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You should assume everything you do is public knowledge...


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Oh no doubt, Bush is only making it worse.
Colin Powell's son was at the time of the AOL/Time Warner merger the one who allowed this thing to happen.
Coincidence? Who knows...I like Colin a lot, but allowing that merger (which turned out to be crap b/c of AOL, makes you wonder).
Anyways, yep it's scary and Bush aka Big Brother really wants to know what everyone is doing.
There's a link to this "New World Order" style Bush seems to be implementing, in one of those political threads.


Oct 17, 2005

Big brother is in full swing and has been for awhile..

They can look me up but all they will find is terb and lots of porn :)


It's been good to know ya
There should be laws put in place against this and every single person should write into Parliment complaining against this. If they receive too many e mails and letters against this sort of thing they may do something about it knowing that the people are against it. If we keep quiet no action gets taken.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Doubt it Stacey.
ie - Bush went over the UN, against a lot of opposition to invade Iraq. So he did.
The government owns us all pretty much.
Regardless of what country you're in, they own you.


Jan 16, 2004
stacey4u2luv said:
There should be laws put in place against this and every single person should write into Parliment complaining against this. If they receive too many e mails and letters against this sort of thing they may do something about it knowing that the people are against it. If we keep quiet no action gets taken.
Actually, we do have privacy laws here in Canada, with the maximum fine of $50K for every violation. However, something like this would not be seen as a breach of those laws. By removing "identifiable" information such as names, locations, IP addresses, you're not revealing specific information about a particular person, but merely a number. NYT probably sifted through the data, found a person who had (a) searches that would narrow down who they were and (b) was searching for something relatively tame.

I find it funny that people still think that they're anonymous when they go online. It's easy enough to find out who sent an email, posted a message, surfed to a site, who is behind that pseudonym, etc. Just because you're behind a computer screen doesn't mean you can't be found.


It's been good to know ya
Well, I think that the only ones that should be allowed to spy on anyone on the other side should be cops when they feel a crime has been committed and not your internet provider. It is obvious they would know how to do it, but should in my opinion only be allowed to do so when the law asks them for information.

Other than that maybe they could monitor porn sites and then see who is going into the sites but not just sit back and monitor each and every individual that they do not even suspect. Like the article said they judged and went and asked questions and found they were wrong. In my opinion they are making the whole world suspect that way.
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