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are all women sluts ?


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
For the short-term maybe. But if I'm going to be in a relationship with a girl, she better not have had over three cocks at my age. Nothing casual for her either; all her encounters must have happened in the context of a relationship. And yes, handjobs/fingering count, ladies.
All of which just means you're insecure. When you mature a bit you'll begin to appreciate the true value of a woman who, like anyone mature, has had successes and failures, lived and learned, picked up ideas from having had some experience, and so on. You'll see.

As for the "are all women sluts" question. No, unfortunately. Though I'm being a bit facetious, of course. The good ones are partially slutty but also have values, which means you can trust them but they'll rock you at home rather than star fish you to death.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
For the short-term maybe. But if I'm going to be in a relationship with a girl, she better not have had over three cocks at my age. Nothing casual for her either; all her encounters must have happened in the context of a relationship. And yes, handjobs/fingering count, ladies.
I'm not looking for long term. No marriage, no relationships. So I'm not concerned about that.

Good luck.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I'm not looking for long term. No marriage, no relationships. So I'm not concerned about that.

Good luck.
Nothing wrong with that.

Actually, the older I get, the more I think that I should just hit 'em and quit 'em. Western society has turned women into these contemptible creatures that I don't even want to get to know. Of course there are still some women out there worthy of seeing my romantic side, but they're so far and few between that I've had to suppress it.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
Nothing wrong with that.

Actually, the older I get, the more I think that I should just hit 'em and quit 'em. Western society has turned women into these contemptible creatures that I don't even want to get to know. Of course there are still some women out there worthy of seeing my romantic side, but they're so far and few between that I've had to suppress it.
Gee, and what did it do to men? Or were they always the of the ilk that I assume they are (at least in your world)?

Man, the misogyny today is something else. Is there something in the water?

WTF? :confused:


Apr 13, 2004
IMHO the meaning of the term "Slut" is evolving with time. It used to be the absolutely worst thing you could call a woman, but now it is kind slight dirty but endearing. Sometimes women use it to tease each other about their sexual prowess. I suspect in the long run the meaning will be closer to stud...
Reminds me of the MadTV skit where Keegan-Michael Key and Crista Flanagan had a "Webster's dictionary news conference" about the changing definition of "slut, whore, and bitch" which now stands for a term of endearment between drunk girls as in, "Me and my bitches had a sluts night out."


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012

My mother gave me some advice as a teenager.

She said, "If you want to get anywhere in life then you treat a lady like a lady and you treat a whore like a lady."

My father gave me some advice too.
He said, "If she's good enough to lay down with, then she's good enough to keep your mouth shut about it"

Who would ever have thought that advice would come in handy.


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
A slut is an attractive girl who will have sex with somone but won't with me.
Thus many girls are sluts, but a guy can't be a slut.
You mean the following aphorism . . .

A slut is a girl who sleeps with everyone.
A bitch is a girl who sleeps with everyone but me.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
If a girl is too easy (slut) it isn't as much fun as if she was more challenging no? It is the act of chasing makes courtship interesting. If everyone was fucking everyone else, sex would lose meaning and no one will feel special anymore, not to mention the spread of STDs

Rosie O'donell

New member
Aug 7, 2006
@ home of course. Jeesh!
are all women sluts ?
Oh God!!!
Rosie only wished!!! :D
Well, not ALL women...
There's no use in people like Susan Boyle being a slut. No thank you...


New member
Dec 26, 2006
Not in TO at least. Women in TO are all self-absorbed, arrogant gold-digging bitches who only care about your money and status and who don't put out.

I suspect that you are being facetious but that's how I feel when I get back from a weekend in Montreal....or anywhere else in the world for that matter.



New member
Jan 26, 2005
Twig> I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up.
So a shitty lock is a slutty lock??? Are all slutty locks females??? Are you sure no male slutty locks exist in this vast, mysterious universe??? Are only keys males and locks females??? Yahoo to you twisted brand of logic!!! Do you know what a categorical mistake is??? :rolleyes:


Mar 6, 2006
I totally loved your joke. I think lots of people didn't get this one.

Gen- I'm impressed that you got the joke. maybe it has something to do that you shopping for a new computer?


wonder if Raid will work if I spray it at my monitor


New member
Jan 26, 2005
yahoo40 said:
are all women sluts?
Oh God!!!
Rosie only wished!!!
Well, not ALL women...
There's no use in people like Susan Boyle being a slut. No thank you...
Be careful of what you wish for, Rosie. If God grants your wish that all women are sluts, it follows that all Mr. Yahoo's female relatives, past, present, and future are destined to be sluts. :cool: LMAO!!!


Well-known member
What do you mean you're impressed I got the joke? Are you questioning my sense of humor, or my reading and comprehension abilities?
I think he was so happy you gave a "Ha,Ha" about his "Raid" joke that he tried to replay on it again to get another"Ha,Ha".Either way,seems he adores you inside out.
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