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local women - are they all that cold??


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I think that amongst the men I know..they have treated women with respect..they've given them the benefit of the doubt....paid they're way countless times...and they've ended up with a shit sandwich...
I know guys who have been treated like shit by women as well, but it was by an individual, not all women in general. Women can be assholes, guys can be assholes - we have our equality in some respects.

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
Yet, strangely enough, you don't hear me complain that I can't get laid, that I can't find a date, or that my partner is a selfish ass who doesn't care for me and my needs and won't put out.

But clearly, I am the one who has trouble forming relationships and see other people as disposable. Clearly.
You can get laid anytime you want...guys have to work at it....and work damn hard at it...We give respect, time, money, and sweat...and ask for a bit of friendliness in return...Instead we get your jarring sarcasm(sigh)

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
I know guys who have been treated like shit by women as well, but it was by an individual, not all women in general. Women can be assholes, guys can be assholes - we have our equality in some respects.
Finally, a willingness to recognize that the problem is out there...we need this on a larger scale to open up some dialogue upon the sexes.


May 22, 2007
Here's the thing,

All of the posts have been fair responses, whether I agree with them personally or not, but when you have something to compare it to you then have a frame of reference.

I definitely don't think all women are bad. But the warmest, kindest, most loving girls I have ever met, aren't from Toronto. And that is a consistent pattern. The thread was if you think local girls are cold. Yes I do, and and I would add fucked. As I have said, when you see the way women from other places do it, you really realize what you're missing out on, and what is reasonable behaviour and what is not.

Is it reasonable for a girl's last boyfriend to be a pimp? On this board maybe. In everyday life, hell no.

Now for all the situations that were reversed, where men cheat etc etc etc. that's fine, if that's your experience then you can also talk about it. But what I have noticed from the way let's say a girl in Montreal behaves, or New York, or La, or Miami, or Boston, to a girl in Toronto, it's like day and night. These girls want to get to know you and want to fuck, and things seem more in sync there for me. Here, things seem so out of sync. Now if it was just my observation, I could say it's just me, but when I hear other people on this board, and listen to the comments from my friends, I know that is not the case. Keep in mind that I have also heard this from girls in Toronto that have been living here all their lives, Girls visiting from other countries, recent immigrants, those from immigrant families etc. Most recently for example, I met a girl from out west, and one of the first things she mentioned to me were how fucked up the girls were here. How compared to back home, they were all catty, self-serving backstabbers. This girl is hawt, and she was so sad to be here. We connect well, but she is not from Toronto, and that is probably why. We date and talk all the time late into the night. She's great, but like I said, she's not from here.

When I went to Montreal, the girls would approach me, dance with me, and talk to me. Made me feel very welcome and comfortable. In Toronto, the girls treat you like you're not even a worthwhile human being. It's so sad.

My assumptions were even more changed when I went to LA and New York, wow! the girls there are just spectacular. And really friendly. I can tell some stories, but suffice it to say the girls there made me feel like a rock star and they were local celebrities, young and hot. I can't say more, but they treated us very well.

In LA at the clubs, the girls were so enthusiastic and sociable. They wanted to get to know you. At the beach they would follow us. it was really actually cute. They were great. In the shops and the stores, they wanted to go out with you. and we took some of them out (we didn't buy anything, but that's not what it was about).

In Atlantic City, the same thing. The girls there were amazing. Treated us with courtesy, respect and took the time to talk to you. They would come up to you, but even if I came up to one of them, they were so accomodating and really nice to talk to and be with. I talked to a few for hours and it was nice.

In Boston, the college girls were just amazing. I am planning to go back. Fun to be around, unpretentious, kind.

I have been here in Toronto for over 30 years, and haven't seen that. I'll use that as my barometer for whether I think my point of view is valid or not. Yeah, like I am going to take the word of women in Toronto, that women in Toronto are nice. That's hardly objective, and not my experience, and therefore not valid for me.

The girls outside of this place are not just great, they are amazing. Spectacular. Both in looks and in personality. And when you compare them to the girls in Toronto, you really get a sense of how bitter and negative the girls here really are. It is so sad.
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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I agree that in general women in Toronto are colder than elsewhere.

I'd also say that men in Toronto are colder than elsewhere.

This isn't exactly news.
No question...many guys are dogs, and they deserve criticism..but the topic was women's coldness, let's stay on track
I was just wondering how much you truly believe in equality like you say, and how much ownership you are willing to take for things that other men do, like you want the women here to do?

You bought it up as apart of your argument, so it is on topic. Answer the question please.

Are you willing to take ownership for their behavior and recognize that it may have a huge part to do with why women are the way "you" feel they are.

Please remember that women have had to fight to get out of the kitchen, vote, work, etc. Women had to fight men, husbands, fathers, boyfriends etc. Women are still fighting today, or do you not see that? Do you not think that a small part of that would be responsible for the coldness you are taking about?

No wait, because it is only TO women who are like this right? No where else in the world..... Give me a break! :rolleyes:
I agree that in general women in Toronto are colder than elsewhere.

I'd also say that men in Toronto are colder than elsewhere.

This isn't exactly news.
It is true that men in TO are cold heart assholes. Anywhere else in the world I have gone.....

wait I can't say that. All men I have ever met want my ass! LOL :rolleyes:


May 22, 2007
It is true that men in TO are cold heart assholes. Anywhere else in the world I have gone.....

wait I can't say that. All men I have ever met want my ass! LOL :rolleyes:
By the way Kya, all of this aside, I have always wanted to say, that I think you have an incredible ass.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
I agree that in general women in Toronto are colder than elsewhere.

I'd also say that men in Toronto are colder than elsewhere.

This isn't exactly news.
Could be just because it's November,,,,it's fricking cold out there. ahem :D


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
You guys souldn't be looking at my ass!!!!!!

Is that what cold TO bitch would say? LOL

JK - y'all know I love to have fun with ya!

Hold it!

It's your mind I want. That could really be fun...:)

Popcorn? Becel on mine please.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
You can get laid anytime you want...guys have to work at it....and work damn hard at it...We give respect, time, money, and sweat...and ask for a bit of friendliness in return...Instead we get your jarring sarcasm(sigh)
I only give sarcasm when you work for it.

See, the difference between you and me is that I believe that men and women are people, and recognize the individuality of everyone. So while I've met and interacted with my share of mysogynist self-entitled assholes who believe that they are God's Gift to Women, you've never heard me suggest that all men (not even the majority of men) are mysogynist self-entitled assholes. I'm also not asking all men to take responsibility for the behavior of those mysogynist self-entitled assholes.

And while it is generally easier for women to get laid, when it comes to relationship, it takes work, empathy, openess, and willingness to give from both sides for it to go somewhere. Again, I am not the one bitching and whining that I can't get a partner and build a relationship that works for the both of us.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
I only give sarcasm when you work for it.

See, the difference between you and me is that I believe that men and women are people, and recognize the individuality of everyone. So while I've met and interacted with my share of mysogynist self-entitled assholes who believe that they are God's Gift to Women, you've never heard me suggest that all men (not even the majority of men) are mysogynist self-entitled assholes. I'm also not asking all men to take responsibility for the behavior of those mysogynist self-entitled assholes.

And while it is generally easier for women to get laid, when it comes to relationship, it takes work, empathy, openess, and willingness to give from both sides for it to go somewhere. Again, I am not the one bitching and whining that I can't get a partner and build a relationship that works for the both of us.

Misogynist:- Individual who dislikes women. For those that didn't know the word.

Gen, I agree with your relationship thoughts. The problem is that there are too many men and women who are self centered and only think of themselves.

The instant pleasure society also bares a part.

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