Steeles Royal

How much to pay an SP for a Hawaii vacation?


New member
Aug 3, 2009
So in your book as long as it's legal it's ok and everything else is irrelevant, right?

Then I suppose you wouldn't have any problem with a 56 years old fucking a 9 years old girl in oh let's say, any of the Muslim countries under Sharia law? That's the age of majority for girls as defined by Sharia.

I'm not claiming what he is doing is illegal, but it is surely on the very border of being a pedophile and obviously he seems to have pedophilic tendencies.
pedophilic is defined as someone who sexually likes children... last when I checked there was no age range to that word for the man/woman who likes the child. So, in this case someone who is 25 can be a "border line" pedophilic.. though what age is considered a child.. 18? 17? 12?

Soooo... your reasoning is A wrong.. b.. quite out of bounds.

I think the politically correct word is cradle robber.. or sugar daddy.


Feb 21, 2008
I can't remember the official name for those specially attracted to teenagers but there is one. pedophile, is someone attracted to childred. once a girl or boy has started puberty, developing body hair, and grown up parts. they aren't pedo bait any longer. Now a 19 year old is basically done growing. She's legally allowed to vote, drink. and has been allowed to drive for 3 years. She's not some helpless little kid. Now Kayleigh Carter seems to be popular on here. She claims to be 19, don't tell me you don't want to tap that ass.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
pedophilic is defined as someone who sexually likes children... last when I checked there was no age range to that word for the man/woman who likes the child. So, in this case someone who is 25 can be a "border line" pedophilic.. though what age is considered a child.. 18? 17? 12?

Soooo... your reasoning is A wrong.. b.. quite out of bounds.

I think the politically correct word is cradle robber.. or sugar daddy.
I believe the legal age of consent is 16 but I'm too lazy to look it up.

So while some may "think" that 56 is old to fuck a 19 yr old, how about an 85 year old wanting to fuck a 48 yr old?

At 19 she's "of legal age" to do anything anyone above 30 40 or 50+ can do. At 16 she I believe a young lady can even marry anyone she wants.

To call anyone wanting to fuck a 19 yr old a pedophile is ludicrous at best....


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
It's a working vacation for her, all expenses paid to beautiful warm Hawaii.
For a week, offer her $5000 cash - half up front and the other half when you return.

Ignore the pedophilia talk, you're both adults.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Granted whenever I say to hot salesgirls, hair salon girls, etc in conversation that I am going to Hawaii they all say "Take me - please!" and my paying for the trip is all they expect.

However, this is an SP/client thing and the OP has only seen the girl twice.

If he was a long time regular og hers the SP might just go with him just for the free trip and wining and dining. I say MIGHT so militant SPs on the board who yell "It is work! and I'd rather go alone" I'm not talking about you lol. I'm talking about adventurous young SPs with no bf or SO who haven't travellled much if at all. I have gone on trips and only paid for the trip, no fees on top, even had the girl refuse money when offered on top after the trip was over, so this does happen if the connection is right and if she actually enjoyed herself.

Anyway, he has only seen her twice, and the 19/56 ages COMBINED with the fact that the OP said his goal is to have sex when and where he wants makes this a paid trip. If she goes for free you have to treat her as a gf and can't say "Here is today's plan: we'll be doing it on a surfboard at 1pm, then on the beach at 6pm, then on the balcony at 9pm".

So fine, she likes the idea of a trip, the OP has the cash to spend, and a list of what he wants to do and where he wants to do it. Sure, it will be fun getting a bbbj driving a mustang (just don't drive off the road lol). Ask her what she makes on average in a week here. Some SPs make nothing one day, $200 the next, maybe $1,000 the next, maybe have a day off the next. So the fair thing, if you are paying for the trip and everything during it, is to pay her not the maximum she might make working full time all day every day, but what she actually does make in any given week on average. Pay her that, no more, no less.

For example, one agency girl on Terb works 3 days a week from 1 to 5pm at $250 an hour. So IF she filled every slot that is 4 hours per day @ $250 = $1,000 X 3 days is $3,000. Of course the agency gets a cut, so her after agency take home would be less than $3,000 per week, more like $2,400. That is what would be fair, so long as you pay all expenses AND she wants to go to Hawaii.

Of course if she makes more than $2,400 on average a week, you pay more, but she may make less than that too. Ask her.

Have fun! If you are going to Honolulu you can PM me for advice on things to see as I've been multiple times.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Nice comeback...clap clap clap. Bravo. Don't start something you can't finish....although your fat momma definitely finishes well.
lol.. umm ok.

