Kennedy Assassination


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Oh the conspiracy theories,

CIA, The Mob, Cubans, Russians,Cycle GUy and Mrs CG( something about monoplizing the blond).

The man is dead and his dream died with him and his brother. If the media was as diligent then as it is now we would have had a very different version of him for public consumption. I really doubt he would have been elected.

Times do indeed change


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Oh the conspiracy theories,

CIA, The Mob, Cubans, Russians,Cycle GUy and Mrs CG( something about monoplizing the blond).

The man is dead and his dream died with him and his brother. If the media was as diligent then as it is now we would have had a very different version of him for public consumption. I really doubt he would have been elected.

Times do indeed change
Ol'e Jack was a whoremonger for sure!!!!!!! I recall reading a while back if he didn't have sex at least TWICE a day he would get one of his migraines.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2005
yes, he was shot on my birthday. i was just a pup. can,t believe its been 46 years. couldn,t understand why my mother was crying on my bday.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
I was in public school and remember my immigrant mother ( who probably knew nothing about JFK) crying while watching the news, and softly mumbling "the poor children".

I didn't really understand, but it seemed so, so sad.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Just another unqualified politician IMHO

Was he a great intellect with a world class doctorate in economics and world politics

He was an electable of the power elite no smarter than Bush or Reagan

I do not care that he was fucking around except he should of been too busy for that FFS

The shot that killed Kennedy came from the sixth floor of the observatory

A program on TV with ballistic experts and reactments proved it all else is wild speculation

Some are convinced the towers were done by the CIA

The law of math states coincidence will happen by chance
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New member
Feb 28, 2007
I assume you mean re-elected.
Nope elected period. imagine what would have happened if he had been given the press treatment of Bush, Palin or Clinton ( just to kepp both siodes engaged).

His failings would have been broadcast to the country at large and whether or not they would have cancelled out the positives is something we will neer know.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
I wonder how he would have handled Viet Nam if he had been re-elected which I'm sure he would have.


Jun 6, 2009
Just another unqualified politician IMHO
Was he a great intellect with a world class doctorate in economics and world politics

He was an electable of the power elite no smarter than Bush or Reagan

Please expand on your statement that he was not qualified.

One thing I know and appreciate is that he knew the horror of war up close and personal and that counts big time for me. What areas do you think he fell short.

He did graduate from Harvard cum laude in International Affairs. He didn't get that because he could open a cereal box.

By the way ALL winning politicians are elected/supported by the elite, even some losing ones .


Nov 28, 2004

He was charismatic, he appealed to people's better nature, he had vision.
Good enough for me.
I remember it all well, I was in university and was on my way home from school when I heard the bad news. The whole event was on TV - in glorious black and white - for the whole weekend. I saw the scene live where Jack Ruby shot Oswald. Jackie was absolutely unbelievably stoic and inspirational.
Her decision to not change, to keep on wearing the dress with his blood on it so everyone would see it, was something you remember your whole life.
In those days the president of the usa was revered and respected as a very special person. The idea that someone like George Bush might be elected president one day would have been regarded as impossible.

Oh the conspiracy theories,

CIA, The Mob, Cubans, Russians,Cycle GUy and Mrs CG( something about monoplizing the blond).

The man is dead and his dream died with him and his brother. If the media was as diligent then as it is now we would have had a very different version of him for public consumption. I really doubt he would have been elected.

Times do indeed change
There's a conspiracy about me & Mrs. CG!? :eek:

Oh, and to answer the OP- I was just a glint in the "old man's" eye. I was born the following September.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Please expand on your statement that he was not qualified.

One thing I know and appreciate is that he knew the horror of war up close and personal and that counts big time for me. What areas do you think he fell short.

He did graduate from Harvard cum Lauder in International Affairs. He didn't get that because he could open a cereal box.

By the way ALL winning politicians are elected/supported by the elite, even some losing ones .
Getting a degree is hardly qualifications for being the most powerful person in history even if he was in the top ten percent of his class

All politicians are DE facto incompetent because all political systems I ever heard of elect those who have the support of the elite which DE facto discludes almost all of the .00000001 percent who do have the right stuff to lead.

The right stuff includes far more than a simple degree and war experience

Part of that inclusion must be a truly brilliant mind and a work ethic of the special forces in training which, by definition, discludes 99.9 % of the population

He was competent only when judged against his peers which is weak judging criteria

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009

None of those ballistic programs prove the single bullet theory (they're flawed as well and I will argue anyone on specifics).

An analysis of the Zapruder film clearly shows that JFK was ALREADY reacting to a shot as he emerged from the Stemmons Freeway Sign which means that it was before the separate reaction we see with Governor Connally (there's a lapel flip but it's not really the lapel that flipped, nevertheless it could be bullet strike albeit a separate one).

