Ashley Madison

Zoe D and Charlotte Q


Jan 5, 2011
They work with TOC... I haven't been there in years but it was steep in price back then and a little too public or my taste...

86 Princess st above the surplus store
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New member
Nov 21, 2011
It my understanding thy have recently left TOC and are now independent
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New member
Mar 2, 2009
I texted Charlotte this week and she said she is independent now and I believe she quoted me 250 an hour. Very nice to have a few more independents in the area . Pics look good , I hope someone has some feed back on them as well .


Mar 17, 2007
Charlotte Q and Zoe D travel and work together. You can book these two gem individually or together... When possible. I had the opportunity to book with Zoe D, picture are acccurate, description is what mentioned on her ad and a very tall and beautyfull girl. I can be wrong, but if i understand right, they are indys now, located in Kingston and travel between Windsor / Toronto / Ottawa /Montreal. Donation for one hour is exactly right, look racks180 thread above.


Dec 12, 2010
Gents...I did book an hour with Charlotte on Friday and can highly recommend her. She is very pretty facially, gorgeous grey-blue eyes, pale skin, lovely ass and responsive nipples on a solid b-cup (maybe more). DFK, DATY, BBBJ, MSOG were all served up with a fiery passion. 250/hr

Capital hunter is so going to be all over that lol ;)

Never seen Charlotte but saw Zoe D she was great


Active member
Mar 1, 2011
A recent review of the duo was posted on another board a couple days ago. Not the best review they ever had but with the a grain or two of salt it's worth a read.


New member
Mar 22, 2013
Not sure if I can post this..Tried to send in a message but it wasn't sending for some reason...

I appreciate you saying the review on ********** should be taken with a grain of salt. I'd like to reply to it but my account has not been activated yet and I don't know if I can on here. I'd just like to thank you for saying it should be taken with a grain of salt, because it should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

That client is the one and only client I walked out on after providing a few services, and I have been in the industry since January. None of what he said was ever explained to me by neither Zoe or himself and I was then harassed by him afterwards in text messages calling me names. I just want to make clear I did not steal any money, I took a portion of me fee as I did provide Daty, Digits, Nudity as well as his nether regions were put on my face (This is when I noticed the odour)

Other SP's have told me I should have taken the full fee, but I was trying to be reasonable (Guess that blew up in my face) and only took a portion as it was my choice to leave but I did provide some services. I would never ever go threw anybodies pant pockets, most of my clients pay me at the end of the session and I never have a worry, some clients who book for an hour but can only stay half an hour get some of they're money back so they only pay the half hour fee. Based on these actions, I am the last person to steal money from anybody!

I hope those who read the thread don't think I'm some horrible money grubbing person, I left a bad situation and was threatened with a bad review so that's what I got..I earned the portion of money I took as I did provide services for this man.


Sep 17, 2001
On a more positive note, I had a great meeting with Zoe the other day. Location was easy to get to and fairly discreet. I think we clicked because in a half hour session everything was on the menu....or at least everything I asked for...I even avoided the eyes as requested. Zoe is very pretty lady, fantastic body and carries herself very well. She puts you at ease and is one heck of a kisser....


Mar 17, 2007
I spend time with Zoe on her last visit in Ottawa, and as my threat above describe her..... I had a wonderful time with her. And Zoe mentionned if one day a decide to take the duo.... This will be a heaven experience, no doubted about this. Not a clock whatcher, GFE all the way and very accomadating.
As always it is YMMV !


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
I just want to make clear I did not steal any money, I took a portion of me fee as I did provide Daty, Digits, Nudity as well as his nether regions were put on my face (This is when I noticed the odour)

Other SP's have told me I should have taken the full fee, but I was trying to be reasonable (Guess that blew up in my face) and only took a portion as it was my choice to leave but I did provide some services.
Well Charlotte, for what it's worth, I think you did the honourable thing given the circumstances. Yes, most SP's would just grab the full fee and run and while I'm not commenting on that one way or the other, the fact that you took only what you felt was a fair amount, it speaks volumes about you and your honesty. I doubt anyone would be reluctant to see you because of that.



