How much to pay an SP for a Hawaii vacation?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2006
I need some advice, I’m planning to take this SP to Hawaii for a week vacation, but I don’t know how much to pay her nor does she know what to ask for. I like to be fair to her but without over pay. I can always tip her afterward.

And when to pay her? Before boarding the flight, after we get there or half way during our vacation. But taking large sum of cash is risky. How about me getting cash from an ATM everyday and her deposit into Western Union account. But from ATM I only can get US$400 to US$500 maximum a day and loss on the exchange.

The purpose of this trip is to fulfill some of my sexual fantasy like doing it outdoor, on the beach, in the water, on a surfboard, getting head while driving a Mustang convertible. She told me she likes to do it on the balcony doggie style. Join the Mile High Club that would be interesting.

I welcome suggestions for any sexual fantasy activities for this vacation since my knowledge in this area is limiting.

I have only seen this SP twice, but we had good chemistry. She liked my Bob Marley music, red wine and she likes Tim Horton’s coffee instead of Starbucks. She laughed at my corny jokes, a good listener; I told her all my family problems. She is only 19, a petite blonde, and I’m a 56 yr old Asian. Imagine the looks I’ll get when we necking in public.

During our vacation I love to show her a good time by taking her out to fancy restaurants, shopping, cook for her and give her multiple orgasm every day. Yet, at the end of the day, this is purely a business transaction.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
I would suggest you agree on a total amount. Don't forget to factor in the value of the trip to a certain degree.
Give her 33 or 50% prior to leaving so she can just deposit it in her account. Keep tabs on what you spend on her over there. Things like clothes and jewellery, etc may not be part of your regular expenses, but that should be agreed upon ahead of time.
When you get back, give her the remaining 67 or 50%. Or give her this portion as a post dated check prior to leaving if that would reassure her.
Getting into an adventure like this does require a certain amount of trust between you. For you to pay her in full and for her to live up to the expectations you have of her.

Good luck and have fun - you lucky son of a gun.


Mar 26, 2009
I need some advice, I’m planning to take this SP to Hawaii for a week vacation, but I don’t know how much to pay her nor does she know what to ask for. I like to be fair to her but without over pay. I can always tip her afterward.

And when to pay her? Before boarding the flight, after we get there or half way during our vacation. But taking large sum of cash is risky. How about me getting cash from an ATM everyday and her deposit into Western Union account. But from ATM I only can get US$400 to US$500 maximum a day and loss on the exchange.

The purpose of this trip is to fulfill some of my sexual fantasy like doing it outdoor, on the beach, in the water, on a surfboard, getting head while driving a Mustang convertible. She told me she likes to do it on the balcony doggie style. Join the Mile High Club that would be interesting.

I welcome suggestions for any sexual fantasy activities for this vacation since my knowledge in this area is limiting.

I have only seen this SP twice, but we had good chemistry. She liked my Bob Marley music, red wine and she likes Tim Horton’s coffee instead of Starbucks. She laughed at my corny jokes, a good listener; I told her all my family problems. She is only 19, a petite blonde, and I’m a 56 yr old Asian. Imagine the looks I’ll get when we neck in public.

During our vacation I love to show her a good time by taking her out to fancy restaurants, shopping, cook for her and give her multiple orgasm every day. Yet, at the end of the day, this is purely a business transaction.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I'm pretty sure you can just about any woman to go to Hawaii with you and have sex with you everyday if you pay for her plane ticket, hotel, and meals, even one of Tiger Woods' ladies. You don't need an SP, but that's just my opinion.

happy the man

New member
Jan 12, 2004
Expect to pay her well since she will be working!
I figure $1000 a day since that would mean 3 or 4 'dates' a night back home...average!
Throw in some 'free' time away from YOU and she may bite.
Of course, all expenses paid (ie. flight, hotel, meals, a few gifts and maybe $100 a day allowance). Expect to drop $12-15,000 forthe week just for her.

Alternatively, you could fly to Rio, hook up with a beautiful girl for $100-150 a day, take her out every night for another $100, and take her shopping before you leave. Expect to drop $12-1500 for the week just for her....priceless!

Just my two cents.



New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Not to offend you ChuckT, but you're nuts!

