A best friend of my Mum, the wonderful Betty (42). This was in Wimbledon. I was 17 or 18 at the time, but had a little boy crush on her since I was 8 years old. She was funny, vivaveous and very attractive. Even as an 8 year old, she would stop me on the street to talk to me, and we always made each other laugh. I would always rush to carry her grocery bag if I saw her walking down the street. The years went by and one night her asshole drunk husband was slapping her around right outside their house, so I intervened, bloodied his nose, and made sure he left for the night.
A couple of days later Betty phoned and asked me for lunch as a thank you. Somehow, over lunch, "that" magic connection moment happened. I had my own little flat in Chelsea at the time (was in pro sports so I could afford it) and we spent lots of wonderful moments in my flat together for about 3 months. Until my Mum found out about it. It seemed that everyone in Chelsea and Wimbledon knew about it before my wonderful Mum. But when she did find out, I saw a side of Mum that I never knew existed. I was visiting the family home, sitting in the kitchen, innocently waiting for Mum to come home from shopping. As soon as she came in she swung a bag of groceries at my head, used a word that I had never heard pass her lips, picked up the broom and swung that at my head for good measure. I calculated that she had found out, because she usually gave me a hug and kiss and raced off to make tea and a sandwich.
I was given the option to be disowned or carry on with Betty. But it was a wonderful 3 months
And this was before the older woman thing started. Does this make me a pioneer?