Sex Villa on Margarita Island


Apr 8, 2002
I have been to a sex villa on Margarita Island three times in the last 2 years, and there has been quite a bit of interest from other members when I have posted here on TERB. I have now sourced another sex villa, which I understand offers better accommodations/facilities in an exclusive sex hotel (ie no other regular guests). You can view the facilities and details at This locale was the subject of one review on Playboy TV.
In view of my previous trips, and previous discussions with the owner, I have been offered a discount to go to this villa, and I can pass on a savings to others who may wish to join me.
I will be going for the week Wednesday, January 18th to Wednesday, January 25th, 2006. There is an AirTransat charter flight from Toronto to Porlamar direct (leaves Toronto Pearson at 8:00am on January 18th) which costs C$830.05, including all taxes. These are the only dates available to coincide with the AirTransat flights.
The villa's rate for 7 days is US$2,500, this includes full accommodation, all meals and booze, and a female companion of your choice 24/7. You may stay with the same girl for as many or as few days as you wish, or change to a different girl every day. There are always many to chose from (they usually try to maintain 2 or 3 to 1 ratio - girls to guests). It also includes one 24 hour with 2 girls (for that special menage a trois!). The cost also includes airport pick-up and return, and most day-to-day travel that you may need (although cabs are less than $10). The villa is less than 5 minutes from Playa El Agua beach. The Island is beautiful, and very low cost. There are several great things to do during the day - Jeep trip of the island, catamarran boat trip to Conche Island, La Restinga mangrove swamps, golfing, horseback riding, fishing, a very modern and extensive shopping mall in Porlamar (your escort will love to show you round!!), or you can relax by the pool, or return to your room to explore the girl of your choice!! Evenings may include bowling, go-karting, snooker, dancing, bars or a quiet dinner out.
The girls are Spanish speaking, although most have at least minimal English vocabulary, some are quite fluent. In fact learning a little Spanish and the use of sign language can add to the fun of the experience.
I have found this to be the best vacation imaginable, and very reasonable.
If anyone is interested in going in a party from Toronto, please PM me, and I can arrange for a US$150 discount for each of my co-travellers (reducing the cost to US$2,350). There are currently 4 vacancies for that week, so it will be first come (cum!) first to book. I will require from you a deposit of US$350 to make the reservation, with the US$2,000 balance to be paid on arrival at the villa. I will organize the group and make the booking at the villa. Once confirmed, you will need to book your own flight.
Please PM me as soon as possible if any of you are interested. If you have any questions PM me. Believe me, it is even more fun when you are with a group of fun guys!! and it would be great to all be from TO!!

Last edited:


Jan 18, 2005
Bad Choice

This vacation spot is more expensive than AAV. They do not provide a car and driver. They do not pick you up at the airport. I would wait for Air Transat to restart flyiing to PMV and so you do not need to use CCS (Caracas Airport). If you cannot wait for Air Transat and you venture outside the CCS airport you are likely to be robbed of everything but your underwear.

In any case AAV (Terb advertiser) is Canadian company that has been in business for almost 20 year. At the moment hey have a sale in addition to a discount program. So this guy is more expensive than AAV. In addition one of his customers was robbed by the boyfriend of one of the escorts another was robbed in Caracas and a third died in the airport on the way home. He only started in April. It is complete BS that he has had repeats within a year. Also bring about $300 for taxis just to get to the beach and back.

It is a great vacation but you should consider going with someone who knows what he is doing. This is guys is just a fri**in 60 year old trick trying to be a pimp.

Been there done that!!



Jan 18, 2005
A better choice -AAV Newletter

I just received this newsletter (edited to fit into TERB 5000 Char limit)

Important Important - Safety Safety Safety

Ladies and Gentlemen: This is important if you do not read any other newsletter you must read this one. Your vacation may depend on it.

We have stated on many occasions that the adult travel business is not as simple as it appears. I have a great deal experience in both the hospitality industry and the adult entertainment business and I have designed my package to give you what you want and what you need to have a safe exciting vacation.

Just last week one of my guests arrived in the Maiqueta/Caracas International Airport. Of course, Jhonatan Rodriguez, my travel representative, was there to great him. My guest on his journey from the United States met and became friendly with a customer destined for my competitor. No one was there to help him because my competitor does not understand the hospitality industry well enough. The guest was lost and had no idea where to go next. I do not like to advertise but tourists, should not venture outside of the Caracas airport building without some form of local security. Robberies of unwary tourists are inevitable... All reasonable tour companies meet their guests in the airport itself and take them to the appropriate destination. This is the main but not the only reason why AAV provides a travel rep in the first place. Secondly, security/our travel rep is simply a common courtesy. You may not yet be at our resort but you are already our guest.