Go to Sao Paula, Rio Brazil, Cabrette in the Dominican or anywhere in Cuba. Bring a bunch of stuff from the body shop, etc. And, just some pretty young woman on the beach to teach you some spanish. She'll stay with you in your hotel. It will cost you 50 bucks to put her on your bill. You pay for everything and give her 100 US. Man, she might even bring a friend.

night ride

Active member
Jul 23, 2009
I would suggest you agree on a total amount. Don't forget to factor in the value of the trip to a certain degree.
Give her 33 or 50% prior to leaving so she can just deposit it in her account. Keep tabs on what you spend on her over there. Things like clothes and jewellery, etc may not be part of your regular expenses, but that should be agreed upon ahead of time.
When you get back, give her the remaining 67 or 50%. Or give her this portion as a post dated check prior to leaving if that would reassure her.
Getting into an adventure like this does require a certain amount of trust between you. For you to pay her in full and for her to live up to the expectations you have of her.

Good luck and have fun - you lucky son of a gun.
She has to be compensated for what she would be making here for the same time period.
If she goes for that amount it is reasonable without being crazy.I'd suggest a grand a day excluding non-fs/travel days and a good tip if you are really happy as a starting point - you lucky dog.


Mar 26, 2009
Not to offend anyone, but some of you guys just throw away money like it's toilet paper. Go to Cuba, or South America and have fun with MANY women instead of just one, for about a tenth of the price.


New member
Jun 5, 2009

... You sound a bit like a pedophile.

BTW, a 56 year old Asian who listens to Bob Marley?! I guess there is always a first for everything!

night ride

Active member
Jul 23, 2009
... You sound a bit like a pedophile.

BTW, a 56 year old Asian who listens to Bob Marley?! I guess there is always a first for everything!

19 is legal and you either are or you are not, not a "bit". Kind of like being a bit pregnant - it isn't a proper supposition.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well the going rate for 24 hrs is about $2000.00 - 2400.00 x 7 = $14000.00 -16800.00 plus expenses....(cost of the trip, food and drinks etc).

OH and unless you've spent about, oh, 10 dates with her, I wouldn't do it. Just remember: you're spending a week with pretty much a total stranger. What if she's a slob and leaves crap all over the bathroom? What if she can't stand you farting in bed?

Plus is she going to be comfortable with you knowing her real name and details? Remember: prostitution is illegal in the US and if they find out you're paying her, you both can be arrested.


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
This might be one of the best posts I've ever run across at TERB.

A man with a fair, authentic question, and a situation open to scores of right answers.

(ponders to self) Does it matter that the destination is Hawaii vs. Iqaluit?

Is it right/fair to give the woman the usual 24hr pay times 7 ???

I don't think the trading of real, personal information is significant, as it would be an even trade, and with international boundaries and airports in the mix, each has every incentive to be entirely honest about personal info while accepting the inherent risks.

I don't think the OP has cause for worry, as Hawaii is certainly a closed set, and she can't just scurry out the door with his money and into the waiting passenger seat of her 'driver's' car.

About booking, and payment, again I'd be just guessing.

Awwww heck, I think the O.P. should ask the woman if she would accept $1200 per 24 hours of the trip as the base rate. (me guessing that a woman desirous of going to Hawaii can opt for the trip at that rate, or simply say 'no, thanks')

That would make the bill $8400, and it should be established that the man pays for everything in the way of expenses.

I think that maybe it makes sense to give her a chunk of cash (lets say $1400) pre-trip... and the sum of $2000 upon return to the local airport after the trip. The rest, (guessing $5000) might be put on a money order or a personal check (cashier's check?) made out to the girl, brought on the trip to Hawaii (in an envelope with a U.S. stamp eventually affixed to it, suitable for Canada delivery, if applicable).

Once there, after two days of the trip, the man gives the woman the cashier's check for $5000 and she's free to either mail it to the address of her choosing, or keep it with her for the duration.

Now I am not confident at all that I have all of this right, or that I have thought it through appropriately, but those are my instincts in answer to a most intriguing situation.

The sum effect this puzzler would have on me, were I in the shoes of the O.P., is that my mind would become so intent upon making sure that the woman sincerely had a nice time on the journey, that the sexual company for which I would have paid would move well down the list of rearranged priorities.


Now watch, the next responder will have a very clear, and preferable insight on something I'd not considered, and I'll want to alter my approach.

Hopefully the ladies will decide whether the full day rate should apply, or whether the trip in itself is alluring enough to inspire a reduced daily rate for a weekly discount.

I do feel confident about beginning negotiations at a $1200-per-24-hours flat fee, and then working upward if indeed the woman insists.

