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How much to pay an SP for a Hawaii vacation?

Miss Maya Blue

New member
Aug 21, 2003
san francisco
$4000 for 4 days actually is quite a steal. i have made close to that for a day's work. but i digress....

yes $4000 for 4 days, given that we meet first and the chemistry is mutual. all i ask is that we have a room with 2 double beds. i like space when i sleep. :)


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
Chuckt: I hope I'm wrong but my Spidey sense is telling me this is a bad idea.

Paying that kind of cash to an SP you've only met twice seems very risky to me, even in a situation where you can afford it. I would advise you to think twice about this idea.


May 22, 2007
I have only seen this SP twice, but we had good chemistry. She liked my Bob Marley music, red wine and she likes Tim Horton’s coffee instead of Starbucks. She laughed at my corny jokes, a good listener; I told her all my family problems. She is only 19, a petite blonde, and I’m a 56 yr old Asian. Imagine the looks I’ll get when we neck in public.

During our vacation I love to show her a good time by taking her out to fancy restaurants, shopping, cook for her and give her multiple orgasm every day. Yet, at the end of the day, this is purely a business transaction.
What's the point of this part? Sounds like to you are bragging a bit too much.

Yay bravo (clap clap clap). You got a girl to go on vacation with you and are paying her to suck your dick.'re the man.

Just out of curiosity, who is it you're planning on taking?

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
$4000 for 4 days actually is quite a steal. i have made close to that for a day's work. but i digress....

yes $4000 for 4 days, given that we meet first and the chemistry is mutual. all i ask is that we have a room with 2 double beds. i like space when i sleep.
Now that's a woman with a deal. ;)


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Tell her she gets a free trip to Hawaii, pay for her drinks & food & buy her something nice.
But laying out $4k over and above the trip expenses is insane.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006

So many cool guys on TERB. You snap you fingers , tell a hot looking young woman you are going to treat her to a trip to Hawaii and the pleasure of your amazing company and there is no way you can't get dozens to bite .

What a bunch of horse shit .

She puts in a few good days at work and she can pay for her own trip and that of her "girlfriend" to Hawaii .

Gentlemen stop embarassing yourselves here and give Chuck some input of value .

Hey how about the cool guys put their money where their mouth is . Your task is to entice a hot chick ( at least 20 years your junior) to accompany you on a one week vacation without charging you . All you pay is her expenses . Of course you will need to post pictures of the boarding passes , her sucking your dick on the hotel balcony , and a signed statement from the lady that you didn't pay her.

Who wants to play ? Your reward is bragging rights (LOL) .


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Tell her she gets a free trip to Hawaii, pay for her drinks & food & buy her something nice.
But laying out $4k over and above the trip expenses is insane.
Yip. She is getting a free trip to Hawaii, in winter. You likely could have low-balled her and gotten a much lower rate.

That said, unless you are able to stay up until 4AM at the clubs, drinking the whole time, the little darling is going to be bored out of her skull after the excitement of being in Hawaii wears off, call it day 3. I hope she's a good actress. My money says you will be wishing you either travelled with someone your own age, or had gone alone and just gotten local ladies to take care of your dating and nighttime needs. All the best though!

There was a 50+ Asian guy with a 23-ish white girl last time I was in Vegas. They sat beside us at the Crazy Girls show. She did not look like an SP at all, and was bored to tears, checking her iphone the whole time. I could not figure out if she was on the clock, or if they were a pair of awkward business travelers who were stuck together in Vegas. There was no physical contact that I observed, but who can say. Point is....the poor little lady was bored to tears, didn't smile once. Hopefully you two will click better than they did.

edit. Smylee - you just have to ask the right girl. If a 50 year old guy goes after the 25 year old junior accounts manager at his law firm who just graduated from Western, odds are she'll take a pass. If he goes after the 25 year old hottie lined up outside a club in the entertainment district at 1AM waiting to dance all night long with her girls, odds are she'll take a pass. If he asks the chain-smoking 25 year old welfare mom who has a black eye from her ex-boyfriend, lives in her sisters basement and likes to get loaded at the east end pool hall near her sister's place, he may have a shot at it.


Feb 21, 2008
come on, this guy seems to have the cash, all these comments about it being a waste
are pointless! Really go to thailand if you want cheap hot girls that'll do all your fantacies. But if you really want take this one girl. and want to give a fair price remember she is a working girl. someone said the going rate is around $2400 a day. i'd offer about $1500 plus make sure to take her shopping for some shotglass bikinis! Really you're paying out the ass for this. Be sure to make all expectations crystal clear before taking her on the trip. You might want to book her for an overnight before the trip to make sure you get along great, before spending a week with her.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
19 is legal and you either are or you are not, not a "bit". Kind of like being a bit pregnant - it isn't a proper supposition.
Your analogy, comparing pregnancy to pedophilia is wrong. One could have pedophilic tendencies yet not actually committed a crime. To me a 56 year old feeling comfortable fucking a 19 year old kid is a pedophile, end of the story. I don't CARE what the legal definition of a pedophile is, nor do I care about the age of majority, a 19 year old is still just a kid. Heck at 19 you can't even drink in states. Over 20-21 and you start approaching some maturity.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
What's the point of this part? Sounds like to you are bragging a bit too much.

