SP's ads and photoshop


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
Do you find tattoos on a woman a turn on or turn off or are your feelings indifferent?
Insignia on forehead: turn-off

Most other places: interesting discussion item.

Good, well placed art on someone who likes it usually means a sense of confidence and ownership, and that's sexy.

Relevant sub sub question: correlation between having a tatoo and liking others' tatoo's? Me: have.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Oh, I see. When I hear folks prattling on using the word 'affect' I cringe for the fate of leftist thought. I prefer not to be in touch with fads going nowhere; or, will have no effect.

Todays rant: check.
If I had time for it and the inclination, I would write a genealogical historical materialist analysis of the affective fetishization and identity performativity of buzz words in academia, to show their participation in the biopower technologies of the Empire project toward the production, disciplining, regulation and subjugation of imperial subjects and disposable bodies.

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
If I had time for it and the inclination, I would write a genealogical historical materialist analysis of the affective fetishization and identity performativity of buzz words in academia, to show their participation in the biopower technologies of the Empire project toward the production, disciplining, regulation and subjugation of imperial subjects and disposable bodies.
Sweet FSM, can I just call myself a Social Democrat and be left on social and economic issues and never go back to university again? Please? :p

edit: The 'identity only' wing of the socialist movement has do a great job of going where the votes aren't while allowing creeping inequity to spread. Damn 3rd Way'ers' with their "modestly liberal on social policy and very neo-liberal on economics". Damn tofu eating one legged fun killing hippie lesbians causing what were bread and butter social democrats to go running to conservative parties. But I digress. edit 2: Not that I disagree with "tofu eating one legged fun killing hippie lesbians" they just make damn poor mascots and for bad central policy planks in elections.


Camel Toad
Nov 19, 2007
Gettin' Licked
I ask of all the men here. Do you find tattoos on a woman a turn on or turn off or are your feelings indifferent?
A major turnoff though I have "learned" to tolerate the tramp stamp. These days the"clean slate" stripper is both the rarest and hottest thing to me. :p


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
Cupids pictures are the worst in terms of photoshopped. The girls look so good then you see them in person and you wonder if its the same girl.
All agency photos tend to look the same. I think the agencies like it that way. They can substitute girls as long as they vaguely look like the pic on the site.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I've noticed some considerable mention of tattoos in relation to photoshopping . The question doesn't relate so much to whether they are shown in a photo or not but rather about personal taste.

I ask of all the men here. Do you find tattoos on a woman a turn on or turn off or are your feelings indifferent?
I find most tattoos a turn off. I've grown tolerant of the small of the back ones seeing as 90% of SPs seem to have these. Other than those, I don't like them. If the ad says extensive tattoos present and they are photoshopped out of the image, I am OK with that. I just don't like them removed with no note made of it in the ad and finding out at the appointment.


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
If I had time for it and the inclination, I would write a genealogical historical materialist analysis of the affective fetishization and identity performativity of buzz words in academia, to show their participation in the biopower technologies of the Empire project toward the production, disciplining, regulation and subjugation of imperial subjects and disposable bodies.
. . . which would be interesting, if only you quoted the likes of Austin, Althusser & Adorno, and Gramsci, and left behind all those silly postmodern idiots and their blathering about 'affect' and 'disciplining'. I know you know what I mean.


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
can I just call myself a Social Democrat and be left on social and economic issues and never go back to university again? Please? :p

edit: The 'identity only' wing of the socialist movement has do a great job of going where the votes aren't while allowing creeping inequity to spread.
I can solve your problem. The identity freaks were never Socialists. Ever. Redistribution was never on their agenda. It is safe to label them a speed bump in the path of leftist thought.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
. . . which would be interesting, if only you quoted the likes of Austin, Althusser & Adorno, and Gramsci, and left behind all those silly postmodern idiots and their blathering about 'affect' and 'disciplining'. I know you know what I mean.
I would be more inclined to quote the likes of Said, Giroux, Foucault, Stoler, and McClintock. Maybe a bit of Gramsci.

But we've hijacked this thread enough as it is. Back to the ethics and affect of aesthetic (re)presentations of female sex workers bodies and subjects. ;)


Wherever u go, there u r
Jan 7, 2009
Back to the ethics and affect of aesthetic (re)presentations of female sex workers bodies and subjects.
You mean 'pictures'? :p

If one is opinionated about pictures (aesthetic (re)presentations), does that mean one is pictorializing?

Friendly amendment to thread: what about when the client is MORE impressed by the girl in the flesh than the girl in the pic? Everyone seems to be assuming that, if the intent was to be accurate, that the picture can transmit 'information' without loss.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
For example, pics on Mirage website are too photoshopped for me. It's too perfect/fake/cartoonish - no human looks like that. Thankfully, they tend to actually have attractive SPs so it's forgivable. But there are times at various agencies where the person looks nothing like the pics.
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