"your fired"


New member
Dec 6, 2006
well those of you who remember back in december i was complaining about finding illegal substances in the spa. lots of you said just fire the girls. well i should have taken your advice because the two girls were stealing the customers and giving them their phone numbers to meet outside of work. One left already and started working in another spa and the other one was giving the clients the other girls number to meet outside of work. Im so annoyed! but as the Donald always says "your fired". lets just hope my car doesnt get keyed tonight. hope this post isnt shill like, cause i have been accused of that recently too! gosh, a girl cant catch a break!


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
pritty_kitten said:
well those of you who remember back in december i was complaining about finding illegal substances in the spa. lots of you said just fire the girls. well i should have taken your advice because the two girls were stealing the customers and giving them their phone numbers to meet outside of work. One left already and started working in another spa and the other one was giving the clients the other girls number to meet outside of work. Im so annoyed! but as the Donald always says "your fired". lets just hope my car doesnt get keyed tonight. hope this post isnt shill like, cause i have been accused of that recently too! gosh, a girl cant catch a break!
ya did the right thing!


New member
Dec 6, 2006
i know. i just have a big heart and like to think the best of everyone, and 9 time out of 10 they end up screwing me up anyway. business is slow enough this time of year as it is, i dont need other girls stealing clients to make it worse. this reminds me why i prefer the company of men cause women will take the first opportunity to mess you up for their own gain.


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
pritty_kitten said:
i know. i just have a big heart and like to think the best of everyone, and 9 time out of 10 they end up screwing me up anyway.
It's too bad about your situation. The cynic in me says, if you're too nice, people will walk all over you, but there are still are good people out there. As they say hindsight is 20/20. If you did fire those 2 girls before, you may get more respect from the other girls who work for you who may be negatively effected by the first 2 girls.

pritty_kitten said:
but as the Donald always says "your fired".
Actually he says you're fired.;)

Keep your head up Kitten


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
when this type of thing occurs you do have to deal with it in a swift and predjudiced manner. You have to option of a simple termination or turning them in to the police toou did. You did right


New member
Dec 6, 2006
well i fire most girls who work with me. out of 10 girls i may have 1 thats decent. it has to do alot with drug abuse, then their attitude changes, and it also has to do with me being a young woman who has seen success. im nice but i dont take much shit, as she found out last night. like i said in a previous thread, i dont fire on the first offense, but screw up again and you are gone. with this situation however, there is no second chance. its pretty much stealing from those of us who work hard and are generally honest.


Sep 23, 2006
Next time, before hiring any ladies, have them sign an agreement stating no illegal substances and no comminication with the customers outside the place.
Read them the riot act!!!


Feb 1, 2006

Illegal substances puts you seriously at risk. Fire them for that.

Giving out their phone numbers to clients? Crazy to fire them for that.

1. You'd be surprised how many girls are willing to do a little (or a lot) more than their workplace allows (surprise!), especially for more money, and especially when no one else is getting a cut.

2. You shouldn't be surprised at how many guys want to get something other than handjobs from hot chicks, and are willing to pay for that.

I mean seriously now. Treat your business as a business.


So - from a business perspective, even if you are losing out on some business, if the chicks are hot, you are still better off with them - that is, until you have replacements.

In other words, don't fire, until you have someone better. Otherwise the appearance is that you've just lost some hot chicks and there must be something wrong with you - rather than them.

Don't fire out of anger. Fire based on a business perspective.



Feb 1, 2006
read it again.

They didn't get fired when the illegal substances were found. They got fired when they were stupidly caught "stealing" clients.

Now, really I don't think this is stealing clients.

They are likely offering services not offered in the establishment. If, for instance, they were offering manicures, you wouldn't consider that stealing. If they are offering sex, it's only stealing in the sense that the client may not be coming in any more, preferring a different service.

Still - even if they are "stealing" some clients, the odds are if they are good they are a net gain for the establishment.

And again, I have to point out a relatively high percentage of girls are available for extra services at the right price. You can't be firing all of them.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I don't understand how girls stealing clients would be good for the MP, that kind of stuff is grounds for firing in any business.

I doubt the girls could hang on to these clients unless they can offer a good place to service them, that will mean an additional expense for them unless they don't mind working at home or travelling to the client's home. They might find any savings gained wouldn't be worth it.