Yay bravo (clap clap clap). You got a girl to go on vacation with you and are paying her to suck your dick.'re the man.

Just out of curiosity, who is it you're planning on taking?
are ya noob to life?

SERIOUSLY, some people here need to give their heads a fricken shake..

2) Sure she may take the trip but she wont suck and fuck you or let you touch her.. better to go alone and pay for company
3) she IS working? even though there is a vacation, she is coming to keep YOU company and much much more.. ITs no difference if you flew her to California to sleep in your pad, your just changing the location to something different..

really, the tards are coming out of the wood works today

happy the man

New member
Jan 12, 2004
The $12-15k is outrageous..besides she's on vacation too. :p
No she's not on vacation...she's working...for a guy 3 times her age!
Don't forget, she must fuck him when he has that twict in his groin.
Although it's an experience, she must be compensated. As Miss Maya said, a thousand a day plus expenses is very reasonable. She just may be able to get away and have a mini vacation. I can't imagine paying that kind of money to get laid maybe twice a day...but Chuckt might. Age is irrelevant in her business unless she makes that. She's just working for a guy she likes...I hope.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Surely someone can help this poor chap and find a website or two of escorts that are working in Hawaii and arrange to meet them there when he gets to his hotel. He would be able to chose from the various women at the agencies and experience multiple fantasies with multiple women likey for a lot less money.:confused:


May 22, 2007
SERIOUSLY, some people here need to give their heads a fricken shake..

really, the tards are coming out of the wood works today
Yeah no kidding. Except you seem to be describing yourself.

By the way great handle BillyBobBobbyBob. Are you dyslexic or just suffer from stuttering? Kinda reminds me of Dustin Hoffman in Rainman. Go eat some pancakes, and don't forget the maple syrup.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
This is entirely out-of-bounds.

We define adulthood a certain way for a reason. A person is either all adult (and fully capable of, and respected for consenting) or he/she isn't an adult.

The line is black and white, and needs to be treated as such.

It doesn't matter one bit that the O.P. saw his 35th birthday before his young companion was on this earth. She is now deemed of age to make her own decisions, and that includes whether to travel to Hawaii and whether to have sex with the consenting adult of her chosing.
So in your book as long as it's legal it's ok and everything else is irrelevant, right?

Then I suppose you wouldn't have any problem with a 56 years old fucking a 9 years old girl in oh let's say, any of the Muslim countries under Sharia law? That's the age of majority for girls as defined by Sharia.

I'm not claiming what he is doing is illegal, but it is surely on the very border of being a pedophile and obviously he seems to have pedophilic tendencies.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Surely someone can help this poor chap and find a website or two of escorts that are working in Hawaii and arrange to meet them there when he gets to his hotel. He would be able to chose from the various women at the agencies and experience multiple fantasies with multiple women likey for a lot less money.:confused:

I dont see why people want to "help" him.. he wants to take her, let him, he has the money to do it it seems, hes asking what the correct steps are in this type of arrangement, and plausible prices.

Soo, as for the majority to sum up 37 posts

1) half before at the airport, half after you get back. (Though) IMO all upfront before you leave or once you get there to Hawaii. No money no honey.

2) About 1k per night to 1.2k..

Tips are just like when tipping at a restaurant, its what you rate the service.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Your analogy, comparing pregnancy to pedophilia is wrong. One could have pedophilic tendencies yet not actually committed a crime. To me a 56 year old feeling comfortable fucking a 19 year old kid is a pedophile, end of the story. I don't CARE what the legal definition of a pedophile is, nor do I care about the age of majority, a 19 year old is still just a kid. Heck at 19 you can't even drink in states. Over 20-21 and you start approaching some maturity.
You're right out of whack. Pedophilia isn't about liking emotionally immature girls, its about liking undeveloped girls. Nineteen is physically mature, developed and ready to have kids. Its entirely normal, and legal, for guys of all ages to look at a hot 19 year old and to want to fuck her. Most of the agencies that advertise on this site, bank on that.

Here's a random 19 year old celeb. Note the fully developed breasts, the broad hips, the full thighs. Anyone who thinks she's kind of cute and fuckable, is normal: By asserting that a guy who wants to hit this chick is a pedophile, you are doing harm to the true victims of that hideous crime. Shame on you.
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