How much to pay an SP for a Hawaii vacation?


Happily Retired
Aug 29, 2009
Everything about his fantasy is perfectly fine, its just that he doesn't have to pay so much for it. If Money is no object for him, then fine. But if he wants to same some cash, its best to go to an exotic location and pay for the local talent there. Plain and simple.

I guess for some of us, its just hard to imagine giving away so much of our hard earned money to one SP who is already getting a free trip on top of it.
If I were getting a free trip, I'd ask for my expenses to be covered, and thats it. Buy me some nice clothes, jewlery, souvenirs, and thats all I need. I think the cost of a trip to Hawaii, with meals and drinks paid for, and various gifts bought, more than covers an SPs fee. No need to give money on top of that(not that I'd ever refuse the offer of course:p)


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
ChuckT, where are you?

Has this thread caused you to rethink your plans?

I don't know where Chuckt went but this thread probably holds some of the truth about declining participation on this board . A fellow asks for some advice and the next thing you know the bottom dwellers spring into action with shouts of pedophilia and trying to show him why he shouldn't explore his fantasy .

Looks like the haters are taking over . Mods might want to look a little closer at members who drive away participation .



Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
If I were getting a free trip, I'd ask for my expenses to be covered, and thats it. Buy me some nice clothes, jewlery, souvenirs, and thats all I need. I think the cost of a trip to Hawaii, with meals and drinks paid for, and various gifts bought, more than covers an SPs fee. No need to give money on top of that(not that I'd ever refuse the offer of course:p)
Serenity goes on the list of potentials for terbites that may decide to do this at some point (LOL). Good for you .

Wondering if Chuckt got any PM's with the same offer ? How about it Chuck ?



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
If I were getting a free trip, I'd ask for my expenses to be covered, and thats it. Buy me some nice clothes, jewlery, souvenirs, and thats all I need. I think the cost of a trip to Hawaii, with meals and drinks paid for, and various gifts bought, more than covers an SPs fee. No need to give money on top of that(not that I'd ever refuse the offer of course:p)
I guess everyone is different S.A. and you mirror my feelings on the scenario. I know the lady is "working" but to get an all expenses paid trip to somewhere exotic (especially at THIS time of year lol) and then to charge on top of it? Kind of double dipping IMO.

I know people hate it when I compare this business to my own but if someone offerred me a week long trip to (say) the Bahamas and I had to work fixing up their beach house an hour or two a day, I'd say SIGN ME UP!!!!

Sheik brings up a MAJOR point to consider on these trips: how often and when is she "at your beck and call"??? I don't think it is reasonable to assume that she'll drop her pants (or bikini bottom) wherever and whenever you say. I for one wouldn't enter into a "trip" with this rule in place. If I took one of my favs away with me I'd be more interested in the company aspect than the instant sex anyways........


New member
Aug 10, 2005
Most of you are going under the assumption that MONEY IS AN ISSUE.... I think in this case it is clearly not.

Best suggestion is go with the normal day rate and work off that.. usually $1000 to 1200... i believe? Lol, just remember let her have some rest time =)
Wouldnt there normally be a discount for a weekly rate? Like renting a car, its cheaper to rent for a week than for a day.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Not quite that simple tboy..... in my line of work, I've been given a week's "holiday" and worked, still got paid my full rate, my accommodation and my meals. Now for a friend, thats a different story, but for a client, I have to be paid.
Oh I agree, an sp/client situation is a little more personal that what (I assume you're in the same sort of business I am) we do.

Just goes to show you that everyone is different. I for one wouldn't charge them full rate but then again, there are customers I WOULD charge full rate because they are simply a big pain in the ass. Now others? I do work for them free HERE now anyways so if THEY offerred to take me to the carribean? It'd be a no brainer......

(for those that say: OMG you worked for free? I've garnered about on average, $30K worth of business from doing $200 - $300 worth of work for free...pretty good ROI)


is Rebecca Richardson
May 9, 2007
It's a working vacation for her, all expenses paid to beautiful warm Hawaii.
For a week, offer her $5000 cash - half up front and the other half when you return.
+1, this seems the most reasonable. I'd work out how much time you wanted her to spend with you (hours per day) and make sure you give her time and space to herself. Take those hours, maybe ask for a slight volume discount, and use that as the additional fee on top of the trip and expenses.

Full price all the time seems ridiculous, and I doubt any lady is going to be able to work for a week straight, 24h a day. That having been said either way that's going to be a very expensive trip for you.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Locally tboy, yes I've done things for free. IE: seniors asking me to fix a door, I wont charge them for things like that out of respect for them. For existing clients, I throw extras in and not charge them for it.....

However, taking me away from paying jobs to the carribean to work, I expect to get paid for the work I'm doing otherwise I would turn it down. If I'm going to the carribean, I'm going on my terms, not someone elses.
Sounds like we're cut from the same loaf of bread (in this sense anyways lol). See I think the big difference here is that I normally can't afford a fancy vacay away (maybe I give away TOO much work lol) so it is an added bonus for me.

There is one customer of mine who always makes sure there is coke in the fridge, vegetarian food for me for lunch, works right along side of me, and she's a doll. When we work together it is almost like we're a couple working on a project together. So much so that I often feel bad charging her (but she insists).


New member
Aug 10, 2005

This thread is ridiculous!!!

How many hobbyist are over 40? I would guess at least 50%
What is the average age of an SP? I would guess between 19-25.
All of a sudden the OP asks about going on a vacation with an SP and the vacation turns him into a pedophile. What the hell is wrong with you guys, you are a bunch of hypocrites.

Kudos to the OP for finding an SP that he has previously enjoyed and want to go on vacation with.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
+1, this seems the most reasonable. I'd work out how much time you wanted her to spend with you (hours per day) and make sure you give her time and space to herself. Take those hours, maybe ask for a slight volume discount, and use that as the additional fee on top of the trip and expenses.