I came here to discuss anyways don't rag on the guy because hes doing something you cant afford., if you want to throw insults send me a pm.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
P.S. I recommend 50% prior to departure, and 50% on return before you part company. I would avoid paying her in the U.S. as that is criminal there to pay for sex. It isn't here, so pay her here. Why break a U.S. law when you don't have to.

If you want to pay her day to day from an ATM in Hawaii in U.S. $, fine, but make sure if anyone asks that this is a "gift" for shopping money because you are a nice guy - not a payment.

If she's just bringing the cash back anyway I think the 50/50 option is better, but ask her which she prefers


May 22, 2007
are ya noob to life?

SERIOUSLY, some people here need to give their heads a fricken shake..

really, the tards are coming out of the wood works today
lol.. umm ok.

I came here to discuss anyways don't rag on the guy because hes doing something you cant afford., if you want to throw insults send me a pm.

Yeah nice try. First off, you decided to insult me, and then can't take my verbal retorts, and are clearly out of your league, so then revert to being above it all, and asking me to pm you my insults. Yeah not quite. You're not going to come on here, insult me, and then cry about it.

Second, what makes you think I can't afford to do the same thing? Just because I can, doesn't mean I would. Great for the OP, however him coming on and posting "yeah she's 19, blonde and I'm 56" and she'll be sucking my dick in a Mustang blah blah blah, is just him trying to show off. Personally, she better take him for every dime, cause that's just repulsive.

But whatever, I've been on a lot of trips and it's far better to meet girls there than to bring your own, far less of a headache. I just don't see the point in him mentioning everything else. Like I said before, He's going on vacation and paying her to suck his dick. Wooo. so cool.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Yeah nice try. First off, you decided to insult me, and then can't take my verbal retorts, and are clearly out of your league, so then revert to being above it all, and asking me to pm you my insults. Yeah not quite. You're not going to come on here, insult me, and then cry about it.

Second, what makes you think I can't afford to do the same thing? Just because I can, doesn't mean I would. Great for the OP, however him coming on and posting "yeah she's 19, blonde and I'm 56" and she'll be sucking my dick in a Mustang blah blah blah, is just him trying to show off. Personally, she better take him for every dime, cause that's just repulsive.

But whatever, I've been on a lot of trips and it's far better to meet girls there than to bring your own, far less of a headache. I just don't see the point in him mentioning everything else. Like I said before, He's going on vacation and paying her to suck his dick. Wooo. so cool.
If you want to star a insult thread feel free lol.. rather not crap in this thread. LOL, your insults don't bother me buddy.

As for him "bragging" you cant really brag when your dishing out cash.. but i guess you dont see that. Its a review board, where people talk about their fantasy or DO their fantasy.. though seems you quite can't handle someone whos doing what they want haha.

The purpose of this trip is to fulfill some of my sexual fantasy like doing it outdoor, on the beach, in the water, on a surfboard, getting head while driving a Mustang convertible. She told me she likes to do it on the balcony doggie style. Join the Mile High Club that would be interesting.
As he said HIS fantasy, its not your place to tell him what he can or cant do tard boy.

Just because you cant or can, he can and he IS doing.. no need to crap on him with your bullshit really.. your just quite ignorant.


May 22, 2007
As for him "bragging" you cant really brag when your dishing out cash.. but i guess you dont see that. Its a review board, where people talk about their fantasy or DO their fantasy.. though seems you quite can't handle someone whos doing what they want haha.

Just because you cant or can, he can and he IS doing.. no need to crap on him with your bullshit really.. your just quite ignorant.
Again, you're talking about yourself. It seems you can't handle the fact that though he may be paying for it, he also doesn't need to rub it in everyone's face, and then play it off as if he's cool. He's 56, and paying her thousands of dollars to suck his cock, no surprise there.


Jan 31, 2005
getting head while driving a Mustang convertible
This is a really stupid idea. You would be putting not only your own life in danger, but her life as well as anyone else you share the road with. It sounds about as smart as drunk driving. Best left as a fantasy in your head.

For the rest I have no comment, do whatever it is you want!


Nov 13, 2003
Everything about his fantasy is perfectly fine, its just that he doesn't have to pay so much for it. If Money is no object for him, then fine. But if he wants to same some cash, its best to go to an exotic location and pay for the local talent there. Plain and simple.

I guess for some of us, its just hard to imagine giving away so much of our hard earned money to one SP who is already getting a free trip on top of it.
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