Asian Sexy Babe

Unprofessional Industry


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
I am already prepared for the insults that will come out of this thread, however, it has to be said... again...

Why is it that 99% of women that work in this industry have to be so damn unprofessional? You would think that if one chooses to be in a specific line of work that they would make a least a minimal effort to provide a decent service and constantly try to improve that service. That is how it works in almost every other business anyways...

I have posted this before, but this is an updated version...

This list applies to all MPs, SPs, and SCs...
Things to improve on / start doing / stop doing

1) Do not have a clock in the room period - that means never ever...
2) If you are charging for an hour, stay for an hour, every time.
3) If in an hour session, msog is always an option... no extra charges!
4) Competitive rates are always a must
5) If your not in a good mood, dont take a client - that simple
6) If your never in a good mood, go work for the government!
7) If you offer a specific set of services, stick to it, never change it for one client, but not another!
8) If you advertise opening and closing hours, always be open during them... no exceptions.
9) Remember that you need your clients! Its always better to resolve a dispute by using the "customer is always right" process of thought.
10) Never accept a booking an not be available.
11) Show appriciation for your regulars, give them free stuff, or something... remember how much they are worth to you in the long run.

Most important - You are all Businesses, Act like a business...

This is just a beginning, there are many other points to make but these are the most important...

I am not sure why industry workers have such a hard time understanding these concepts?? The ones that dont understand should either start doing somthing else for a living or go back to school!

One last thing - If you advertise yourself as a "cute GFE" or "crazy PSE" make sure it is the truth! Never lie to any client...


May 17, 2005
Who has got to you this time???

for the sake of the board and other members ...

For the MPs, I definitely want them to stick to their advertised hours instead of closing early. I have been disappointed many times ....

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
I won't even ask what prompted this post, but I can endorse it. Does not apply to all I have seen just most. But given the indusrty in question, I doubt many business majors gravitate to it.

I'll leave "pissing in the wind" comments to others... :eek:


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
no one specifically, but this is the result of many experiences over the last months... Also a result of comments from others on TERB.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
I dont consider opening one to be an option as I have not met enough talent to staff it! I suppose that it is always a possibility though


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
I agree that management is the problem in some cases... and also agree that if given a discount, some people take advantage and that is not good either...
Reading the label as you say is very difficult when there is no label to read! lol kind of funny but also true in some cases. And yes, I know the spa makes less money than the girls... and when I said to give a preferred rate or discount, that should come in part from the girls as well! They should be made aware that by doing so they are building a solid customer base.

Anyways, I have opinions, I have a great amount of business experience, but I am not saying that I know everything. I would think though that anyone who participates in this hobby will agree with my post!


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
I don't disagree with you in principal

however it goes both ways. If their experience is that customers don't treat them with respect, they aren't likely to show any greater respect for their customers. It's not just about that session or the last time you saw her, it's an experience built up over time.

So to point that same line of reasoning at customers, I would say this...

Why is it that 99% of guys that choose to seek services in this industry don't treat the women with same basic respect they would afford any other business? You would think that if they wanted a girl friend experience that try and treat their SP like a girlfriend. That is how it works with people, you tend to get what you give...

I too have posted this before, but in other words...

This list applies to all customers...
Things to improve on / start doing / stop doing

1) If you like/dislike particular practices, say so, so that they can be modified or highlighted.
2) If you want things to proceed at a certain pace make sure this is understood
3) Discuss what options she has chosen to make available during a certain session length, ideally before the appointment is made so there are no surprises.
4) Feel free to shop around, but no haggle over prices. It makes everyone come off feeling cheap and does not set the mood for the appointment.
5) If your not in a good mood, don't expect your SP to fix you - that simple
6) If your never in a good mood, there is always porn to rent!
7) If you want a specific set of services, let your SP know what you like, but understand that she is providing an intimate service and personal hygiene, attitude and history with her make a difference. She may not be amiable to providing some services to some clients.
8) If you make an appointment, keep it, or cancel with all possible notice... no exceptions.
9) Remember that we need each other! Its always better to try resolve a dispute privately first.
10) Never book an appointment unless you're sure you're going to be available.
11) Show appreciation for your regulars, give them free stuff, or something... remember how much they are worth to you in the long run.

One last thing that bears repeating - If you seek a GFEE put in the effort to be a BFE for them.


New member
Oct 12, 2004
How can I say this with some delicacy. I'm not sure why this irks me so much but it does.

twizzler2 - While I think your points are very valid and deserve a thread and lot of discussion;


ncn2004 has valid points and I would like to add and read how fellow TERBs feel about it and how ladies in the profession feel.

twizzler2 - If you feel strongly about your different topic and/or you wish to defend the ladies, good on you, but please don't hi-jack someone elses thread. lash out and start one yourself. If it has merit you will get lots of responses.

You've got lots of great posts it's just the placement i'm grumbling about.



Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
not trying to hi-jack

I understand ncn's points and agree with them, although some more than others. I've even experienced many of the same things that erk him.