Blood and brain matter struck a motorcycle patrolman on the left rear of the presidential limousine. Eyewitnesses claim there was a hole in the back of the head (I will post an enhanced Zapruder frame that shows an avulsion to the back of the head, meaning a shot from the front, which by definition proves conspiracy).
Did you see the special on TV last night

By using the Zapruder film , and closing down the Daly Plaza , they did a reenactment with actors and modern forensics and the world's top sniper and concluded the fatal bullet had to come from the sixth floor to create that wound and blood pattern. They even managed to create the same skull fragment that Jacky is seen reaching for when she climbs onto the trunk and the same brain dispersal that smattered onto the motorcycle cop

But they only discussed that one bullet shot not how many shots there were or how many gunmen

They even compared the results with witnesses who saw the blood pattern inside of the car before the CIA agent started to clean it up with a bucket and rag :eek: WTF did they give that guy a promotion


Jun 6, 2009
Getting a degree is hardly qualifications for being the most powerful person in history even if he was in the top ten percent of his class

All politicians are DE facto incompetent because all political systems I ever heard of elect those who have the support of the elite which DE facto discludes almost all of the .00000001 percent who do have the right stuff to lead.

The right stuff includes far more than a simple degree and war experience

Part of that inclusion must be a truly brilliant mind and a work ethic of the special forces in training which, by definition, discludes 99.9 % of the population

He was competent only when judged against his peers which is weak judging criteria
So you really think graduating top 10% in Harvard is not impressive. What would impress you then?

So you think his being awarded the Navy/Marine Corps Medal, the 3rd highest ranking medals in the Navy was dumb luck or maybe he did have the right stuff. They don't hand those out to just any chump you know.

Your 'de facto' statement is so laughable, it's clear you just one of the semi-disenfranchised whiners that think almost everyone ( wouldn't want to be accused of excessive hyperbole) in a position of responsibility is corrupt/incompetent, having bought or f**ked their way to the top and not worthy of their place in the scheme of things.


Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
So you really think graduating top 10% in Harvard is not impressive. What would impress you then?

So you think his being awarded the Navy/Marine Corps Medal, the 3rd highest ranking medals in the Navy was dumb luck or maybe he did have the right stuff. They don't hand those out to just any chump you know.

Your 'de facto' statement is so laughable, it's clear you just one of the semi-disenfranchised whiners that think almost everyone ( wouldn't want to be accused of excessive hyperbole) in a position of responsibility is corrupt/incompetent, having bought or f**ked their way to the top and not worthy of their place in the scheme of things.


I never went that far in what I said

Kennedy was a smart and competent and truly caring human being compared to other politicians or my capabilites although he fucked up The Bay of Pigs, the Missile Crises as it came way to close to nuclear war, never used science to tackle global warming at its nascent even though it was known but instead used science to fly to the moon, then there was Viet Nam which he had three years to solve and ...

What I said was the system does not allow for the greatest leaders to lead
and Kennedy was an example although Bush is a better one

To lead histories greatest empire and de facto the future of humankind one should be one of the greatest humans ever which means true brilliance, knowledge and the work ethic of special forces in training as a start

There are people like that they are found in .001 % of the people

They do science, math etc but not politics

And no, I am not disfranchised

I had an Uncle as a MP of the Feds and now have a school drinking buddy who is a provincial MP

Neither one were qualified IMHO although they have done well in re elections and obtaining portfolios

I could have gone that path and perhaps succeeded but I know in my heart of hearts I am not qualified

Our system does not search out, nor does it elect, that very tiny percentage of our race that truly has outstanding and brilliant abilities on all levels of leadership. These are the humans worthy of leading the human race to its greatness and these are not the humans elected


Jun 6, 2009
I never went that far in what I said

Kennedy was a smart and competent and truly caring human being

What I said was the system does not allow for the greatest leaders to lead
and Kennedy was an example although Bush is a better one

To lead histories greatest empire and de facto the future of humankind one should be one of the greatest humans ever which means true brilliance, knowledge and the work ethic of special forces in training as a start

There are people like that they are found in .001 % of the people

They do science, math etc but not politics

And no, I am not disfranchised

I had an Uncle as a MP of the Feds and now have a school drinking buddy who is a provincial MP

I could have gone that path and perhaps succeeded but I know in my heart of hearts I am not qualified
You give me so much material, thanks.

The term was 'semi-disenfranchised' but I'm splitting hairs.

Do you really feel that the USA is one of histories greatest empires? That's a real stretch. Outside of a few small islands, there's not much to this empire, unless you want to think of a financial empire. Then you get into who actually holds the money in this empire. Then you might want to consider military empire, remembering that the US has troops in approximately 130+ countries in the world, excluding embassy assignments. So when did this empire begin? This might help me in understanding your definition of 'empire'.

I also have a couple family members who've done their time in tier two politics and chose, in time, to leave that maze for other endeavors.

Oddly enough if you look at the majority of politicians, you see the largest majority of them come from legal backgrounds. I'm not saying that it gves them the best grounding but it is a point to ponder. It's a strong contention of mine that much of the legislation passed is made complicated by design so that the lawyers have something to do after their time in politics.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
If you make a law so complicated that only a select few can understand it you do not have a legislature you have a religion.

Point in fact I was once watching a political show when this subject was brought up. The lawyer/legislator said without a smile I might add that you need lawyers to make the laws so that they are legal.


Jun 6, 2009
If you make a law so complicated that only a select few can understand it you do not have a legislature you have a religion.

Point in fact I was once watching a political show when this subject was brought up. The lawyer/legislator said without a smile I might add that you need lawyers to make the laws so that they are legal.
Scratch head!!!

Somehow, come up with a name, please.
Ashley Madison
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