Seduction Spa

Your best duo ever, in your life

Willie Layer

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2021
Best duo ever was a training duo at ALO years ago with Lea Lourdes and a newbie who didn’t even stay in the industry for more than a few days. It was off the hook. If Lea reads this and remember her name, please DM me!

Second best was Nadia Luxx and Jenny Luvv when they worked together in Kanata. I felt like I was in a porn movie and the images are still seared in my brain.

Recent great duo but unfortunately not in the same league as the aforementioned ones is Nina and Irina who offers good value for what they do. They’re very attractive and the sessions are fun but is just lacking the sprinkle of pse that makes a duo truly raunchy and mind blowing.


Super unknown member
Dec 17, 2021
I'm not a big duo type guy. I prefer one-on-one interactions. But there is one duo that I had that I still play over and over in my head. My first duo was horrible, two middle-aged ladies who were okay on their own, but they wouldn't touch each other during the session, even though they were friends. Make sure you're having a duo with two true bisexual girls, otherwise it is just not worth the time or money. The second duo I ever had had two bisexual girls who couldn't keep their hands off each other! I was just watching for the first few minutes, thinking how lucky I was. I shortly after inserted myself into the middle of them, and it got even better!


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2018
I loved this thread... Bump!!! 🍺

The question : What was your best duo?


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2022
Evelina Lowell and Betty Addams. Had good chemistry between themselves, both could suck the chrome off a trailer hitche, bbbjcimsw. The only downfall was having to swap condoms during full service.
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Active member
Apr 20, 2021
Concur my man. Did a hh for 200 with these girls years ago. When I left I bumped into the fire extinguisher in the hallway my legs were so weak. Double bbbj with cimsw will do that to a man. Yes I said 200. I couldn't believe it, but that was before covid.


New member
Sep 21, 2022
Mine wasn't in Ottawa - is that ok!?

Mine was in Pattaya, Thailand back in 2007 - amazing time. The go-go bar was operated by a Canadian interestingly, and a friend of mine brought me there during a 'no-drinking' lockdown of the country (mandated by the King for some reason I can't recall). So, the place was filled with approx. 15 girls but no one else - I was the only guy brought in at that time. It was a strange one because I couldn't buy a drink but I could have my choice of the girls. Anyway, I'll never forget it because there was a yellow line on the floor that split the bar in about half - the manager told me, "the girls on this half do anal, the girls on that half don't". I took two from each half :)

One Viagra and 3 pops later I left a very happy (and shattered!) man. I remember strap-ons...dildos...cock rings...oil...and a lot of condoms. I've had many sexual and erotic experiences in Asia over the years, and this one ranks up there with the best of them.

This is one reason I'm tempted to see Thip - Thai girls can be so much fun!

Hope you enjoyed the story - more like that if anyone is interested.


Lea Lourdes

Apr 6, 2022
Hi!! I do believe I remember her! Just would like you to let me know which area or location the duo was. If it's the same place I'm thinking, I know exactly who you're talking about!

Best duo ever was a training duo at ALO years ago with Lea Lourdes and a newbie who didn’t even stay in the industry for more than a few days. It was off the hook. If Lea reads this and remember her name, please DM me!

Second best was Nadia Luxx and Jenny Luvv when they worked together in Kanata. I felt like I was in a porn movie and the images are still seared in my brain.

Recent great duo but unfortunately not in the same league as the aforementioned ones is Nina and Irina who offers good value for what they do. They’re very attractive and the sessions are fun but is just lacking the sprinkle of pse that makes a duo truly raunchy and mind blowing.
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