I though about it but because there is such a thin line between Hybrid and SP, I think it will confuse some people (I think.... maybe not!)I was wondering if there should be a category for Hybrid providers as well ? Some ladies combine the 2 services for an amazing experience.
However, in my opinion, things should be clear when you go see a provider, but it's not always clear.
- Sometime, you go see a MA, things get heated, chemistry is at RDV and you end up with more services that just MA's limits. Is she a hybrid? Maybe, maybe not. In a case like that, you should considerate her as a MA and vote as accordingly.
- You start seeing a MA but she also offers SP services; she's hybrid. Things must be clear, you walked in to see her as a MA, not as a SP, you should vote for her as a MA, even if things got heated and you had SP services unless a clear argument came at one point of the session that you are getting SP services and pay for it. If you walked in, you know from the beginning that you will have SP services, she knows she will provides SP services, you should vote for her as a SP.
Does that make sense? Your thoughts...
There are some providers that are Hybrids but will not automatically provide SP services to clients.