Kennedy Assassination


Apr 24, 2005
It's certainly quite possible and suggesting that it couldn't have been him because he only obtained the second highest ranking seems ludicrous to me.
It is certainly theoretically possible but there is also room for asking the question as well. A real sharpshooter was barely able to duplicate that shoot (minus the tree). Plus, Oswald had the added pressure of shooting at a real President (and not just a recreation).


Apr 24, 2005
Not even trained marksmen could do that without practice.
This reminds me of that YouTube video showing this high school basketball player throwing a ball through the hoop while looking the other way. Later, it was revealed that the video on YouTube wasn't his first attempt (it was his 25th).


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Who cares about the moneygram? Maybe he was hoping that he'd miss Oswald so he'd have a good reason to fail his mission, and get off the hook. Maybe he wanted to help his stripper before shit happened?
Sorry boys but I couldn't do the hit because one of my strippers called me and said she needed some cash right away.

I have some serious shit I have to do Honey so I want to take care of you before I go away for life.
Here is $25. :D


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Ruby stalked Oswald a day or two earlier, meaning he didn't know exactly when he'd have the perfect opportunity to kill him.

What he did prior to murdering him is irrelevant. He still was waiting for him when he shot him. He had plenty of time regardless of the errand.
4 minutes is not plenty of time and it's not like he would have his choice of so many more chances.

He likely wouldn't have even been in the area to get the lucky chance had it not been for the Western Union stripper cash.

Even if he was looking for chances before this, so what?
How do you connect that to him being a hired hitman?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Why was he in Western Union sending money to a stripper 4 minutes before he killed Oswald?

Did someone call him on his cell phone and tell him that Oswald requested a sweater so he has a few more minutes to send the cash? :D
cell phone in 1963?


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Why would Ruby risk missing this brief, and potentially only, window of opportunity in order to Western Union one of his strippers $25, with literally a couple of minutes to spare?

What benefit did Ruby stand to gain by doing this 'job'?
He obviously knew there was absolutely no chance for him to get out of there and get away with the murder.
How could he think it is a wise business decision to essentially throw away and ruin his life?

A lot of people were shocked, outraged, and furious that their president was assassinated, especially those in their home town.
Many would have undoubtedly like to have killed Oswald but most would not have the means and guts to try it.
To do so would be an irrational emotional thing to do which is likely what motivated Ruby.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Why would Ruby risk missing this brief, and potentially only, window of opportunity in order to Western Union one of his strippers $25, with literally a couple of minutes to spare?
The program "The Ruby Connection" also pointed out that if the police car that was going to transfer Oswald had backed up into place just a few seconds sooner, Ruby would not have been able to get close to Oswald because the car would be between them.

There were literally seconds to pull off the shooting of Oswald.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
did they explain the back and to the left movement of his head? How can a shot from the rear do that in contravention of Newton's Conservation of Motion Law?

What are the odds that a bullet that causes seven wounds in two men and smashes two bones ends up looking nearly pristine?
You misunderstand the nature of the film

They only established that the fatal shot came from the Depository not that Oswald did it

If I were setting up Oswald I would have a sharpshooter ( or two ) at the Depository to do the shooting as well other bullets could have struck the President at other points in time from other locations but the fatal shot. and the fatal shot only, came from the Depository


New member
Nov 16, 2001
You make it sound like a random act of violence,
I can't imagine how you came up with this.
Please quote the words I posted that lead you to this nonsense.

I think it was a very lucky fluke that he happened upon the opportunity.
And even then it took the Oswald sweater request and late car backing up to give him the brief window he needed.
If you think he was in the area for this opportunity and he just decided to go to Western Union to send a stripper $25 while he had a few extra minutes to kill, you are nuts. :rolleyes:

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Did the film explain the back and to the left motion as resulting from a shot from the same direction?
It did not raise that question

The only question it raised was the dispersal pattern of Kennedy's brain matter, skull fragments and blood

There were only three reasonable positions that a shooter could of been in at that point in time of the fatal shot in the Z film to get a head shot without going through the windshield

The only shot that even came close to the dispersal pattern was the Depository shot and that dispersal pattern was extremely accurate

While it did not raise the question of two simultaneous strikes, most certainly two simultaneous bullets in the head would not have created the same pattern


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
The test is incomplete then and not conclusive. It is biased towards the Warren Commission Report.
If I am not mistaken and remember correctly both "Inside The Target Car" and "The Ruby Connection" seemed to conclude that The Warren Commission came to the correct conclusion. So it does seem biased.

I could be mistaken.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
They cleaned much of the gore from the car BEFORE Frazier from the FBI did his examination, so how could they get it right in the first place based on blood dispersion alone?
They located two eye witnesses who saw the dispersal pattern before it was partially cleaned and they agreed it was a match


New member
Nov 16, 2001
You make it sound like it was random because you discount the importance of the stalking issue, and treat Ruby, like some sentimental nut who walked off the street like Hinckley, but was in fact a smooth operator, with mob connections and a criminal background.
How do you equate the stalking issue with him being a hired hitman?

The fact that he didn't get him in his very first attempt is not an indication of his motive.

I don't think Ruby was hired to do this hit and I don't think he was a nut.
I think he had a very understandable reason to want to kill Oswald.

How much can you pay someone to do something that will end up ruining their life?


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
They located two eye witnessess who saw the dispersal pattern before it was partially cleaned and they agreed it was a match
Yup, that's true, they (eye witnesses) said the test "brain matter" scattered around the interior of the car seemed to be a very close match to what they saw.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Btw...I read a biography on the son of Mafia Boss Joe Bonnano and he said that some guy in the Mafia (Roselli's men?) also shot Kennedy from a man hole cover or curb side drain or something like that and he knew that as a fact. Who really knows what happened. It does make for very interesting reading though.
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