Jhonatan asked the fellow traveler, "Why are you going with them, they put your life at risk, when AAV provides so much for their guests". He answered, "The price was cheaper". Since Jhonatan helped the second guest decided to join his friend at AAV.

Some simple facts: It is not true that the AAV package is more expensive. My package is all-inclusive and is designed to provide a guest will all of the services including security needed to enable a safe vacation For example my competitors package does not include a:

. Travel representative at Maiquetia Airport (A potential terrible oversight)
. Travel representative, car and driver at Porlamar Airport. (You take a taxi)
. Car and driver for the entire vacation
. Free excursion

While it is true that you will spend less on the initial travel package, you will spend much more money on taxi's alone just getting to the beach than the difference between our package prices. I say again, the AAV Package IS all-inclusive.

2006 Price Change!I just cannot have potential guests robbed for the sake of a few dollars. Until January 15, my discounted standard package prices will be as already announced (One week - $2475). On January 16, at the end of the sale and for the remainder of 2006, my price for one week is $2500. This is the same as my competitor. With this price, you will get the following additional services, which are not included in any competitors' package at the same price.

. Travel representative at Maiquetia Airport Value (Priceless!)
. Travel representative, car and driver at Porlamar Airport.
. Car and driver for the entire vacation. Value Varies $300
. Free excursion Value up to $300

In my view, my package was much better value and it remains a better value and is even more so at the new price.

If you decide that you want to vacation with my competitor it is your choice but please insist on travel reps in both airports..


Please keep in mind that if you venture outside of the Caracas Airport alone and doing so you are robbed, you will have no:

. wallet
. identification,
. money,
. credit cards
. passport
. airline tickets and
. shoes

I know this because it has already happened. I am not sure how you will actually get to your countries embassy. Embassies are not banks and do not loan money to their citizens. If you have no friend and family waiting to help you are SOL.

Frankly, I would rather frighten you away than have you try to take a vacation with someone else and are accosted. Robberies have happened this year. (Did my competitor tell you that?) I just want you to have the safe fantasy vacation for which you have worked hard and deserve.

Please note that Jhonatan Rodriguez has many friends with the local police organizations. That is why we use him as our Travel Rep.

The bottom line is that there is a security risk at the Caracas Airport but if and only if you decide to travel with someone who does not understand the risks and do extremely simple things to alleviate the concern. If you travel with a knowledgeable company that cares, you will have an extremely safe fantasy vacation.



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
My advice is to be very careful. I went to one of the Margarite villas early this year, and in spite having checked references etc, I had the worst vacation of my life.
Your cost is basically $4,000 up front, and then you are at the mercy of the establishment for the week.


Apr 8, 2002
b821332 I don't know who you are but with 5 posts (2 of which are on this thread) I'm not sure how you are setting yourself up as an authority on this matter. On the other hand I have been a member here for almost 4 years and have previously posted on my experiences at both Viking in the DR and at MWV in Margarita.
For those interested there are to my knowledge 3 similar sex vacation facilities within fairly close proximity near Playa El Agua on Margarita Island. There is MWV ( - my wild vacation, located on the Playa El Agua beach front, owned by Thomas Wild, and where I have been 3 times. There is AAV ( which is owned and operated by Alexis (out of Hamilton, Ontario) which he set up after splitting from Thomas (the owner of the MWV villa) and operates out of a hotel facility (but not exclusively for sex vacationers). Lastly there is another exclusive hotel property run by AVOL(, and it this one that I plan to go to this time.

My above post is trying to pull together a group of Torontonians, and pass on a discount in the process. I am going anyway, but if others are interested they can join me and get a little discount. I have no interest or affiliations with any of the villas. I just know that it is better when the guests know each other and get on well with each other. All being from Toronto brings that kind of bond.
In any event I believe that US$2,350 is less than US$2,475, so I do not think AAV is cheaper.
b821332 said:
This vacation spot is more expensive than AAV.
The above plans actually say that the flight planned is on AirTransat direct into Porlamar, so all this scare mongering about Caracas is academic.
b821332 said:
I would wait for Air Transat to restart flyiing to PMV and so you do not need to use CCS (Caracas Airport). If you cannot wait for Air Transat and you venture outside the CCS airport you are likely to be robbed of everything but your underwear.
I would also mention that I have once actually done the Caracas overnight (both coming and going, on one of my three trips) and experienced nothing of this scare mongering that this post implies.

