Ashley Madison

Your Top 3 Favorite Posters on Terb

Rockslinger, you're being kinder about my 'politeness' than I deserved, but I'm certainly grateful. As you described, I too appreciate the clear and thoughtful expression of opinions, even—and especially—if they're constantly in need of correction. So when I find your posts and Moviefan-2's or Aardvark's my little heart begins to soar like a hawk. train and John LaRue have often inspired me similarly, but I definitely haven't always managed to keep my claws to myself responding to them, which I do regret.

And since I'm nothing if not prolix, I plunge on, well past the three names already: blackrock, james_t_kirk, frankcastle ,Anabarandy, MPA² and Jennifer_ always command my full attention and respect.

But then so does canada-man's sig pic, (Jennifer's doesn't have nearly enough downtown dates)

In my second volume I shall deal with respected reviewers.
Why thank you kind Sir. Xoxo


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
My votes would go to:

Lola Jones: Never met her (a little afraid to, frankly), but this chick is funner than a barrel o' monkeys.

A_L: Doesn't post that often any more but when he does, it's worth reading.

Ceiling Cat: Cuz this dude can chime in on anything.

I'd vote for Jennifer, too, if only she would come out and play in the Lounge rather that hide in the politics section taking pot shots at morbidly obese, right-wing mayors.....
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts