Discreet Dolls

Rappers are terrorists (says the French)! I certainly agree! This ain't sucka MC!!


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
"Hip hop is a crude art, so we use crude words" says Rapper Monsieur R. I say, physically wash out his mouth with l'eau de toilette then. Then arrest all in the media who give this crap a push. I'd rather a Spice Girls riot rather than this shit anyday. It wouldn't fly in the USA, but they sure can fine the illegal US media for numerous FCC violations showcasing this shit.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! :cool: Gyaos Baltar.



French MP blames riots on rappers

Some French politicians claim violent rap lyrics stoked the violence. A French MP has publicly accused rappers of fuelling the country's recent riots with their songs.

It comes a day after 200 politicians backed his petition calling for legal action against seven rap musicians and bands it alleges have incited racism.

MP Francois Grosdidier told France-Info radio it was no surprise youths "saw red" after listening to violent lyrics.

Rapper Monsieur R, one of those singled out in the petition, rejected the idea, saying rap "is not a call to violence".

French authorities said the situation had returned to normal last week, following three weeks of unrest that affected dozens of towns and cities.

Nationwide, almost 9,000 cars were set ablaze and some 3,000 people were arrested. The French parliament last week approved a three-month state of emergency.


The petition, handed to Justice Minister Pascal Clement, has been signed by 153 members of the lower house of parliament and 49 senators.

The Justice Department has said it cannot immediately comment on its call for legal sanctions.

As well as Monsieur R, it names artists Smala, Fabe and Salif and bands Ministere Amer, 113 and Lunatic.

Hip hop is a crude art, so we use crude words
Rapper Monsieur R

Rap prophecies come true

Mr Grosdidier, a member of President Jacques Chirac's conservative ruling UMP party, said songs like Monsieur R's FranSSe incite racism and hatred, and should be banned from radio play.

He told France-Info: "When people hear this all day long and when these words swirl round in their heads, it is no surprise that they then see red as soon as they walk past policemen or simply people who are different from them."

Monsieur R, real name Richard Makela, already faces a separate lawsuit for "outrage to social decency" over the song FranSSe, brought by another conservative MP and to be heard in February.

The rapper told LCI television: "Hip hop is a crude art, so we use crude words. It is not a call to violence."

Four members of the rap group Sniper were acquitted earlier this year in Rouen, northern France, in a case brought by the Interior Ministry over a song it alleged incited attacks on the police. An appeal is due to be heard next month.


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
Gyaos said:
I say, physically wash out his mouth with l'eau de toilette then. Then arrest all in the media who give this crap a push. I'd rather a Spice Girls riot rather than this shit anyday. It wouldn't fly in the USA, but they sure can fine the illegal US media for numerous FCC violations showcasing this shit.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! :cool: Gyaos Baltar.
Right! Let's have a copy of the First Amendment set in stone, and pummel them to death with it! I mean, hey, the framers didn't have rap in mind, so there's nothing wrong with arresting rap supporting media types, is there And nothing wrong with bombing al-Jazeera, either. They're foreign nationals, right? So no Constitutional protections apply! And who cares what the world thinks?

We can have our cake and eat it, too! We can destroy the rights of those who piss us off, yet still have those rights perfectly preserved when it comes to "us"! We can do anything; we're 100%, red-blooded Americans--like Soupy Sales, Andrew Dice Clay, Emmet Kelly, and Ronald Reagan!



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I am not a Rap or France fan. So if both disappeared I could live with that


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
papasmerf said:
I am not a Rap or France fan. So if both disappeared I could live with that
And I'm not a Papasmerf fam. So if you disappeared, I could live with that.

Don't you guys ever get the nature of principle? Or the golden rule? The rule of law breaks down completely when people think like you do. You're saying that your caprice, your taste, for God's sakes, should determine whether something (or someone) exists or not. Don't you even hear yourself?



Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
actually the framers of the first amendment did have rap in mind when they drew it up, the first amendment is meant to protect unpopular speech from a tyranny of the majority that didnt like it, and on another note dont we all get tired at some point on rap being blamed everytime for all of societies ills.