Full price all the time seems ridiculous, and I doubt any lady is going to be able to work for a week straight, 24h a day. That having been said either way that's going to be a very expensive trip for you.
This is why I always advocate taking someone you want to actually spend time with (in the lady's case as well) so it isn't so much about "work". I know one or two that if I offerred to take them somewhere they probably wouldn't accept anything or if they did, at a greatly reduced rate. Not saying I'm a god or anything but we seem to have that repoire......


Happily Retired
Aug 29, 2009
This thread is ridiculous!!!

How many hobbyist are over 40? I would guess at least 50%
What is the average age of an SP? I would guess between 19-25.
All of a sudden the OP asks about going on a vacation with an SP and the vacation turns him into a pedophile. What the hell is wrong with you guys, you are a bunch of hypocrites.

Kudos to the OP for finding an SP that he has previously enjoyed and want to go on vacation with.
Agreed. Just because there is an age difference does not make him a pedo. I'm only 18, and I do not consider any of the men who come to see me Pedos, and a few are considerably older than the OP. I am of age, legally considered an adult, and mature enough to make my own choices. Thus, one cannot be considered a pedophile for being with me. The same holds true for the OP and SP in question.

Iconic One

Mar 26, 2007
Ok, I'll just say Ontario.
Wow this thread has it all. An exciting issue, quality responses, damning statements, good advice, a bitch fight between 2 members, economic theories by non-economists, a sweet offer from MMB, allegations of inappropriate behaviour, judgemental remarks, a slap-down by dad, oh and smart-ass comments from me.

I'm happy to wade into this pool of communal effluence. My thoughts -

The SP is working in a nice location. It's not a vacation for her. Speak with her and come to an agreement regarding payment and disbursement terms.

Both parties are adults and can consent to this arrangement. They can decide for themselves what's appropriate.

Consider the age difference and the reality that you don't know each other well, set your expectations accordingly. It might be a good idea to plan to have time apart - several hours a day so you can both do your own thing. It'll probably be more satisfying this way for both of you. I mean, it's hard to get along with even your best friend for 7 days when you're together 24/7.

Whatever happens, if you're not too gun shy from this posting experience, let us know what happens.

Good luck.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Then maybe you're not charging enough for the work you do if you cant afford a fancy vacation away..... perhaps you're spending too much of your income hobbying. Either way, you need to take a closer look at your finances.
lol the understatement of the year lol....

(but not to hijack the thread: my business expenses exceeded my income and I am in the process of curing that)


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
I need some advice, I’m planning to take this SP to Hawaii for a week vacation, but I don’t know how much to pay her nor does she know what to ask for.
Dude, are you insane? My God. Just go to Hawaii on your own, go to that shopping center in Waikiki and just pick up a girl there FOR FREE! Dude, the 2007 economy is history. I'm telling you, if you want the girl of your dreams, just do something that makes her come to can that be so difficult?

As for $$ and an SP trip, just go to Bangkok, pick a pair of girls and go to Koi Samui for a week. You'll save a bundle and have a choice too. :p

Everyday, I see people on TERB thinking with their cock and not with their wallet, or head, when the opportunities are endless.....and better.

Gyaos Baltar.


Pop Rock Kid
ChuckT, I might be chimming in late here but here's a few thoughts.

You have seen her only 2 times and now your going to spend a week with her. You may be the nicest guy but lets face it the ladies are always cautous of clients. A favorite told me that for overnights they really don't sleep much because they never know if the guy is going to snap so they keep their guard up all the time. After days of this your date is going to get mighty irritable due to lack of quality sleep. You may have some chemistry but still you are escentially strangers. Others have mentioned not to expect sex all the time, they are probably right. If you decide to go through with the trip make sure you have a discussion with her asking her opinion of how she envisions what she wants to do on a daily basis. She may have a totally different concept of what the daily life is going to be like from your vision. I think you need to spell it out to a itinerary, sleep, fuck, breaky, sightsee, lunch, lounge, fuck, etc. She may be thinking sleep breaky, lounge, dinner, etc. Any type of mismatch will make for a very awkward trip.

As far as rate goes, I never believed in telling an SP what they should charge, just ask her what she wants. If your good with the rate go for it, if its out of your price range then say thanks but no-thanks.

my .02

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Sounds risky for both of you

I suspect some of these escapades have ended in disaster

What if you decide you do not like each other !

What if one of you becomes injured ?

Make sure you both have American health coverage !

One thing I discovered in Hawaii is the beaches on the Great Lakes are bigger and nicer

I was expecting huge crashing waves and giant beaches no such thing


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Very interesting thread....

My first thought was, "why take sand to the beach?" ;-)

However, upon giving the OP a second read, I don't think that he is concerned about cost or the variety he could have if he just shopped local while he is away.

I'm just not sure if two visits is enough to gauge whether or not they can have an enjoyable week away with one another. Does she really like your Bob Marley, or is she just a total professional that knows the value of stroking a man's ego and not just stroking his cock? Can she sustain that professionalism for a whole week? Can you suspend your disbelief for a whole week?

As for what you should pay her......

I don't get why some of the guys on here think that the cost of the vacation is enough. It is at the very least, a working vacation. She is missing out on clients while she is away, so there is potential lost income that she needs to be compensated for. Also, if she's not the sort of person who likes to go off and do things on her own, then there's really not much vacation value in this for her at all.


Apr 24, 2005
How many hobbyist are over 40? I would guess at least 50%

How many guys not named Thomson, Weston or Rogers can afford $15,000 to take a woman to Hawaii? Some of us were still paying off student and car loans (plus a mortgage) into our 30's.
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