Feb 1, 2006

Say the chick brings in 50 new clients, but manages to "steal" 10 or so of them.

The net result is 40 new clients. And if she's hot, there will be fringe benefits - the guy who comes in, finds she's busy, and sees someone else.

It's a business decision.

Fire from a position of power, not weakness. Wait til you have the replacement. (Now we don't know the full circumstances here - I'm just giving general advice.)

And get the main point - many, many guys try to get more from these girls. Just about any red-blooded guy wants more from a hot chick than her hands around his thing. And many of the MPA's who obviously are already willing to be nude in front of that guy; are willing to perform hand jobs on that guy; and are sometimes willing to do a little more with that guy in the room - would be willing, with the right guy and the right amount of money to give that guy what he really wants. You can't fire half or so of your staff and stay in business.


New member
Dec 6, 2006
TQM said:
Illegal substances puts you seriously at risk. Fire them for that.

Giving out their phone numbers to clients? Crazy to fire them for that.

1. You'd be surprised how many girls are willing to do a little (or a lot) more than their workplace allows (surprise!), especially for more money, and especially when no one else is getting a cut.

2. You shouldn't be surprised at how many guys want to get something other than handjobs from hot chicks, and are willing to pay for that.

I mean seriously now. Treat your business as a business.


So - from a business perspective, even if you are losing out on some business, if the chicks are hot, you are still better off with them - that is, until you have replacements.

In other words, don't fire, until you have someone better. Otherwise the appearance is that you've just lost some hot chicks and there must be something wrong with you - rather than them.

Don't fire out of anger. Fire based on a business perspective.

well that what i did. it is unacceptable to give out phone numbers of girls who dont even work here and promise the client a good time with her. it costs alot of money to advertise, so i dont need girls meeting clients outside of work or meeting them in another massasge parlor.


New member
Dec 6, 2006
TQM said:
They didn't get fired when the illegal substances were found. They got fired when they were stupidly caught "stealing" clients.

Now, really I don't think this is stealing clients.

They are likely offering services not offered in the establishment. If, for instance, they were offering manicures, you wouldn't consider that stealing. If they are offering sex, it's only stealing in the sense that the client may not be coming in any more, preferring a different service.

Still - even if they are "stealing" some clients, the odds are if they are good they are a net gain for the establishment.

And again, I have to point out a relatively high percentage of girls are available for extra services at the right price. You can't be firing all of them.
i might also mention that this business is not for the purpose of girls recruiting clients to meet in a hotel or sending a client to another massage place to see her friend. why dont i just put an ad in the paper advertising for another spa then? really it makes no sense to keep them if they are trying to promote their own business rather than the one that they work in. if the clients that come here are looking for extra extras then they need to look elsewhere or try out an escort. and these girls werent super hot anyway. i had to fix them up when they started workin here cause they looked like shit, but i saw some potential.


New member
Dec 6, 2006
I might also add that these two girls are not that bright, and they just may end up giving their phone numbers to wrong guy (LE) and im sure im responsible for that as they are soliciting in here. is it worth the risk? nope. girls are a dime a dozen in this industry and hiring new ones is no big deal. Sometimes you gotta put your foot down. if i let it slide god knows what stupid thing they will do next and with whom, so instead of being a chump, i just let them go, and they have no oneto blame but themselves for losing their job. really what option do i have?


Buff and I got's da stuff
Aug 16, 2003
pritty_kitten said:
I might also add that these two girls are not that bright, and they just may end up giving their phone numbers to wrong guy (LE) and im sure im responsible for that as they are soliciting in here. is it worth the risk? nope. girls are a dime a dozen in this industry and hiring new ones is no big deal. Sometimes you gotta put your foot down. if i let it slide god knows what stupid thing they will do next and with whom, so instead of being a chump, i just let them go, and they have no oneto blame but themselves for losing their job. really what option do i have?

Did you make an example out of them with the other girls or did you try to be as discreet as possible when people ask what happened to them?


Feb 1, 2006
I'd have hired

replacements of equal calibre first.

I don't know where you work (but can guess), but of the establishments I've been to, there isn't one where I haven't received at least 2 telephone numbers. (not bragging - I'm sure others do better.)
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