Young (18+) "escorts" in Le Droit

Feb 11, 2003
Hullo "Johns":

Having gaved up on the old farts & toothless grandmas that predominate the "escort" scene in Ottawa, I spend last wknd checking out the "escort" ads in Le Droit. I'm interested in "struggling student"-type "pros" age 18-25 & there sure as hell r none of those in Ottawa so what the who--I will try Hull/Gatineau. I've have b told there r sum "hidden gems" on the other side of the river: younger, hotter, more open-minded & @ lower prices.

I reviews several days worth of ads in Le Droit. I mark only those ads that specify the "pro" was 18+ or "jeune" (young). Here is my logic 4 that: I figure that age is a big selling point 4 "pros", so if a "pro" really is young, she will always mention that in the ad. Contrariwise, if she is old, she will usually avoid mentioning age because her old age will been a liability. So... just by picking the ads that mention age I should b able 2 got all the younger "escorts" "out there" (quote, unquote).

I call all the ads mentioning age. Quite a few r not worth anymore follow-up. Just listening 2 the voice of the "pro" it is obvious she is not young and she's cranky. 4 example, "Cherry" say she is 19 in her ad, but from her voice I can tell she is much older.

The "young" ads worth follow-up in Le Droit:

Fake name: "Amber".
Phone: 664-9035; 327-3519 (She seem 2 have 2 ads.).
Report: I call this "pro" @ 664-9035. She definitely is young. She say she is 18 yrs., 125lbs, shoulder-length brown hair. Quotes a rate of $80 per 1/2 hour or $150 per hour. She advertise in Le Droit but does not sound French @ all. She is just over the bridge in Hull. Also has a voice mail message where she say "Get back" [2 me]. Note: She may also have a ad on LavaLife (not sure 'bout this).

Her low price has my Spider sense tingling... Why just $80 per 1/2 hour? If she is 18 and good looking, then she could charge a lot more than $80 could she not? There r 49 yr old dinosaurs in Ottawa that charge $80 per hour. The whole thing kinda smells funny... Sum kinda bait & switch? Does a angry boyfriend lurk in her apt? Wouldn't seem much pt 4 her 2 offer the 1/2 hour if it is a scam. If a scam, why not offer only the hr. and therebi b sure the guy is carrying the full $150?

Fake names: "Isabella", "Cindy". (Ad mentions 2 names, but voice mail has just 1 "pro" speaking.)
Phone: 663-2678.
Report: I call the "pro" and get voice mail. There r music in the background. She is speaking only in French and is very hard 2 understand. She sounds young, but not as young as "Amber" Blatypus. "Isabella"/"Cindy" is blatting sumthing 'bout when u want 2 c her u have 2 call a 2nd #. The 2nd # is sumthing like 8_8-5564. ("Huit _ huit, cinque cinque six quatre") 4 the life of me I cannot figure out what is the 2nd digit! I record her voice mail message using my digital answering machine and I play it over & over again but I cannot figure out the 2nd digit.

Do(odle) any1 here speak French? Will u call this ad & tell me what is her #? If I can figure out her #, stock markets willing, I may have the moola 2 try 2 *seen* her this coming wknd.

Fake name: "Angela"
Phone: 664-6365
Report: I just gotted a message saying her voice mail is "full." Her ad say she is "jeune." Mayb that is why she got so much interest. Continue 2 monitor...

BTW, I notice that one of the "escorts" ads in 2day's Le Droit advertises 1 of the girls as "17 ans". Yes, "seventeen years"--I'm not kidding. And no, I done not call that ad & wouldn't. S'prise the paper would even run it. *shrug*

K, it's time 4 my nap & bottle-feeding. ~DOODLES~ over & out...


New member
Jun 14, 2003
So, I just want to see if I understand your logic:

If a girl advertises that she's young, she's young. But if she doesn't advertise her age, she's old.

Have I got it?

By the way, why the hell do they say 18+ in their ads? Why don't they just say 18.


Jul 16, 2003
Actually, the above "guy" is a troll. He used to troll around on Lyla's list and all he wants to do is insult SPs and hobbyists. Note the use of the words "pro" and "johns" exclusively. The incredibly poor grammar also suggests that he may be slightly retarded.
Feb 11, 2003
gordo said:
I call this 2nd # and it just lead 2 yet another voice mail. Can't understanded what the 2nd voice mail message saying neither. But the 2nd voice mail sound nothing like the 1st: This time she is old, grumpy... In other words, not worth it!

Thanx 4 the help anyhoo.
Feb 11, 2003
DodgeRam said:
So, I just want to see if I understand your logic:

If a girl advertises that she's young, she's young. But if she doesn't advertise her age, she's old.

Have I got it?
Yah, that's it. Why waist ur time with ads where the "pro" won't post her age? These "pro" no that guys prefer young (18+) girls. If there age is nowhere near that they won't mentioned it.

Cum 2 think of it, a few "pro" do advertised they r "mature"--those r xceptions. Personally, I would never bother following up on these ads.

DodgeRam said:
By the way, why the hell do they say 18+ in their ads? Why don't they just say 18.
*shrug* I dunno. Why done "johns" refers 2 performed oral sex on a prostitute as "dining of the why"? It is just sumthing that has caught on.

"Escorts" post "18+" in the ad so police won't think she is underage and investigate. But like I blatted earlier, Le Droit ran a ad 4 a girl claiming 2 been 17! This was just a few days ago. S'prise they would run it even. *shrug*



It's Dining at the Y! As in DATY! Not that it matters cause it's all the same taste but DOTW just doesn't have a ring to it! ;-)
If they say they are 17 they are likely to be 23. Always gotta add a few years.
Feb 11, 2003
GlavaMan said:

It's Dining at the Y! As in DATY! Not that it matters cause it's all the same taste but DOTW just doesn't have a ring to it! ;-)
*shrug* How I am I s'posed 2 no all these "grown-up" terms. I'm just a li'l kid.

*crawls back in2 his crib*


Spend a little more time on terb & you will learn them quick.
Your posts are fucking hilarious! We need more of them!
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