Negotiating Chinese Style


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I dont think this is anything outrageous. if a man threatens the life of an innocent little boy he should have seen what was coming for him. We would probably done the samething in this country if he did not give up peacefully. maybe more high tech way, like a swap team tear gas or rooftop sniper, but some action would have to be taken to safe the victim.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
I dont think this is anything outrageous. if a man threatens the life of an innocent little boy he should have seen what was coming for him. We would probably done the samething in this country if he did not give up peacefully.maybe more high tech way, like a swap team tear gas or rooftop sniper, but some action would have to be taken to safe the victim.
Not to sound like a spelling nazis but I think you mean SWAT, aka ETF here instead of swap ;)

BTW, tear gas is a poor option outdoors and in a way indoors. Depending on the situation, SWAT teams usually breach the obstacles, throw stunned grenades before storming the enclosed area and disable each hostage taker with 3 bullets on average in a couple of mins time window.

Tear gas is flammable if I could recall and that's big hazard when the hostage takers try to burn something in desperation.

Rooftop sniper is not always an option, especially when the hostage taking is very fluid and dynamic and the hostage takers start to harm the hostages within mins the event unfold. The advantage of rooftop snipers is basically letting the SWAT teams to do stand-off, real time albeit rudimentary intelligence, in addition to say getting the blueprint of the building that holding the hostages before planning the rescues.

Moreover, it takes a lot of training for sniper to be calm/cool and patience to disable the target with one shot without second chance. Sniper training in essence is tougher than the SWAT team training and you do not say "one shot, one kill" for nothing.

BTW, maybe it's about time for Gong An (Public Security) or People's armed police to purchase more taser guns and corner shots.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
They took out the threat and foe a moment the world was safe.

Maybe more people need to act instead of bitch that other did not act.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Sentimentality has no benefit to society as a whole. It seems they get this in China, but not in the west.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Do we have fashion police here? Finally! Everyone should look as following: white sox, white sneakers, shorts, camera, 30lb overweight, a little bit loud and obnoxious, burgers and fries in one hand, coca-cola in the other.

Did I hit a nerve.....


The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
Depending on the situation, SWAT teams usually breach the obstacles, throw stunned grenades before storming the enclosed area and disable each hostage taker with 3 bullets on average in a couple of mins time window.
If you notice in some of the photos, there is a bright light in the room. It looks like they did do something to distract the kidnapper so that the marksman could get a clear shot.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
If you notice in some of the photos, there is a bright light in the room. It looks like they did do something to distract the kidnapper so that the marksman could get a clear shot.
The civilian police over there was lucky to have the kidnapper looked disturbed and held knife or something, instead of Type 54 pistol ( aka Chinese clone to the Soviet TT-33 pistol) the PC used to shoot at the hostage taker.

And the civilian police were pretty confident that the kidnapper was an unemployed Han Chinese/drug addict, instead of hard-core Uighur separtist wearing concealed explosive belts who was cornered and hell bent to kill the Han Chinese law enforcement officers. :eek:


Apr 13, 2004
Speaking as a person born in a Communist country, as much as I support swift justice for trash like this kidnapper, I much prefer our system of justice.

Indeed, having a kidnapper holding a hostage in front of all to see is an open and shut case. But what of anyone who criticises the government, as several have done in this thread? What of the Fa Loong Gong or the Buddhist monks? Did you see the Chinese Google page for Tianamen Square compared to ours?

Ask yourself do you really want to live in a country where you have to watch every word you say or write, where you cannot trust your own family or neighbours because they could be a government snitch. Where, even if all those around you are on the level, you still half-expect for the secret police to break down your door and take you away, with no justification or due process.

Then take another look at Canada, and be glad you live here.
Well said!

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
Speaking as a person born in a Communist country, as much as I support swift justice for trash like this kidnapper, I much prefer our system of justice.

Indeed, having a kidnapper holding a hostage in front of all to see is an open and shut case. But what of anyone who criticises the government, as several have done in this thread? What of the Fa Loong Gong or the Buddhist monks? Did you see the Chinese Google page for Tianamen Square compared to ours?

Ask yourself do you really want to live in a country where you have to watch every word you say or write, where you cannot trust your own family or neighbours because they could be a government snitch. Where, even if all those around you are on the level, you still half-expect for the secret police to break down your door and take you away, with no justification or due process.

Then take another look at Canada, and be glad you live here.
Especially when you hear about something like this:
Toronto Escorts