Old economic models such as managing government debt responsibly ??Dinosaurs like you are stuck in old economic models
Old economic models such as property rights
Old econmic models which enable innovation in the prsuit of economic profit
No. That is what you want & that is quite different from what is actually happeningand don't understand that the world is moving to keeping as much fossil fuels in the ground for the good of the planet.
World consumption of oil is 100 MM bbls a day & is growing
This is factual and is irrefutable
That does not change the FACT that oil consumption continues to growFor a 'businessman' you don't understand that even the insurance industry recognizes that changing our fuel sources and fighting climate change is way cheaper then living with extreme weather damages caused by climate change.
This is a fact which has repeatedly pointed out to you, yet you just ignore it
Lying to others by saying we shall be fossil fuel free in a couple of decades makes zero sense when it is a mathematical impossibility.Your ideas are old and do not make business sense.
100 million barrells of oil per day
If you collected all the lithium in the world you might have enough batteries to offset a small percentage of that amount
Do you really think that cargo ships & trains will run on solar or wind power?
If every car was replaced with electric vehicles you would need to re-start up coal fired generating plants & you would still be short electricity to charge them.
Your understanding of energy is just as bad as your understanding of economics
Both are at a grade five level