Rap has nothing to do with years of French government policies of creating a system where immigrants and descendents of immigrants cannot improve their lives, through an insane web of labour laws of 35 hours per week, really hard to hire and fire workers and throw in a dash of French racism. Take a look at the French national assembly, zero black or brown faces, French tv same story, it seems that a person can only succeed if they are black or brown skinned in France is to become a soccer player or singer.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
scouser1 said:
actually the framers of the first amendment did have rap in mind when they drew it up, the first amendment is meant to protect unpopular speech from a tyranny of the majority that didnt like it, and on another note dont we all get tired at some point on rap being blamed everytime for all of societies ills.
Rap is the equivalent of yelling fire in a movie theatre and condones not being educated.

You have the first amendment freedom to yell fire to save lives. Rap is the crying wolf syndrome and must be stopped. Every rapper allowed to be paid is a terrorist, any media outlet that pushes rap supports terrorism and any NBA player wearing hip-hop clothes, glorifies terrorism.

They can disagree in a democracy, but that's what they glorify and support. Without that support, they will disappear. So stop terrorists, stop rap. Simple.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Gyaos said:
Rap is the equivalent of yelling fire in a movie theatre and condones not being educated.

You have the first amendment freedom to yell fire to save lives. Rap is the crying wolf syndrome and must be stopped. Every rapper allowed to be paid is a terrorist, any media outlet that pushes rap supports terrorism and any NBA player wearing hip-hop clothes, glorifies terrorism.

They can disagree in a democracy, but that's what they glorify and support. Without that support, they will disappear. So stop terrorists, stop rap. Simple.

wow equating rap music to the mass murder of innocents hmmm and the award for most intelligent post on TERB goes to :rolleyes:

just because you dislike a form of art doesnt mean it is equal to terrorism, do I have the right to equate Celine Dion with terrorism, or that 70's rock like April Wine that a whole lot of posters on TERB seem to love, nope absolutely not


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
scouser1 said:
wow equating rap music to the mass murder of innocents hmmm and the award for most intelligent post on TERB goes to

just because you dislike a form of art doesnt mean it is equal to terrorism, do I have the right to equate Celine Dion with terrorism, or that 70's rock like April Wine that a whole lot of posters on TERB seem to love, nope absolutely not

Our boy Gyro(or something like that)had to may sips from the dirty bong...it is hopeless trying to discuss anything with him.

he is even more stuborn than I am...:eek:


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
scouser1 said:
wow equating rap music to the mass murder of innocents hmmm
How many "innocent" rappers are already dead? Shupak? Notorious B.I.G. (all terrorists, if you ask me, but those are your innocents). Snoop Doggy Dog is a full blooded terrorist as is Diddy (P. Diddy, Sean Combs). All their money should be frozen and all should be arrested under the US Patriot Act.

Sure Celine Dion would certainly be considered a terrorist if her music incited violence. The only violence she incite's is grabbing her lover's cock too hard. That's the issue.

Rappers want to intimidate racism, anarchy, death, destruction, illegal use of weapons, chemical abuse, and the glorifaction of incarceration. They glorify the ripping up of public and private property with knives, attacks on opposite races and sexes. They call for attacks on free governments and on innocent people. All their assets (and asses) should be frozen and all who push that shit should be arrested. They all support intimidation for personal gain, no matter the cost. Therefore they support terrorism.

Even the NFL open their broadcasts with a terrorist nature glorification with a rap artist. It should be immediately removed with no questions or debate. Keep it off, then debate whether it should be on.

That's my take.

>>>>FOR langeweile,

Don't hide now. We all know you think "rap is crap" (i.e.: the late WCW wrestler Curt Hennig's song)
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Sure Celine Dion would certainly be considered a terrorist if her music incited violence. The only violence she incite's is grabbing her lover's cock too hard. That's the issue.

you wanna see Celine Dion's music incite violence, play that song from Titanic amongst a group of heterosexual men, I promise you a riot that would make any anti globalization riots look like an episode of Sesame Street :D

The Mugger

Sep 27, 2005
Well this proves that the French really are clueless. Rap music was the source of the 15 day riot - I think they forget about the ghettos this started in, the lack of work which from all accounts is due to race and religion.

Isn't there anything the French won't runaway from?????


