the entire time, nor will they want to be by your side 24/7 unless they are your s/o.

Now I have a request for many of you and if I dont start seeing an improvement in your attitudes you will be asked to leave the site. Your attitude is costing us membership when you put down people constantly, when you attack reviewers because you disagree with their review. Your whining has driven good reviewers away.

So..... come new years, there will be some changes and those who do not smarten up will in fact be asked to leave.

Anyone that sees someone attacking a reviewer should PM the url of the thread in question to one of the mods. Be civil, be sensible, and most of all remember, its their money they are spending not yours and if they want to spend 5 grand, thats their perogative not yours.

Um, Sheik, I was really starting to love your post, and I truly respect your authority... but dammit, I was disappointed when you didn't suggest some actual numbers for the O.P., as you see it.

Your thought processes are correct, but what sort of a number range do they lead to?????

PS - I miss Goober's mom


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
Agreed. Just because there is an age difference does not make him a pedo. I'm only 18, and I do not consider any of the men who come to see me Pedos, and a few are considerably older than the OP. I am of age, legally considered an adult, and mature enough to make my own choices. Thus, one cannot be considered a pedophile for being with me. The same holds true for the OP and SP in question.
Your testimony really hits the spot, although it isn't so much your actual 'age' which matters, it is the rules/laws to which the good guys adhere, and the bad guys don't.

My strong feeling is that the guy adhering to the law is never the bad guy.


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
This might be one of the best posts I've ever run across at TERB.

Wow this thread has it all. An exciting issue, quality responses, damning statements, good advice, a bitch fight between 2 members, economic theories by non-economists, a sweet offer from MMB, allegations of inappropriate behaviour, judgemental remarks, a slap-down by dad, oh and smart-ass comments from me.

Both parties are adults and can consent to this arrangement. They can decide for themselves what's appropriate.
The tribunal has previously established that both are adults, but it probably would have helped if sincere readers would have listed numeric suggestions/thoughts on the matter. (you should have talked numbers)
56 and 19 :eek: . You might need a letter from her parents saying it's OK for her to travel with you (LOL) . I'm so jealous .
In all seriousness, you might want to have a well-rehearsed story for US Immigration. I suspect that it will be entirely obvious, the nature of your "relationship". If they peg that, then they could make a case that she is going to be working in the US, without a permit. No wait, committing a crime in the US... And suddenly she isn't getting on the plane.

Maybe you should find an Asian girl, so at least you could say she is your niece or something...

We always talk about "Plan B" on here... this sounds like an occasion for a serious Plan B, and also answers the question of when you pay her.... Bare minimum: when she has cleared Immigration!


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I've had it up to here with some of you guys.....

What a bunch of frigging cheap fucks you are. What gives you the right to say that the SP is getting a holiday so you shouldnt pay or pay considerably less.....

FACT OF LIFE, the girls are in this business to make money. Some of them may be receptive to a free holiday and not charge more, many are not in that position. If you are asking the girl to spend a few days with you, you cover her daily rate or weekly rate and if you cannot afford that and the vacation then put it out of your mind.

Sometimes the rates are negotiable, sometimes they are not. The girls are not going to fuck you silly the entire time, nor will they want to be by your side 24/7 unless they are your s/o.

Now I have a request for many of you and if I dont start seeing an improvement in your attitudes you will be asked to leave the site. Your attitude is costing us membership when you put down people constantly, when you attack reviewers because you disagree with their review. Your whining has driven good reviewers away.

So..... come new years, there will be some changes and those who do not smarten up will in fact be asked to leave.

Anyone that sees someone attacking a reviewer should PM the url of the thread in question to one of the mods. Be civil, be sensible, and most of all remember, its their money they are spending not yours and if they want to spend 5 grand, thats their perogative not yours.
Some guy called Sheik is calling us "frigging cheap fucks" for stating our opinions. Should I PM you about this?

Not sure who your post was directed at but there's no way I'd pay the going rate for companionship on a trip to hawaii. Most SP's are in the position to offer better terms, but may be unwilling because they can get better fare in the city. I don't think it's a question of not being in the position to do so.

Maybe you frigging rich fucks have no concept of the value of money anymore?

Whoever started this post has the right to pay whatever he is willing and I won't attack him for it, so maybe your cheap fucks comment was directed at those who were attacking him and not those who aren't willing to fit the going bill. In which case, well I don't really still sounds like you're calling us all cheap fucks :D


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2006
In all seriousness, you might want to have a well-rehearsed story for US Immigration. I suspect that it will be entirely obvious, the nature of your "relationship". If they peg that, then they could make a case that she is going to be working in the US, without a permit. No wait, committing a crime in the US... And suddenly she isn't getting on the plane.

Maybe you should find an Asian girl, so at least you could say she is your niece or something...

We always talk about "Plan B" on here... this sounds like an occasion for a serious Plan B, and also answers the question of when you pay her.... Bare minimum: when she has cleared Immigration!
Holly shit I never thought “of make a case that she is going to be working in the US, without a permit. No wait, committing a crime in the US... And suddenly she isn't getting on the plane.” This is getting scary.

“and also answers the question of when you pay her.... Bare minimum: when she has cleared Immigration!”

Plan B: Clear YYZ US immigration separately on the outboard?

How about returning to YYZ Canadian custom?

I certainly don’t want to violate any laws, I’m getting cold feet now.


Pop Rock Kid
Holly shit I never thought “of make a case that she is going to be working in the US, without a permit. No wait, committing a crime in the US... And suddenly she isn't getting on the plane.” This is getting scary.

“and also answers the question of when you pay her.... Bare minimum: when she has cleared Immigration!”

Plan B: Clear YYZ US immigration separately on the outboard?

How about returning to YYZ Canadian custom?

I certainly don’t want to violate any laws, I’m getting cold feet now.
Don't make it too complicated, if you decide to give her a donation don't give her money during your trip as neither of you can carry that much cash without declaring in customs forms. Pay half before you leave (she leaves it at home) the remaining you can give her after your back to your place from the airport.

Both of you are just visiting as tourists. Simple.

For her to declaire working opens up a tonne of issues, its illegal to prostitute in the states and visas and what about Revenue Canada, etc.

Have fun.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Holly shit I never thought “of make a case that she is going to be working in the US, without a permit. No wait, committing a crime in the US... And suddenly she isn't getting on the plane.” This is getting scary.

“and also answers the question of when you pay her.... Bare minimum: when she has cleared Immigration!”

Plan B: Clear YYZ US immigration separately on the outboard?

How about returning to YYZ Canadian custom?

I certainly don’t want to violate any laws, I’m
getting cold feet now.
Just approach the customs desk separately. Go to different agents if you can. They won't suspect you are together, due to the differences in age and appearance. Your story is that you're going scuba diving. Tell her to tell the customs agent she's going to a wedding or a family reunion. No biggie.
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