your feelings on body piercings

My favourite peircing is

  • hate them, im under 45 yrs old

    Votes: 17 34.7%
  • tongue,, im under 45 yrs old

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • nipple, im under 45 yrs old

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • genital, im under 45 yrs old

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • enjoy multiple ,cant decide on favourite, im under 45 yrs old

    Votes: 10 20.4%
  • hate them, , im 45 yrs old plus

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • tonguei ,im 45 yrs old plus

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • nipple,im 45 yrs old plus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • genital,im 45 yrs old plus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • enjoy multiple, can't decide on favourite,im 45 yrs old plus

    Votes: 4 8.2%

  • Total voters

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
your feelings on body piercings

wondering how evryone feels about body peircing's and figured it's time we had another poll, so here goe"s

For this poll let's include tongue, nipple, and genital peircings only, since in my eye they tend to be more "on topic" of this board than facial, naval, and other areas of the body.

I think age will have a large part in the results of the poll as well, & since options are limited, I have chosen to break the ages into 2 categories, under 45yrs old, and over 45yrs old

I myself am in the lower age group and am intrigued with the above mentioned peircings,

The question is , My favorite peircing is

I hate peircingsIm under 45 yrs old
I hate peircings Im 45 yrs old or over



May 22, 2002
Around the World

Piercings don't sway me one way or the other.

Here's something along the same lines though, what is the most # of piercings you have found on a single girl?

I know of a dancer with 19 currently (had 21). I'm just not sure how many more you could possibly put in your body.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
interesting how many combinations of questions and so on you can have on a single topic, but I once saw a sp that had 5 peircings,, 19, that might be a little much for me since I enjoy skin as well, and witht hat many peircings I'm not sure if there'd be enough left to enjoy! lol


Apr 10, 2002
La ou le plaisir n'a pas de limite...
Sheik said:

BTW, I have to guess where they are?
Belly Button

P.S. Personally on a girl belly button ones are so sexxxy

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
It's a fad that will wear off. Trends of tatoos and piercings, come and go. What they signify is beyond me. Most probably regret it when they get older.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Had sex with a girl who had tongue and lip piercings, among others, the other night. Wow. Never thought it could be so good when she wrapped that tongue around my .......... Anyway, I love piercings.


Miss Calgary
Aug 3, 2002
For those who are scared of that type of "torture" but consider it a sexy asset management tool, non-piercing rings might be the answer.

First of all, you don't do your body any harm (important!).

Second, it's easy to remove/claen them. Or wear them only on these special occasions...I'm kind of more concerned about hygiene, you know...

Some female/male porn stars flaunt their pierced areas (tatooed penises too!), which makes me think, "well, your tits and somewhere down there receive lots of penis/finger/tongue it really a good idea?"

Besides, it's not practical. I'm afraid I couldn't let guys suck/lick my super-sensitive tits as passionately as I want them to: what if they kind of pull it by accident or do it too rough...ouch!!!

For the time being though, I don't think I have to decorate my body that is gorgeous enough as is ;)


May 22, 2002
Around the World
The Bandit said:
It's a fad that will wear off. Trends of tatoos and piercings, come and go. What they signify is beyond me. Most probably regret it when they get older.
Its hardly a fad, Tattoos and piercings have been a part of different cultures for a very long time. Tribal tatoos and body-modification are not something new. Its just now becoming more mainstream in our North American culture.

They are a way of expressing yourself. I thought there would be a lot of pain involved in them as well, in fact most of them have little or no pain during the piercing process, and after proper healing they have no pain at all (even when being tugged sexually) but infact add to the intensity and pleasure in certain areas.

Properly healing is very key to piercing, there are products available to help the healing process, and its important to clean your piercings every day during healing and almost as frequently after. It definately seems like a lot of work, but some people take pride in them and enjoy them.


New member
Jun 25, 2002
S. Ont
Very well said TravellingGuy, it sounds like you are familiar with body piercings, I have a horizontal clitoris hood ring , and other than a split second of very sharp pain, and maybe a week of mild or slight discomfort, I had no problems at all, after care is the key and as long as you get done by a well recognized & proffesional studio, your chances of any severe pain or side effects is very low,(providing it is a piercing that's not prone to that).

I enjoy my piercing, it gives great added sensation due to the fact it rests ever so gently on the clitoris itself , and I like to touch it & have it touched as well.
Anyone that discounts them before you try them, think again you might just be missing out on something!

A fad?, perhaps it is but ever notice these so called fads never totaly disappear from society?
Addiction? perhaps it is, I know myself & others that arent completely satisfied with the peircings we have and are considering adding more!


May 22, 2002
Around the World

There is definately a possibility for addiction. The piercing process actually releases chemicals into your system, Endorphines or other similar types, that give you a sort of rush of adrenaline. Even though the piercing process only lasts a split second, the pleasure can be addictive.

Some people take it to a more extreme and go for the (pardon my unfamiliarity with the proper name) suspended piercing wires. Hanging suspended from hooks is not something I see myself enjoying, but again I havent experienced it so I don't know what the pleasure of doing it is.

My knowledge of piercings comes solely from talking with friends who have many. I only have a single piercing in each ear lobe, I have not experimented in any other areas, but I have spent many an hour discussing them with those who enjoy them.

If you are interested in any of the "not seen every day" piercings such as the following, then I suggest speaking to a Piercer or if you want to mix it up with some hobbying, go talk to Autumn at Pure Gold (she has 19):

Lebret (through the lower lip)
Scrumper (through the thin piece of skin underneath the upper lip, just above the front teeth)
Monroe (through the cheek/lip where Marilyn Monroe's Mole would be, my personal favorite as it draws my attention to the lips during conversation)


New member
May 29, 2002
I'm under 45 and I LOVE belly button piercings! I can take or leave the others, but a girl with a flat belly and a belly charm is so sexy!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I am SO with you Mr Gunn, a belly button ring or piercing gives me shivers just thinking about it.

But, it has to be on a reasonably flat belly, the big portly bellies with a ring just give me the willy's (no offense willywants heheh).

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
The Bandit said:
It's a fad that will wear off. Trends of tatoos and piercings, come and go. What they signify is beyond me. Most probably regret it when they get older.
As far as piercings go, what is there to regret? Just take it out if you don't like it anymore.
It is nice to see that some people here are not as closed minded as others.

I am sure that when people started piercing their ears some thought it was outrageous too, that wore off anf now it is commonplace for a female to have her ears pierced, what is so different about having some body piercings? As long as they are in moderation of course!
I have 7 myself, 4 in my ears, tongue, nipple and navel. There is nothing outrageous about that.

Now as far as tattoo's go, yes, that is a little bit more of a comittment, but they can be removed if really necessary or desired.
I only have one tattoo that I regret and suprisingly even though I hate it with a passion, many compliment it. I would just as soon pretend it isn't even there, and I will likely get it removed someday. Then again I got it when I was 17 yrs old, not really a bright idea. As for the others, I was older and made much better decisions about the art I wanted on my body, I was not so impulsive, and to this day I am happy with every one of them, on that same note I got my last one almost 4 yrs ago and will not get anymore.

The one thing that I hate is ther stereotype that because I have a few tatttoos I must be a biker/rocker chick, which could not be further from the truth. I consider myself a normal girl with a couple pieces of metal shoved through various parts of my body and some ink splattered here and there, how does that make me a biker chick?
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