I think this is the right thread because my point is:

The way SP's treat customers is very much tied to how customers treat SP's.

I'm not here defending anyone, I'm saying we all play a role in this. It can't be fixed by one of the two parties alone. That's why I posted this here.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
ncn2004 said:
I am already prepared for the insults that will come out of this thread, however, it has to be said... again...
I agree with most of what you say, but I think you might be a bit subjecive in your evaluations.

ncn2004 said:
You would think that if one chooses to be in a specific line of work that they would make a least a minimal effort to provide a decent service and constantly try to improve that service. That is how it works in almost every other business anyways...
Oh really!!! Sorry, but I can't agree. I'd love to get the quality of service I give when I go to spend my money -- but between you and me, when I'm the customer, I often am left to feel that I'm being done a favour and that I should be happy that I'm getting any service at all.

Often when I'm the customer, I'm told that I can suffer through everything from lengthy wait times to frustrating customer service/technical support because that's what's best for their business. Imagine an escort being so bold as to tell a customer that! When I was in school, I remember doing the lessons about why you're selling a product or service -- of course it's to make money, but no one will buy if you present it that way. You have to discover what the customer wants and satisfy that need/desire.

Regrettably, I feel many big businesses have lost sight of this lately!

ncn2004 said:
This list applies to all MPs, SPs, and SCs...
Things to improve on / start doing / stop doing
Have you seen ALL mps, sps and scs? If not, please address specifically only those you have.

ncn2004 said:
1) Do not have a clock in the room period - that means never ever...
2) If you are charging for an hour, stay for an hour, every time.
Do you see the folly of what you just said here? If someone is basing her charges on time, then how can it make sense for her to have no way of knowing how much time has passed?

Myself, I use music to know the time and pace (which more often than not, means slowing down) sessions. But any service provider who bases her rates on time must have some method of tracking time -- that's just common sense.

ncn2004 said:
3) If in an hour session, msog is always an option... no extra charges!
Agreed... as long as the gentleman is willing to stay within the hour or pay for any time he goes over.

ncn2004 said:
4) Competitive rates are always a must
But within the range of competition, there is a range. If you chose to patronize the bottom end of the range, then you need to understand why they might be undercutting the market -- maybe there's a reason you see so many problems.

ncn2004 said:
5) If your not in a good mood, dont take a client - that simple
6) If your never in a good mood, go work for the government!
Mostly agreed -- especially if you happen to get a stinker customer just then. But I find that working generally cheers me right up.

ncn2004 said:
7) If you offer a specific set of services, stick to it, never change it for one client, but not another!
Don't be ridiculous! Why do you think so many SPs don't want to be reviewed? Each customer is unique -- and we're not McDonald's Drive-Thru. Your mileage may vary!!!

ncn2004 said:
8) If you advertise opening and closing hours, always be open during them... no exceptions.
What if we're with another customer? Again, we're not McDonald's.

(I'm beginning to think McDonald's should be an agency!)

ncn2004s said:
9) Remember that you need your clients! Its always better to resolve a dispute by using the "customer is always right" process of thought.
There's one I'd agree with. I feel that if you give a customer quality service and he cheats you or argues with you anyway, then best just to smile and make the best of a bad situation and avoid him in the future. Rely on your regulars. Some customers are perfect for wishing on your competition.

ncn2004 said:
10) Never accept a booking an not be available.

But be sure you know what constitutes a booking. Sps have dozens of guys a day telling them that they intend to see them -- be sure you understand the criteria for being a solid booking. And remember too that if you expect a booking to be solid for you, that makes you liable if you cancel or no-show.

ncn2004 said:
11) Show appriciation for your regulars, give them free stuff, or something... remember how much they are worth to you in the long run.
Free stuff?? Oh no. We owe our regulars only quality service. That should be enough to bring them back. If they aren't happy with that, they are welcome to look around, see if there's anyone better for them out there.

It's funny, but Sps often compete on price and maybe on promises -- but few compete on quality. If a regular can do better elsewhere, then he should -- but the fact is that most Sps who have a lot of regulars encourage their customers to check out other Sps -- you know what they say: if he comes back to you, he's yours;if he doesn't, he never was.

ncn2004 said:
Most important - You are all Businesses, Act like a business...
Be caeful what you wish for. We could act like a major utility and charge you a file setup fee. Or like your local hospital and charge you for parking.

ncn2004 said:
This is just a beginning, there are many other points to make but these are the most important...

I am not sure why industry workers have such a hard time understanding these concepts?? The ones that dont understand should either start doing somthing else for a living or go back to school!

One last thing - If you advertise yourself as a "cute GFE" or "crazy PSE" make sure it is the truth! Never lie to any client...
You have a lot to learn about advertising. Like the rest of us you have the responsibility of being a smart consumer.

I agree that there is a lot of unprofessionalism in this business -- and I'm not making an excuse here -- but that's par for the course across the board. I'm not the Sp for everyone, but I do fine -- and yet, when I go to spend the money I make, I often feel intense frustration.