New member
Mar 22, 2013
Thank you very much withpassion,
I do appreciate that, I tried my best and it's just a lesson learned I suppose. Thank you for the kind words xo


Active member
Mar 1, 2011
Nice to see people coming to Charlotte and Zoe's defence. Even though I don't think the review reflected badly on Zoe in the first place. The dude gave Zoe 8/10 for looks and 10/10 for service. Charlotte must have been horrified the way she describes fleeing in the middle of a session like he was some kind of monster. Yet the dude says Zoe took his side and that Charlotte lied and stole from Zoe and from his pants and ran away. I don't see Zoe arguing these claims or defending Charlotte. Does she know about the review boards?


New member
Mar 22, 2013
I informed Zoe of the review and her only reply was she has no control over what someone else writes, which is valid. I appreciate the support, I would never ever go threw anyones pant pockets, that is just not me at all, the lies written in the review about me makes me upset at points. Claiming I said i should get paid cause he saw me naked when really i did provide services, he had his fingers in me perfoming digits...
Also that I said mean things in text is untrue, i stated why I left was because of the horrible names he called me (which he claimes is bdsm or whatever) and because of the odour, he then texted me 3 times after that calling me names until i asked him to stop...
I also would like to point out bdsm was never agreed upon, with me at least, I am more submissive but with what was going on in that appointment was not ok by me at all. He jumped on bdsm when Zoe stated i was "very submissive" thats when the name calling and demanding I thank him for the "compliment" as he put it.
At this point it is a he said she said situation but I know that by me leaving it was the best thing for me at the time, a bad review came of it but I wouldnt have stayed for a potential good review.


Active member
Mar 1, 2011
That's a lotta he said / she said. After reading both I have to say thayt I can't believe some dude that's been posting reviews since you were in grade school goes to high end incall duos that he prepared for three weeks without knowing how to behave or knowing his limits or respecting his ladies' restrictions. You described some pretty tame acts, a few names and some digits. Pretty tame acts. I call subs those names and they lap it up and beg for more. After I cum we both lie back and laugh off the release.

By the time he moved in for oral, you were (literally) in over your head. Its more believable that you got mad (you admit that), cried fowl, and swiped some cash. If Zoe could have continued after the shower then so could you. You could have safety worded the name calling but you got overwhelmed. This suggests inexperience. Instead of trying to prove you didn't lose control when you freaked out, you should just pay the guy back. If I was him and I was robbed I would text you a few myself. I might not limit it to three either.


New member
Oct 19, 2012
I informed Zoe of the review and her only reply was she has no control over what someone else writes, which is valid. I appreciate the support, I would never ever go threw anyones pant pockets, that is just not me at all, the lies written in the review about me makes me upset at points. Claiming I said i should get paid cause he saw me naked when really i did provide services, he had his fingers in me perfoming digits...
Also that I said mean things in text is untrue, i stated why I left was because of the horrible names he called me (which he claimes is bdsm or whatever) and because of the odour, he then texted me 3 times after that calling me names until i asked him to stop...
I also would like to point out bdsm was never agreed upon, with me at least, I am more submissive but with what was going on in that appointment was not ok by me at all. He jumped on bdsm when Zoe stated i was "very submissive" thats when the name calling and demanding I thank him for the "compliment" as he put it.
At this point it is a he said she said situation but I know that by me leaving it was the best thing for me at the time, a bad review came of it but I wouldnt have stayed for a potential good review.
Charlotte, I would have no issue booking with you in the future. In fact, I have been interested in you for a while, and this mess reassures me you have personal standards which I think is important in a provider. Take care.


New member
Mar 22, 2013
Thank you, I will not be responding any further on the topic, I felt like I needed to defend myself abit which is what I did. Thank you for the kind words jr26, dirkwork25 and withpassion. Hope everyone has a great day :)


Active member
Mar 1, 2011
I informed Zoe of the review and her only reply was she has no control over what someone else writes, which is valid
I suppose it is but her name was dragged into the review as a witness and she has done nothing to defend the claims that she was on the clients side of the argument.

Until she does, that kind of "neutrality" speaks volumes for the OP's claims and really diminish yours.

It's pathetic that you were so careless and willing to jeopardize not only your reputation but also tarnish the reputation of a well respected incall just because you didn't pay attention to the details of a booking beforehand. Details that were provided THREE times.

All these white Knights can blow snow on this if they want to. I'd personally like to see someone TOFTT and review your ability to live up to the self proclaimed "super provider" image you have of yourself.


Feb 17, 2008
please shut this down as its unproductive and getting right nasty....

I think everyone has said their piece - move on


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