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Main chorus from the song "Rap is Crap" from the band The Texas Rednecks that consisted of WCW (World Championship Wrestling) professional wrestlers Barry and Kendall Windham, the late Bob Duncum Jr., and late Curt Hennig, best known in the WWF as "Mr. Perfect":

"There's only one thing that I hate, 'cuz it's a bunch of crap, Iiiiiii hate rap! Raaaap is Crap!"

It should get a Grammy.



New member
I'll cut ya, gun-butt ya or bump ya

Especially with youth, if you want to make something popular - ban it.

However, i'm sure the French are exactly right in their take on it's effect. How can a popular art form based on a violent race and class-struggle NOT BE part of the equation. (LOL) It's like saying Jimmy Hendrix had no effect on LSD consumption. Ridiculous.

Rap's rage-effect has been studied for years. Rap is angry and it promotes violence pure and simple - not to mention, illiteracy, violence toward women, racism, destruction and anything generally upsetting to those of us belonging to what used to be called 'the establishment'.

If the French just bulldozed all the project housing they build, the problem would just go away. Simple.

They say I walk around like got an "S" on my chest Naw, that's a semi-auto, and a vest on my chest I try not to say nothing, the DA might want to play in court But I'll hunt or duck a nigga down like it's sport Front on me, I'll cut ya, gun-butt ya or bump ya

50 cent


New member
Liberal MP Dan McTeague gets his name in the lights

Seems Canada and France differ on Rap taking the rap... a.k.a. McTeague runs non-issue up flag pole to get name in voters faces before election...

Canada unlikely to ban 50 Cent visit

Immigration minister, premier and mayor all loath to stop him

By TOM GODFREY - Toronto Sun

Music fans say no to censorship
Experts say bans not the answer

TORONTO - American rapper 50 Cent is still likely legal tender in Canada.

Liberal MP Dan McTeague was trying to have the nine-gunshot victim, whose lyrics focus on crime, drugs and violence, banned from Canada due to his criminal record.



Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
David Beckham 23 said:
You should get a straight jacket. Disliking a type of music and comparing it to flying a plane into a building is the most asinine opinion ever. Thank god I know you just missing around
I told you, I'd rather a Spice Girls riot over this rap bullshit anyday. However, the comparison is valid. Under induction, pigs flying planes and killing many, frightening the world, is the same as someone glorifying incarceration. All to intimidate, no matter the cost. All are terrorists.

I have no plans to endorse the banning of Victoria Beckham. LOL! I tried to push her solo hit "A Mind of It's Own", but the USA wouldn't play it in favour of rap.

I hope terrorist 50 Cent gets his 10th bullet. That would be totally protected by the 2nd Amendment of the USA. Not even the name "50 Cent" should be allowed. It's bullshit.


"There's only one thing that I hate, 'cuz it's a bunch of crap, Iiiiiii hate rap! Raaaap is Crap!"


New member
Gyaos said:
I hope terrorist 50 Cent gets his 10th bullet. That would be totally protected by the 2nd Amendment of the USA. Not even the name "50 Cent" should be allowed. It's bullshit.

LOL..thanks for that...i needed a belly laugh today...


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Mcluhan said:
Especially with youth, if you want to make something popular - ban it.

However, i'm sure the French are exactly right in their take on it's effect. How can a popular art form based on a violent race and class-struggle NOT BE part of the equation. (LOL) It's like saying Jimmy Hendrix had no effect on LSD consumption. Ridiculous.

Rap's rage-effect has been studied for years. Rap is angry and it promotes violence pure and simple - not to mention, illiteracy, violence toward women, racism, destruction and anything generally upsetting to those of us belonging to what used to be called 'the establishment'.

If the French just bulldozed all the project housing they build, the problem would just go away. Simple.

They say I walk around like got an "S" on my chest Naw, that's a semi-auto, and a vest on my chest I try not to say nothing, the DA might want to play in court But I'll hunt or duck a nigga down like it's sport Front on me, I'll cut ya, gun-butt ya or bump ya

50 cent
Quoting 50 cent??? WOW this is the second time in two days that you surprised me...although for me it's a toss up between 50 and Ludacris...


New member
langeweile said:
Quoting 50 cent??? WOW this is the second time in two days that you surprised me...although for me it's a toss up between 50 and Ludacris...
Good Choice. 'Ludacris' is what comes to mind when I think of you...
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