Ashley Madison

New profile posts

Good Evening Georgia, Sonic wrote the most eloquent review which captured my heart,
This is the only way that I know to reach out and express interest in spending some quality time together.
I have also listen to your podcast …
If you are open to a date - wonderful xox
Hoping to hear back; until then

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

We Are Hiring

We are hiring, newly renovated spa
Open 7 days a week very flixible hours
come and join us and make all your dreams come true by making great money

Very upscale spa
Hola te muges como el vento - I gather you are now Pamela at Select …
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Reactions: Samantha Pa
It was about some Agencies not respecting
Faliz Navidad 🎄
Samantha Pa
Samantha Pa
No worries babe no I don’t know her sorry about that, and yes which its your username I’m post my schedule usually there! I hope see you soon ! 💋💋
So much for ….
What did the skillet eat on its birthday? Pan-cakes.

I’m in today, Friday, and Saturday this week. Friday 4 to 9 pm $20 off door fee!
Today 11:30 to 9, near Yonge and Eglinton.
Text me to book 647-749-9630
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