Royal Spa

How long will this last?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
You clearly don't understand economics or history. The stimulus measures undertaken by government are meant precisely to avoid what took place during the Depression. (Perhaps read up on Keynes or pick up a text on Macro policy.)
I do understand when the GD started nothing was done. FDR later started numerous plans to stimulate the economy

This will take longer to end. Society as a whole back then lived in near poverty conditions it took less to dig themselves out of the hole.

FDR steered the US through the GD and WW2 we have no leaders who have the balls...guess back then real leadership was easier to find..and he was disabled

In modern day economics why do we still have recessions? With a huge number of measures in place overseen by great minds recessions still occur plus a large percentage of the world population lives in reading a book won’t change the world. Besides I hated economics in university


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Let’s not lose sight that goal was to flatten the curve and not let what happened in Italy happen here. To that effect I think the federal and provincial government are doing a great job. This pandemic came on us pretty quick and the the government wasn’t prepared. We are now getting the infrastructure up and running and soon the government will be able provide the PPE gear, testing tools, medicines and vaccines to combat Covid 19. This take time tho and the only tools the government has now is social distancing.

Our Grandparents and great grandparents went through wars, depressions and pandemics of their own. This is a hiccup compared to those times. The economy bounce back then and it will when this is over.
Yes, well said. The goal was to flatten the curve not stay inside until the virus died out. I think many people have confused flatten the curve as entirely taking the health risk out of the society.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
You clearly don't understand economics or history. The stimulus measures undertaken by government are meant precisely to avoid what took place during the Depression. (Perhaps read up on Keynes or pick up a text on Macro policy.)
Yes, the Great Depression came at a time when political leaders and central banks didn't totally understand fiscal and monetary tools. They also did things that acerbated the economic downturn.

I do worry about the short-term impact to sit down restaurants, airlines and much of the travel industry. No amount of stimulus is going to get every family to get on a plane to visit Disney World and have lunch with Cinderella.

Now if I could line-up a session with Cinderella, I might get my ass down to Orlando. Have you seen how hot these Disney Princesses are?


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
I can't, obviously, give a precise date, but this situation will end when either:

(1) The virus burns itself out, as they all do eventually;

(2) The Canadian population gets sick of being barked at by shit-faced bylaw officers writing out tickets to good people for very minor infractions. Even Canadians have their limits of tolerance, and although there will not be open rebellions, in our genteel way we will simply start to ignore the rules, and the cops will start to look the other way (this is how Prohibition ended in the U.S. By the time congress repealed the Volstead Act, it was history anyway.)
Both of these eventualities become more likely as the weather grows warmer; I just hope, as a self employed business owner, that the economic devastation is manageable. (I'm fine myself, but many others are not).

(3) Of course there is the third possibility of a charter challenge - the politicians will never give up their new powers willingly - some court might uphold the guarantees contained in Canada's toilet paper Constitution, but that seems a long shot.

If you can think of any other possibilities, please chime in. (I think No. 2 would be the most likely)
This is true
and this is
The lock down won’t make covid 19 vanish. Whole point of the lockdown was to stop the 100s of deaths from occurring virtually at the same time as well as all the hospital visits. Flattening the curve increase the duration we need to deal with each wave. Instead of being a tsunami it is more gentle but they keep coming and coming until a vaccine is found or the virus just stops like SARS did.

If two or three happens, OR rather when they happen unless we get to phase 3 quickly then
the medical care will fail, and then on average - based on present knowledge - 17.7% of people will die since they no longer get the life saving medical equipment they need. It is why after April 6th uSA has 1000 people die a day (it will go up) our date is April 26th unless we can flatten it further - this is why Ford "worst" case ends at the end of April - when shit really really hits the fan - unless we flatten it and get the Ventilators we need. With GM Cuban doctors (yet asked for) and Thorn hill medical we should be Ok for treatment by the end of May - and if we build up hospital beds and what not we can let eve one out in mid July and let 2% of the pop just die - an acceptable number to most -and it be spread out so about 65,000 or so deaths total per yer for two years - assuming herd immunity clicks in and some travel restrictions stay in place -if we break before this happens about 10 times this number dead/year. If we hold out longer then 3,000 dead/year total. Once the vaccine comes into play a few months after that deaths will dribble down to less than a normal flu. Earliest 4 months- latest (forever) 24 months. Oh ya, the government is not tell you this because of option 2 & 3 and the fact we not stopping the Virus only allowing us to race against it- getting the medical supplies/doctors we need to save most people.

PS if it mutates or has worse traits - like for example apparently herd immunity does not fully apply - you can get twice - things will be worse -

That being said compared to a bio weapon, which will happen eventually, or an actually deadly virus this ones a piece of case. Its only bad since we did not prepare for it like we should have - no economy shut down ANd almost no deaths.
We will go threw this with other issues like global warming etc as we also are not preparing for them either.

Oh there a lot more "bad" with this one - for example tornado season now . ..

If you have a business and think you need consulting on the issue let me know. But this is all basically obvious now and I think most people will get there act together.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
It will last until a vaccine is found likely a year or more God help us!
Everyone will be infected by that time, so we'll have that "herd immunity" that the big brained people talk about.

Living like a mouse for a year or more is no way to live.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2010
I think the higher Obese countries will have to deal with this a lot longer then other countries. Although most countries have higher rates of obesity.Do some research on the countries who are getting reamed by this virus .They tend to have very high rates of Obesity compared to countries, for example Germany, that has lower rates. Every article I have read says being overweight does not help your chances of successfully fighting this virus. If the whole world lost 20-60lbs in the next 6 months it would definitely help our chances.
Fat people make bigger targets.