AAV was established by Alexis (who I suspect you are) out of Hamilton. Alexis used to handle the very poor website and the marketing contact in North America for the villa (The current poor AAV website, which was discussed at length in a recent thread, is virtually unchanged from the one he had two years ago, and probably much longer than that). When he and Thomas (of MWV - - the owner of the villa, split almost 2 years ago, Alexis set up a similar venture operating out of a hotel property, which is not used exclusively for sex vacationers. I know, I have been to MWV 3 times. Most of the discrepancies between reality and the website were exaggerations by Alexis.

I got to know the Manager of MWV (a Brit) very well, and last summer he moved over to the new villa. At the time he contacted me and told me that the rooms, facilities and food at the new villa are better than at MWV, and I thought that I would try out this villa for myself.
I cannot say definitively that my proposed villa provides a car and driver, (because I have never been there before this proposed trip), but when I stayed at MWV villa this facility WAS provided at MWV, and the proposed villa's website says "All adult escort vacation packages include the following services:
· Private transfers to and from the airport and our adult island resort.
· Transportation available to assist you during your stay.
· Modern, fully air-conditioned rooms. · All meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner daily.
· Free drinks from the bar, all day, every day.
· Constant sexy companion 24 hours a day.
· Hosts who are English and can help translate if necessary.
and I have no reason to doubt them.
b821332 said:
They do not provide a car and driver. They do not pick you up at the airport.
It is quite clear that Alexis, through B821332, is trying to use this thread to promote AAV. I am not trying to promote anything, and frankly can only wait a few days before finalizing my own arrangements. I can only say that I do not trust Alexis, and would not go to Margarita if my only available choice was AAV. I would happily return to MWV, where I had three great vacations.
I think that Alexis has just admitted that he is a 60 year old trick trying to be a pimp - after all he says he's been there and done that!!
b821332 said:
It is a great vacation but you should consider going with someone who knows what he is doing. This is guys is just a fri**in 60 year old trick trying to be a pimp. Been there done that!!
That's enough time wasted on answering a blatant highjacking of my thread!!
If you're interested contact me.



Apr 8, 2002
danmand - Wild villa

You know who I am, and I know who you are!! LOL!! We both went to MWV early this year (and one of the reasons that I'm going for the change of villas this time round). But you admitted to me that the reason that you had such a bad time was mainly because of the mix of clients and girls when you were there. This can make or break the week (as I already said above). I also wanted to start with a completely new group of girls, to avoid the temptation to repeat with some I've already got to know!! As you know, our mutual friend and I had a great time, although not without some problems (mainly due to alterations to the villa that were being carried out when we were there).
Perhaps you should join me this time!! LOL!!
Actually the warning is also not quite true. At least we know that with three villas, that if you don't like one after one night, you only need to pay for that one night, and check into one of the others!! So, you're not really at the mercy of the establishment for the week.
Having said that, your posting coupled with Alexis' highjacking, it is unlikely that anyone reading this will join me, so I think I'll just go ahead and book my place!

danmand said:
My advice is to be very careful. I went to one of the Margarite villas early this year, and in spite having checked references etc, I had the worst vacation of my life.
Your cost is basically $4,000 up front, and then you are at the mercy of the establishment for the week.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
eatdipus_rex said:
You know who I am, and I know who you are!! LOL!! We both went to MWV early this year (and one of the reasons that I'm going for the change of villas this time round). But you admitted to me that the reason that you had such a bad time was mainly because of the mix of clients and girls when you were there. This can make or break the week (as I already said above). I also wanted to start with a completely new group of girls, to avoid the temptation to repeat with some I've already got to know!! As you know, our mutual friend and I had a great time, although not without some problems (mainly due to alterations to the villa that were being carried out when we were there).
Perhaps you should join me this time!! LOL!!
Actually the warning is also not quite true. At least we know that with three villas, that if you don't like one after one night, you only need to pay for that one night, and check into one of the others!! So, you're not really at the mercy of the establishment for the week.
Having said that, your posting coupled with Alexis' highjacking, it is unlikely that anyone reading this will join me, so I think I'll just go ahead and book my place!
I was not trying to ruin your party, sorry if I did. I know that you and a few others had the time of your lives. I did not.