Big Papa Smurf

aka:The Original Dr. Funk
I have only seen this SP twice, but we had good chemistry. She liked my Bob Marley music, red wine and she likes Tim Horton’s coffee instead of Starbucks. She laughed at my corny jokes, a good listener; I told her all my family problems. She is only 19, a petite blonde, and I’m a 56 yr old Asian. Imagine the looks I’ll get when we neck in public.
Travel around Waikiki & Honolulu and you'll fit right in with all the Japanese businessmen and the blonde hookers that try to entice them.:p
The locals equate an older Asian man with a young blonde, without a tan, as a hooker with her John.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Most of you are going under the assumption that MONEY IS AN ISSUE.... I think in this case it is clearly not.

Best suggestion is go with the normal day rate and work off that.. usually $1000 to 1200... i believe? Lol, just remember let her have some rest time =)

Miss Maya Blue

New member
Aug 21, 2003
san francisco
while we are on the topic, i would love to go somewhere warm over NYE!

3-4 days away, im thinking $4000 if we click and have chemistry (a date before making a commitment is necessary)


Active member
Aug 27, 2002
... You sound a bit like a pedophile.

This is entirely out-of-bounds.

We define adulthood a certain way for a reason. A person is either all adult (and fully capable of, and respected for consenting) or he/she isn't an adult.

The line is black and white, and needs to be treated as such.

It doesn't matter one bit that the O.P. saw his 35th birthday before his young companion was on this earth. She is now deemed of age to make her own decisions, and that includes whether to travel to Hawaii and whether to have sex with the consenting adult of her chosing.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
while we are on the topic, i would love to go somewhere warm over NYE!

3-4 days away, im thinking $4000 if we click and have chemistry (a date before making a commitment is necessary)
*snicker* $4K for 3 days, guess you don't want to go away that bad ...... :D

(sorry, I couldn't resist, really I couldn't)


New member
Dec 4, 2006
Ohhh..miss mya blue :)

That sounds like a very good idea, and a perfect way to meet a top notch lady, and actually get to know her. You do mean 4000 for a 4 day holiday i presume?


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
I need some advice, I’m planning to take this SP to Hawaii for a week vacation, but I don’t know how much to pay her nor does she know what to ask for. I like to be fair to her but without over pay. I can always tip her afterward.

And when to pay her? Before boarding the flight, after we get there or half way during our vacation. But taking large sum of cash is risky. How about me getting cash from an ATM everyday and her deposit into Western Union account. But from ATM I only can get US$400 to US$500 maximum a day and loss on the exchange.

The purpose of this trip is to fulfill some of my sexual fantasy like doing it outdoor, on the beach, in the water, on a surfboard, getting head while driving a Mustang convertible. She told me she likes to do it on the balcony doggie style. Join the Mile High Club that would be interesting.

I welcome suggestions for any sexual fantasy activities for this vacation since my knowledge in this area is limiting.

I have only seen this SP twice, but we had good chemistry. She liked my Bob Marley music, red wine and she likes Tim Horton’s coffee instead of Starbucks. She laughed at my corny jokes, a good listener; I told her all my family problems. She is only 19, a petite blonde, and I’m a 56 yr old Asian. Imagine the looks I’ll get when we neck in public.

During our vacation I love to show her a good time by taking her out to fancy restaurants, shopping, cook for her and give her multiple orgasm every day. Yet, at the end of the day, this is purely a business transaction.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

56 and 19 :eek: . You might need a letter from her parents saying it's OK for her to travel with you (LOL) . I'm so jealous .

As to remuneration the SP needs to be a professional and give you a price .

You should be clear on expectations before lift off or it could be an uncomfortable week . Honestly I would arrange to meet her there because traveling with a stranger for 24 hours can be very stressful . I would be more amenable to travelling back together to get that handjob at 35,000 feet .

I hope you have a blast .



New member
Aug 3, 2009
*snicker* $4K for 3 days, guess you don't want to go away that bad ...... :D

(sorry, I couldn't resist, really I couldn't)
Actually, that's less then half of her regular rate for 2 night weekend trip if shes offering for the whole 3 - 4 days and not per night.

Id suggest checking her rates before you laugh at something because you just look silly.

And no we are not going to have the famous (what should a sp charge discussion)


Nov 13, 2003
Paying for this experience is going to be a total waste of money... it is completely unnecessary. There must be tons of hot girls who are willing to provide you with the services you want for free, given they get a trip to Hawaii out of it. Why don't you try advertising a trip to Hawaii on craigslist or something. See the responses you get.

And, as others have suggested, go to South America and pickup the girl of your choice there. At least you will be their local rates instead of the rates charged here.
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