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
There will be some opening up just no Exhibition Blue Jays mass meetings etc until vaccine is available a year from now

Economy has to open or we are all screwed big time with depression

But it is out of Canada's control to a huge degree as we are in a international market place



Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Sweden will come out of the pandemic faster that anyone else since they did not flatten the curve. When the curve is flattened the duration is increased.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
We do not have to go to Mars to tell us what to do. We only have to look to Sweden. Those over 70 have been advised to stay indoors with their needs cared for with deliveries of food and medicines. Anyone with a cough and/or fever is advised to stay at home and alert the authorities and medics will go and run a coronavirus test and determine next course of action.

The rates of infection and deaths in Sweden have been higher than in Canada. Yet, Sweden kept kindergartens, primary and secondary schools open. The sky hasn't caved in. Mass gatherings of over 500 are banned but restaurants, bars, cinemas, garden centers, corner shops are all open with patrons spaced reasonably apart. Over two consecutive 24-hour periods, the number of deaths in Sweden has declined from 17 to 12. Seems the curve has flattened precipitously in that country without a lockdown.

Sweden refused to be cowed into submission by the coronavirus. Rather, Sweden has given the finger to the coronavirus. Sweden says life must go on with some precautions. The only thing the rest of us seem to fear is fear itself - said by FDR.
You fail to understand the most important issue with this virus (asymptomatic carriers) and somehow are so misinformed that you think the number of deaths in sweden will not go up to what they were 2 days ago which was 70. To claim they've given the finger to the Coronavirus is false and shows how misinformed you are on the subject.
The number of deaths in Sweden will be up again in a few days and there will be more spikes in cases as well and until they have social distancing and mass quarantines it will not slow down.

Again as has been explained numerous times the main issues with the virus is that it is highly contagious and many are asymptomatic carriers for weeks before finding out they have the virus, so spreading the virus to others is highly likely in Sweden and none of what Sweden is doing is curtailing these issues.
They are going to be in for a very rough ride when their health care system is overburdened with patients.

Here are some important facts.
Sweden has almost 1/4 of the Canadian population 10 M VS 37 M Canada, and they have only tested 1/8, 50 000 VS 400 000 in Canada.
Meanwhile they have only less than 1/2 of the numbers of confirmed cases 10 000 VS 24 000 in Canada and more deaths than we have 900 VS 700 in Canada.
It's very clear the measures Sweden has taken is not working.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Sweden will come out of the pandemic faster that anyone else since they did not flatten the curve. When the curve is flattened the duration is increased.
I'm not sure I concur with that assessment. Everyone seems to be trying different methods to flatten the curve.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
It will be about 1-2 years before we get back to full normalcy. Social distancing (keeping 6 feet away) will still be in effect and mask-wearing. This is the new normal.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Sweden will come out of the pandemic faster that anyone else since they did not flatten the curve. When the curve is flattened the duration is increased.
Sweden is playing a dangerous game. 899 deaths so far. More than Canada.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
It will be about 1-2 years before we get back to full normalcy. Social distancing (keeping 6 feet away) will still be in effect and mask-wearing. This is the new normal.
It won't last and it won't be the new normal if there is a vaccine.

People went through the same thing with the Spanish Flu which was MUCH WORSE. Masks were mandatory. Social distancing was mandatory.

After it was all over, it became a distant memory, and people lived like they always have. Most people today have never even heard of the Spanish Flu even though it infected 500 million people and killed 50 million people worldwide.

You'll be telling your grandkids about the time there was covid and they'll tell you to shut up because they're in the middle of a video game.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
.........but I don’t think social distancing of that degree will stay for that long...people will eventually forget about it...

Maybe, maybe not. You know the press will be trying to scare the hell out of everyone as long as Trump is President. That could be reminder enough to social distance.


Active member
Feb 18, 2013
how is this a pandemic? unless millions of people are dieing, and we have a 90%+ mortality if we catch this, why are we on lockdown? dosnt make sense.


self aware
Feb 21, 2004
how is this a pandemic? unless millions of people are dieing, and we have a 90%+ mortality if we catch this, why are we on lockdown? dosnt make sense.
That's gotta be your own definition of the word pandemic as the widely accepted definition of it is exactly what we have right now! If you don't agree with the measures taken that's different but yes, this is a pandemic


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Ok like this is getting annoying! I'm reading lockdown till summer and this virus will be problem here for 18 to 24 months.

I think it's not going to be gone for a few years. How long do the people on this board think it'll be going on?
Maybe instead relax & start enjoying the governments' all expenses paid weeks (months? years?) long holiday you've been gifted with?

Are people that eager to get back to their 9-5 M-F "work" drudgery?

If the government wants to make 50% or more of the people permanently dependent on their free money gifts & grant them an endless holiday to "eat, drink & be merry", why protest?

Just say "goodbye" to drudgery & non essential stuff (businesses, etc) & "hello" to the joys of an endless vacation!

P.S. Word is that air pollution is down due to fewer sky & road vehicles & less people are dying in car accidents.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2017
Maybe instead relax & start enjoying the governments' all expenses paid weeks (months? years?) long holiday you've been gifted with?

Are people that eager to get back to their 9-5 M-F "work" drudgery?

If the government wants to make 50% or more of the people permanently dependent on their free money gifts & grant them an endless holiday to "eat, drink & be merry", why protest?

Just say "goodbye" to drudgery & non essential stuff (businesses, etc) & "hello" to the joys of an endless vacation!

P.S. Word is that air pollution is down due to fewer sky & road vehicles & less people are dying in car accidents.
Unfortunately I'm not one of those I'm still working full time hours I've never had one benefit from the government. I've always worked and paid taxes.

I may take the two weeks paid sick leave. We'll keep that between us though.
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