I just wanted to point out, that these villas are based upon a substantial up front payment for a week, and that you then can have a good week or a bad week. In my case I would tend to blame the management for the fiasco, as 2 other customers left after 1 day.


Apr 8, 2002
danmand - Wild villa

I have two comments. One is that if it was the management at MWV that you blame: interestingly Mike (the manager) moved from MWV to the new villa, and is now no longer there either, so there has been quite a lot of change. Secondly, that a change of scene is probably good to restore that initial "edge" and excitement. Ijust wanted a change of scene and complete change of girls. I have little doubt that we could have a great time at the new villa!!


Ultimate Sweetheart
Sep 17, 2005
I've Lost Track

I've now lost track of this thread and I have no idea what you guys are talking about when you talk about moving to villas. Are you saying that MWV has 3 villas.
I was considering AAV but I couldn't find enough good reviews. The big turnoff for me though was finding out that they have regular visitors including families. If I'm going to take a vacation like this I want to have it all hang out, and party with the girls without worrying about other guests.
MWV looks interesting, it's got good reviews and I love the fact that it's right on the beach. But I can't get a clear picture of what the suite accomodations are, especially in regards to entertainment and bathroom facilities, bath, shower etc.
Can anybody clear this up for me. Also do the girls spend all the time with you 24 hours including showers (I could get into that).
Total Satisfaction sounded the best, but I'm bothered by the fact that it's not on the beach. I'd love to get some input.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Fuck that. I'm freaked out by the whole thing. Sounds like a truly wonderful concept, but if there's that much competition in a wild west environment, I'd be scared the entire time that a gang of banditos from a competitor's ranch is going to show up and start shooting. Assuming I made it out of the airport alive!

To me, it sounds like there is way too much potential for things to go wrong, regardless of which ranch you choose. You could spend a small fortune and have a shitty time. And yes, it's stupid if they're not even on the beach.

$4 Grand? Fuck that.


I Gots to Have It.
Jul 4, 2002
danmand said:
My advice is to be very careful. I went to one of the Margarite villas early this year, and in spite having checked references etc, I had the worst vacation of my life.
Your cost is basically $4,000 up front, and then you are at the mercy of the establishment for the week.
Like all other terbites, we like to read the good and the bad before making decisions. After all, this is a review board. Same thing applies here.

So far, everything ER says sounds amazing, but I'd still like to hear the bad. I'm interested in why you say this is the worst vaction of your life. It sounds like you have a lot more bothering you than the up front cost. Were your expectations not met? Were the SPs not to your satisfaction? Please elaborate.


Jan 18, 2005
Thomas Wild

I am not Alexis, Alexis is quite able to speak for himself. And he does it it with greater authority than I could. I am a customer of from the days when he was in Ottawa. For sure I got to know him very well. Although I have had several conversations with Alexis lately so I am up on the the island.

Thomas Wild is a thief and a worn out trick. Alexis started with him on the island but for the well being of the guests had to move his business elsewhere. Wild uses his Villas and there is a big problem with bathrooms.

Safety: Alexis does not spend his money on travel reps and car and driver foolishly. He understands the business and an the potential threats. There is a KNOWN threat to tourists at CCS. Just because you were not confronted by that threat does not mean it does not exits.

There is one thing that may be a concern. There are rumblings of late in the Chavez government about sex tourism. Alexis is not sure what it means. For now it is the status quo.

It is a free world spend your money where you want.



New member
Feb 4, 2003
Boston, USA
Are we nuts?

The things we guys will do to get laid. I'm continually amazed! :eek:


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
madmax said:
The things we guys will do to get laid. I'm continually amazed! :eek:
It is really the same as in the Toronto scene: spending a lot of money on a date does not necessarily give you a better experience, sometimes worse.


