Negotiating Chinese Style


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
Demands of Kidnapper & the CHINESE Negotiator

'I have 3 demands or I'll kill the boy!'


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006

• In our country, we would shut the street down for 48 hours.
• Take 12 hours to talk him out of it.
• Spend $5 million giving him a fair trial.
• And pay his food and lodging for life.



New member
Nov 27, 2006
Funny the news hasn't been river-crabbed :rolleyes:

Doubtful whether this will happen when negotiating to Uighur suspect in Urumqi


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2001
In a place far, far away
In the old days after an execution, the Chinese Government would send the decedent's family a bill for the bullets.

The Chinese government has progressed as they now absorb this cost :D

A few days ago there was an article in the Toronto Star about one of China's most wanted criminals being able to living in Canada because we can't extradite him - oh I feel so proud to be a Canadian knowing there are people like that living in my country making my government spend my hard earned tax dollars so the murdering, thieving @#$$ @ssholes can get a fair trial.

But like they say there are two sides to the story and they might be innocent.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
In the old days after an execution, the Chinese Government would send the decedent's family a bill for the bullets.

The Chinese government has progressed as they now absorb this cost
Don't forget they harvest the executed organs and sell those to the hospitals with profits before creamation.

A few days ago there was an article in the Toronto Star about one of China's most wanted criminals being able to living in Canada because we can't extradite him - oh I feel so proud to be a Canadian knowing there are people like that living in my country making my government spend my hard earned tax dollars so the murdering, thieving @#$$ @ssholes can get a fair trial.
The dude name is Lai Changxing

That explain why it's very hard for the mainland Chinese to get visas to come to Canada and United States, even for those who are landed immigrants. North America is the only continent where the mainland Chinese could not come freely.

When and if the time comes for the mainland Chinese to come here without delay, do not be surprised there will be price pressure on incalls/outcalls/MP, not SC since the supply could spike. Plus there could be busload of "tourists" coming to Vancouver & Toronto to beat up all the condo prices when the try to recycle excess USD here.....literally in freshly minted USD$100 bills

BTW, don't bet on our "high moral" PM to make a deal with the Chinese Communists to extradite Lai for trial, in exchange for more JV oppotunities for the Canadian businesses. Stephen Harper is in western provinces, Alberta for sure pockets and he probably cares more to persuade the Chinese to buy more Potash than anything else. Maybe he could try to ask the Chinese to invest in oil long as they are not the front for the Communist parties :rolleyes:

Of those Canadian businesses that prosper over there, namely Bombardier, Manulife, RIM, Power Corp and to a lesser extent Sunlife, none are from the cowtown. Bombardier and Power Corp are controlled by the Francophones....

But like they say there are two sides to the story and they might be innocent.
Regretably, they do not need to translate the term "shoot before you ask".


Apr 24, 2005
Stephen Harper is in western provinces, Alberta for sure pockets and he probably cares more to persuade the Chinese to buy more Potash than anything else.
Are you kidding! Canada is selling potash to a country that violates human rights? What does Bob Rae and Jack Layton have to say about that? We should never trade with countries that violate human rights (like shooting kidnappers on sight).:rolleyes:


Apr 24, 2005
you should live in china if you like there laws so much
Definitely no. Stay here in Canada and work to change the laws. Start with the one that makes some consenual adult sex behind closed doors illegal. Next change tha too easy to get bail laws.


Apr 24, 2005
was an article in the Toronto Star about one of China's most wanted criminals being able to living in Canada because we can't extradite him
Handing a Chinese national to the Chinese government is the same as handing a captured Taliban to the Afghany government. It would really piss of Bob Rae and Jack Layton.

But like they say there are two sides to the story and they might be innocent.
That is for "them" to decide. Why do we have to be involved everytime someone yells "refugee" or "torture"? They have their laws and customs and we have ours. Why do we think that we are always so right when it comes to nationals of other countries?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Black shoes, black sox and shorts...... good move on putting the poor bastard out of his misery.....



New member
Jul 14, 2009
Black shoes, black sox and shorts...... good move on putting the poor bastard out of his misery.....

Do we have fashion police here? Finally! Everyone should look as following: white sox, white sneakers, shorts, camera, 30lb overweight, a little bit loud and obnoxious, burgers and fries in one hand, coca-cola in the other.


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
Speaking as a person born in a Communist country, as much as I support swift justice for trash like this kidnapper, I much prefer our system of justice.

Indeed, having a kidnapper holding a hostage in front of all to see is an open and shut case. But what of anyone who criticises the government, as several have done in this thread? What of the Fa Loong Gong or the Buddhist monks? Did you see the Chinese Google page for Tianamen Square compared to ours?

Ask yourself do you really want to live in a country where you have to watch every word you say or write, where you cannot trust your own family or neighbours because they could be a government snitch. Where, even if all those around you are on the level, you still half-expect for the secret police to break down your door and take you away, with no justification or due process.

Then take another look at Canada, and be glad you live here.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Are you kidding! Canada is selling potash to a country that violates human rights?
Theoratically China has no choice but to buy Potash from us as fertilizers to feed one-quarter of mankind and Canada could gouge the Chinese on price if they want to since Canada has the largest reserve base.

Don't count on it though cause the Canadians are simply too nice by stereotype and default to some extent to man up in front of the new "bully" on the block like China.

They may act tough only when the soverign funds from China, with billions of USD at disposal to become big institutional investors, up to the 20% ownership at POT (not weed), similar to what they are doing at Teck Resources. This could happen sooner than you think if BHP ever starts friendly takeover battle to POT and the Chinese came in to bid up the price.

What does Bob Rae and Jack Layton have to say about that?
The two reminds of gay men who do not have guts to come out of the closet, meaning Communism in true spirit are in their blood instead of pretending to be friendly to bourgeoisie.

The metaphor is equally applicable to the Chinese Communists, except they have fear to come out of the closet and live like rapacious, ruthless, self-centred, soulless Capitalists, instead of pretending to be a champion for river crab :rolleyes:

Both groups do not want others to challenge their legitimacy.

We should never trade with countries that violate human rights (like shooting kidnappers on sight).
Sounds like Israel fits the category like China and the Israelis have no qualm to utilize "bang-bang" to the Palestinian hostage takers, aka 2nd shot on his head to make sure he's dead seconds after the hostage was rescued.

But wait a min, unlike the Chinese it's a big risk/extremely sensistive to critize them without being labelled as Anti-Semite or worse tacit endorsement of genoicide by default.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Do we have fashion police here? Finally! Everyone should look as following: white sox, white sneakers, shorts, camera, 30lb overweight, a little bit loud and obnoxious, burgers and fries in one hand, coca-cola in the other.
Not so sure whether you are aware that unlike mainland Chinese ladies, many mainland Chinese men are known to be absolute fashion disaster in the eyes of Fashion Police.

That's on top of being chain smokers and smoke in front of you indoors without discretion or respecting the by-laws.

In other words they are becoming big fat ugly Americans we love to make fun :eek:

Still, the silver lining is mainland Chinese men of this caliber is less common here since those who could afford to come here and study here are on the whole very hard working, affluent and way better educated.

Not necessarily so for those working at the back of meat counters in Chinese grocery stores or restaurants.

BTW, many mainland Chinese ladies are fashion disaster in different category in terms of the money they blow on brand name like LV, Gucci, Hermes etc and the way they match the clothings and shoes.
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