I wish I could expect to be treated as well as I treat my clients!

The sad truth is that I find it a lot easier to make money than to spend it -- how freaking scary is that???



Jan 23, 2006
(This could not have been better said well done)
twizzler2 said:
however it goes both ways. If their experience is that customers don't treat them with respect, they aren't likely to show any greater respect for their customers. It's not just about that session or the last time you saw her, it's an experience built up over time.

So to point that same line of reasoning at customers, I would say this...

Why is it that 99% of guys that choose to seek services in this industry don't treat the women with same basic respect they would afford any other business? You would think that if they wanted a girl friend experience that try and treat their SP like a girlfriend. That is how it works with people, you tend to get what you give...

I too have posted this before, but in other words...

This list applies to all customers...
Things to improve on / start doing / stop doing

1) If you like/dislike particular practices, say so, so that they can be modified or highlighted.
2) If you want things to proceed at a certain pace make sure this is understood
3) Discuss what options she has chosen to make available during a certain session length, ideally before the appointment is made so there are no surprises.
4) Feel free to shop around, but no haggle over prices. It makes everyone come off feeling cheap and does not set the mood for the appointment.
5) If your not in a good mood, don't expect your SP to fix you - that simple
6) If your never in a good mood, there is always porn to rent!
7) If you want a specific set of services, let your SP know what you like, but understand that she is providing an intimate service and personal hygiene, attitude and history with her make a difference. She may not be amiable to providing some services to some clients.
8) If you make an appointment, keep it, or cancel with all possible notice... no exceptions.
9) Remember that we need each other! Its always better to try resolve a dispute privately first.
10) Never book an appointment unless you're sure you're going to be available.
11) Show appreciation for your regulars, give them free stuff, or something... remember how much they are worth to you in the long run.

One last thing that bears repeating - If you seek a GFEE put in the effort to be a BFE for them.


New member
Sep 15, 2005
dont forget one more...

They should turn off their DAMN phone when you are in there having a session!!!

Nothing is more frustrating than hearing the phone go off every 30 seconds while you are trying to get it on.....

This one SP actually said, "sorry", STOPPED, then picked up the phone.



Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
Joyful C,

I greatly appriciate your time spent writting that post! Your views make sense for the most part.

First, I do agree that there are many business in many fields do not pratice proper customer service. And yes it is hard to spend money sometimes... This is a result of "Walmartization"

If an sp were to act like a business and charge a set up fee and parking fees, this may be ok if the service offered meets all of the points I outlined earlier. I never mind paying more for top service! "You do get what you pay for"

And yes, I agree with the phone issue... TURN YOURS PHONES OFF


creatvehnd 4 ladies
Jan 2, 2006
Customer service

I am still looking to open an MP, and may have found one. I intend to bring with me the same customer service that keeps my clients comming back, as well as the feeling that I have gone the extra mile for them.
The inherent problem with this industry, the massage side, is to fing girls who actualy want to do the work, and have a desire to improve, this is in no way disrespect for all the hard working MA's out there, it's just massage in it self can and should be extremely intense on it's own, and that is where alot of MA's miss the idea, more than have the work can be done with great massage technique. I have taught in school as well as private work shops and I guarantee all of you that when I do open the MA's will be able to give amazing massage, that is only the begining, they will also be taught customer service in all aspects of the buisiness, with all this said what is needed on the part of the clients is respect, for the MA'a time and their hard work if they don't do a good job. (and I don't mean just beacuse you did not get what you wanted) post it here, or you will be able to contact me, if you want excellent service you have to be willing to constructively critisize not just bitch.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
This topic has been visited many times. I remember when I first started in this hobby being infuriated at paying top dollar and receiving lousy service. I learned that it is pointless to get upset. This is a rough and tumble industry that is unregulated and attracts some of the not so savory types. You have to be prepared to spend money and time and, at times, get poor service. It comes with this territory. Too EXPECT that an sp/mp will act professionally is not realistic. If you get burned, chalk it up to experience and move on. Which brings me to the critical point I am trying to make. MOVE ON. Do not frequent the ladies who provide bad service. If you do you are essentially the author of your own misfortune. Notwithstanding the poor reviews there are many girls in the Ottawa Sun still advertising. They must be getting business from someone! Same for those who advertise on the Internet. Some get blasted on the boards but are still in business. Same for the cost. There are other places (Victoria, Montreal and Toronto) where the services are MUCH cheaper. We have lousy services at high prices in this town for one reason -- YOU allow them. So, apply some basic economic reasoning and boycott those who disappoint. They can charge $1000/hr if they like but they will soon be gone, or lower their rates.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
Agreed!!!! So the question is... Why areTerb members as a group not be able to bankrupt a MP?? Technically, we are the largest group of MP customers in Ottawa, we should together be able to put almost anyone out of business.
Why has this never been achieved??


Jan 31, 2006
I'm not convinced that TERB members are the largest community

I think most people get an urge, pick up the nearest rag paper and find someone, simple as that. I don't think enough people do research before booking someone.
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