Apr 8, 2002
Pete58 - I'll try to answer

In my earlier post I said -

eatdipus_rex said:
... to my knowledge 3 similar sex vacation facilities in fairly close proximity near Playa El Agua on MI.
There is MWV ( located on the Playa El Agua beach front, owned by Thomas Wild, where I have been 3 times.
There is AAV ( which is owned and operated by Alexis (out of Hamilton, Ontario) which he set up after splitting from Thomas (the owner of the MWV villa) and operates out of a hotel facility (but not exclusively for sex vacationers).
Lastly there is another exclusive hotel property run by AVOL(, and it this one that I plan to go to this time.
MWV only operates the beachfront resort, this comprises up to three villas. They own one (the main villa), rent another villa next door (which I believe he planned to purchase) and now have the use of a third villa. This is an excerpt from an e-mail that I recently received from Thomas/MWV:
"We finished the remodel of our two main villas in early October. All rooms are now suites with king size beds, a small sala and a private bath. The jacuzzi is
finished and we have a third villa to accomodate extra guests on extra busy weeks. Our food is excellent. We have a new cook. And
we are putting our beachfront location to better use with chairs and palapas on the beach, right at our front doorsteps. ....
We have not raised our prices. We are still $2450 and a 10% discount is given for repeat guests. We still include one 24 hour "2 for 1", airport assistance, all transportation to and from the airport and during your stay, and excursions including a catamaran trip. "

It seems that all rooms are now king bed rooms with bathrooms en-suite (that's new since I was there) and each room as a sala relaxing area.
The main area for entertainment is under a large palapa, with bar, dining area, satelite TV, music (... and there's ALWAYS music!!), and this area turns into impromtu strip shows, and some very wild parties.

The other resort that I am lplanning to go to (Total Satisfaction AVOL) has very spacious and luxurious bedrooms, all with bathroom en-suite. I'm told that the restaurant area is better and it is overall a better quality resort. But it is not on the beach. The beachfront locale is very nice, but because of day trips, relaxing by the pool, etc. I actually found myself on the beach maybe 2 out of the 7 days, and it can't be more than a $10 cab ride away (nowhere is!!). I'm still thinking of going here, just for the change of venue, and a complete change of girls!!

At all three facilites - MWV, AAV, and AVOL - the girls are "with you" 24/7, and, yes, I'm sure that the majority of the girls would happily shower together with you (particularly as showers are now en-suite in your room). You can spend as much or as little time with your girl as you want. I have seen guys tell their girls that they can do what they want for the afternoon but to be back at the villa by 6pm (and the guy may chose to go and play golf, or swim, or read etc. without her), I usually spend all of the time with my girl (including taking her to the mall!!) and try to really get into the language and the culture. Of course every guest and every girl is different, but I have had only one girl (out of a total of 20+) who was not compatible with me - and at my reguest they gave me a substitute for her at 3am in the morning!! Usually if you are relaxing at the villa, the girls will swim and chat together, but are always there to join you when you should want them to. It is the ultimate Girl Friend experience!! If you go on a day trip, you will usually pay the excursion cost for your girl so that she joins you on the trip (if it is not already included in the vacation cost - at MWV the catamarran trip and one other are included). You usually link up with one or more other guests and their girls, and take the day trips as a small group.

I agree that you do not want to spend this type of vacation in a facility that is being shared with "regular" guests. I am advised that Alexis (AAV) uses the Tropical Refuge hotel in Playa el Agua, - a low scale, all inclusive hotel with families and children in attendance. No pool after 8pm, no drinks after 11pm, no parties, no choice of food, just a hotel buffet. I would not consider going to such a situation. I do not know know what b821332's agenda is, but he is clearly trying to promote AAV and slang the other two. I would go to either MWV or AVOL, but will stay away from AAV.

I hope this helps clarify your questions.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Will somebody please agree to go with Eatdipus_rex. LOL


New member
Dec 8, 2003
no , sure if ,all you can eat buffet compared to metered rates in to,bears much comparision,other than in ambiance, which appears to be at issue here

also being a little more individual in style I tend to like bringing my own spanish phrase book,a good map,up to date travel guide,and use my own judgement,regarding ambiance,and everthing else.

and leave my terb handle at home,:D

= willie


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
willie said:
no , sure if ,all you can eat buffet compared to metered rates in to,bears much comparision,other than in ambiance, which appears to be at issue here
also being a little more individual in style I tend to like bringing my own spanish phrase book,a good map,up to date travel guide,and use my own judgement,regarding ambiance,and everthing else.

and leave my terb handle at home,:D
= willie
I think you may have the better idea. The girls at the villa I went to told me that they were paid something like $50 per 24 hours.


New member
Dec 8, 2003
compared to, candlelight dinner, novia,her mum and sister,two friends of the family,on the waterfront in havanna,cost me 40cdn,btw,we each had two drinks

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts