Toronto Escorts

you get what you give


Feb 15, 2007

I just wanted to start a little thread to discuss the concept of getting what you give out. Often I have seen written here on this board clients who are unsatisfied with their experience and services received. I accept and understand that this is a board geared towards the male element, and so I approach this subject with much care as I do not belong to such.

In my experience, I have found that the best sessions have been with clients who come into it openly and willing to "give" so to speak. Clients who are open themselves seem to have the best time, whereas the clients who come to a session expecting a girl to perform like some kind of circus act always seem to complain when the girl doesnt live up to the standards that they have set in their mind according to previous reviews or whatever.

Intimate contact between two individuals, whether or not there is a donation involved, is still very intimate. It involves two people meeting and melding into one another; not only physically but on a higher level as well. If one party is not open to the other on that higher level, how can they expect to have the spectacular experience that they anticipate? Sex isnt just about humping, and women in this industry aren't all about faking. No, we don't love you, but we can love you for that moment, and hold you the way you want to be held and caress you in that same way. But if you stay closed and expect us to "perform", you are mistaken. Its not about performance, its about connection, and if you don't want to connect, then you cannot honestly expect to have an A+ experience.

just some thoughts...


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
I like your attitude.

I feel the same. If the lady isn't at least trying to enjoy herself as well then i find myself losing interest quickly.

the other side of the coin to your post is the girl that loaths what she's doing and just wants you out the door as quick as possible. These ladies only show you their true colours after the $ is exchanged though.

The main reason i always book a 1/2 hr the first time to see if you get along well.

I know she doesn't love me , but I don't want to have sex with a corpse. I've had a few of those (not literally , just thought I'd clarify that for the wisecracks that I know are coming) and I'd rather go home and jerk off instead.

from some of the posts I've read , some guys will just say 'fuck her, this is my time' and keep pounding away 'til they bust a nut. which , I guess for some guys, is like trying to stop a freight train once they get going so why bother.

Durham guy

New member
Mar 26, 2007
I've only had one experience with an sp but while I agree with the original post. Some woman are more about the get them in and get them out. They don't care about the passion.

That is why I'm hesitant about trying another one. I want that kissing and passion. Otherwise it's just too mechanical.

I would love to find a girl who for that moment will make me feel like I'm the only one.

This site isn't about knocking sp's. It's about providing info to other hobbiests and they can do what they want. If the service was great, you'll hear about is if it was bad, same.

There are plenty of well reviewed sp's. It's 50/50 some sp's don't care about making there client happy and some clients dont' care about anything but getting off.

Derek t

Jan 30, 2004
There are plenty of well reviewed sp's. It's 50/50 some sp's don't care about making there client happy and some clients dont' care about anything but getting off.[/QUOTE]

Well said from everyone in this thread....its a strange business and an even stranger hobby but I'll always say I'm very lucky to have such beautiful ladies to touch and touch me,even if it is fantacy land for an hour


THE "Mad Fucker"
Feb 5, 2002
on your cloud
sexilexi said:

I just wanted to start a little thread to discuss the concept of getting what you give out. Often I have seen written here on this board clients who are unsatisfied with their experience and services received. I accept and understand that this is a board geared towards the male element, and so I approach this subject with much care as I do not belong to such.

In my experience, I have found that the best sessions have been with clients who come into it openly and willing to "give" so to speak. Clients who are open themselves seem to have the best time, whereas the clients who come to a session expecting a girl to perform like some kind of circus act always seem to complain when the girl doesnt live up to the standards that they have set in their mind according to previous reviews or whatever.

Intimate contact between two individuals, whether or not there is a donation involved, is still very intimate. It involves two people meeting and melding into one another; not only physically but on a higher level as well. If one party is not open to the other on that higher level, how can they expect to have the spectacular experience that they anticipate? Sex isnt just about humping, and women in this industry aren't all about faking. No, we don't love you, but we can love you for that moment, and hold you the way you want to be held and caress you in that same way. But if you stay closed and expect us to "perform", you are mistaken. Its not about performance, its about connection, and if you don't want to connect, then you cannot honestly expect to have an A+ experience.

just some thoughts...
sexilexi, can you give some info on your service? incall, location, etc...


May 27, 2005
sexilexi said:

I just wanted to start a little thread to discuss the concept of getting what you give out. Often I have seen written here on this board clients who are unsatisfied with their experience and services received. I accept and understand that this is a board geared towards the male element, and so I approach this subject with much care as I do not belong to such.

In my experience, I have found that the best sessions have been with clients who come into it openly and willing to "give" so to speak. Clients who are open themselves seem to have the best time, whereas the clients who come to a session expecting a girl to perform like some kind of circus act always seem to complain when the girl doesnt live up to the standards that they have set in their mind according to previous reviews or whatever.

Intimate contact between two individuals, whether or not there is a donation involved, is still very intimate. It involves two people meeting and melding into one another; not only physically but on a higher level as well. If one party is not open to the other on that higher level, how can they expect to have the spectacular experience that they anticipate? Sex isnt just about humping, and women in this industry aren't all about faking. No, we don't love you, but we can love you for that moment, and hold you the way you want to be held and caress you in that same way. But if you stay closed and expect us to "perform", you are mistaken. Its not about performance, its about connection, and if you don't want to connect, then you cannot honestly expect to have an A+ experience.

just some thoughts...

Lexi...if thats your take on it, thats fine... I guess thats the way you handle your business which is great.

but you can only really speak for yourself. You dont know what type of SPs there are out there...many are money hungry, with a "get in and get out as fast as possible" mentality; Then there are the others who just go through the motions because thats what their job entails.

ultimately the only "openess" they are concerned with is how far your wallet opens for them. SPs like what you described are certainly the minority.

I guess what your really saying is dont go in with too many expectations and you'll come out relatively happier in the end...and you're right, that applies to just about anything. But when you're a paying customer dropping a buck20 (whatever the price is it isnt "cheap"), its hard not to have some expectations.


New member
Mar 6, 2007
whether there is a donation or not it is important to remember that the MIND is the most erogenous zone of the body !


sexilexi said:

I just wanted to start a little thread to discuss the concept of getting what you give out. Often I have seen written here on this board clients who are unsatisfied with their experience and services received. I accept and understand that this is a board geared towards the male element, and so I approach this subject with much care as I do not belong to such.

In my experience, I have found that the best sessions have been with clients who come into it openly and willing to "give" so to speak. Clients who are open themselves seem to have the best time, whereas the clients who come to a session expecting a girl to perform like some kind of circus act always seem to complain when the girl doesnt live up to the standards that they have set in their mind according to previous reviews or whatever.

Intimate contact between two individuals, whether or not there is a donation involved, is still very intimate. It involves two people meeting and melding into one another; not only physically but on a higher level as well. If one party is not open to the other on that higher level, how can they expect to have the spectacular experience that they anticipate? Sex isnt just about humping, and women in this industry aren't all about faking. No, we don't love you, but we can love you for that moment, and hold you the way you want to be held and caress you in that same way. But if you stay closed and expect us to "perform", you are mistaken. Its not about performance, its about connection, and if you don't want to connect, then you cannot honestly expect to have an A+ experience.

just some thoughts...
Agreed. Personally I enjoy the gentlemen who come in with a smile on their face and an open mind. There are some (luckily this is the exception and not the rule) who walk in with a frown on their face and seem very uptight. Those are the types that want you to perform. It is hard not to get mechanical at that point.


Used to hobby
Jan 24, 2007
sexilexi said:

I just wanted to start a little thread to discuss the concept of getting what you give out. Often I have seen written here on this board clients who are unsatisfied with their experience and services received. I accept and understand that this is a board geared towards the male element, and so I approach this subject with much care as I do not belong to such.

In my experience, I have found that the best sessions have been with clients who come into it openly and willing to "give" so to speak. Clients who are open themselves seem to have the best time, whereas the clients who come to a session expecting a girl to perform like some kind of circus act always seem to complain when the girl doesnt live up to the standards that they have set in their mind according to previous reviews or whatever.

Intimate contact between two individuals, whether or not there is a donation involved, is still very intimate. It involves two people meeting and melding into one another; not only physically but on a higher level as well. If one party is not open to the other on that higher level, how can they expect to have the spectacular experience that they anticipate? Sex isnt just about humping, and women in this industry aren't all about faking. No, we don't love you, but we can love you for that moment, and hold you the way you want to be held and caress you in that same way. But if you stay closed and expect us to "perform", you are mistaken. Its not about performance, its about connection, and if you don't want to connect, then you cannot honestly expect to have an A+ experience.

just some thoughts...
This is exactly why I always give the lady an orgasm first thing during our session. There was this one time, the lady took a rather long time to cum, and I think I gave her a straight DATY for 30+ mins where she ended up in ecstasy. Needless to say, I ended up having the most incredible time with her.

What goes around, always comes around. ;)


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
Give unto others as you wood have them give unto you ;)
i don't even think about money when i'm having sex, this fact makes me a favorite with the guys i see and i'm happy to make them happy.
my favorite saying is
"it's all about the fun baby"


Jan 16, 2003
I'm waiting for you....
Slothien said:
This is exactly why I always give the lady an orgasm first thing during our session. There was this one time, the lady took a rather long time to cum, and I think I gave her a straight DATY for 30+ mins where she ended up in ecstasy. Needless to say, I ended up having the most incredible time with her.

What goes around, always comes around ;)
This poster is BYFAR the best type of client out there! His mentality is exactly what brings the best out of a sp. Heed his advice boys, and you will find that you'll have a much happier (and hornier) sp at your fingertips (or on

Great post sexilexi, you have brought to the public forum, what sp's have thought everytime they had a client that treated us like a HOOKER rather then a LOVER! Which unfortunately happens all too often.

kisses and cuddles

sexilexi said:

I just wanted to start a little thread to discuss the concept of getting what you give out. Often I have seen written here on this board clients who are unsatisfied with their experience and services received. I accept and understand that this is a board geared towards the male element, and so I approach this subject with much care as I do not belong to such.

In my experience, I have found that the best sessions have been with clients who come into it openly and willing to "give" so to speak. Clients who are open themselves seem to have the best time, whereas the clients who come to a session expecting a girl to perform like some kind of circus act always seem to complain when the girl doesnt live up to the standards that they have set in their mind according to previous reviews or whatever.

Intimate contact between two individuals, whether or not there is a donation involved, is still very intimate. It involves two people meeting and melding into one another; not only physically but on a higher level as well. If one party is not open to the other on that higher level, how can they expect to have the spectacular experience that they anticipate? Sex isnt just about humping, and women in this industry aren't all about faking. No, we don't love you, but we can love you for that moment, and hold you the way you want to be held and caress you in that same way. But if you stay closed and expect us to "perform", you are mistaken. Its not about performance, its about connection, and if you don't want to connect, then you cannot honestly expect to have an A+ experience.

just some thoughts...
well i can tell you the guys who treat the girls the best are the hardest to get rid of at the end of the session. the girls always keep them around long after their time is up.


May 27, 2005
Catherine said:
, what sp's have thought everytime they had a client that treated us like a HOOKER rather then a LOVER! Which unfortunately happens all too often.

kisses and cuddles


see this happenes because there more SPs who treat clients like "johns"...then the "johns" turn around and treat em like "hos"...then the "hos" treat em like johns...then all the "hos" are the same and all the "johns" are the same

see the nasty cycle here?

nI the end of the day I hear what you are saying and thats will work on great SPs like yourselves...but like I said there are way more "mechanical" sps out there than there are ones like you...and they are ruining it for you


May 27, 2005
Slothien said:
This is exactly why I always give the lady an orgasm first thing during our session. There was this one time, the lady took a rather long time to cum, and I think I gave her a straight DATY for 30+ mins where she ended up in ecstasy. Needless to say, I ended up having the most incredible time with her.

What goes around, always comes around. ;)
see you could do this and then your time runs out and she sticks in business mode and boots you just paid someone to pleasure're not satisfied and shes giggling her ass off at you...thats the biggest scam since the devil convinced man he didnt exist


May 27, 2005
JessiMae said:
Agreed. Personally I enjoy the gentlemen who come in with a smile on their face and an open mind. There are some (luckily this is the exception and not the rule) who walk in with a frown on their face and seem very uptight. Those are the types that want you to perform. It is hard not to get mechanical at that point.
ok I agree...smiles are great

but do SPs smile when you show up? More often than not you'll get some half done contrived 1/8th can totally tell that they'd rather not...and then puts the client off and makes it hard to crack a smile back


New member
Sep 17, 2006
I know exactly what your saying sexilexi, my last session was very similar to Slothian. I love to give as well as recieve and after introductions we proceeded to kiss, I then lay her down for a nice massage, which I know she really enjoyed, followed by a nice long daty session till I had her shaking on the bed. she then proceeded to give me a session I will never forget, never rushing me out the door and the intimacy of just lying together looking into each others eyes, soft kisses and caresses at the end were worth every second and every penny. and will make for many repeats.

and it all began with a very warm beautiful smile when she opened the door.
I immediatly knew I had made a great choice.


almost got there
Apr 10, 2006
just lost
I've been both sorts of client, I guess, but have learned that the giving part makes for the best experience all round.

It's a great thread, Lexi!



New member
Jun 15, 2003
this post is a good reminder that it's a two-way street from a human and sexual need/gratification and respect between each other......

BUT the only problem is NOT every sp and client is "enlightened"/"Self-aware" and not everybody responds the same towards each other from a physical/mental attraction standpoint.

Some sps are open minded and provide consistent level of great service no matter the type of client. Some sps pickn and choose who they want to provide great service. Some sps provide consistent ok service. Some sps want tiered compensation for the level of service. And there are just some who just shouldn't be in the business.

I prefer just those sp gems I click with :)


Used to hobby
Jan 24, 2007
Catherine said:
This poster is BYFAR the best type of client out there! His mentality is exactly what brings the best out of a sp. Heed his advice boys, and you will find that you'll have a much happier (and hornier) sp at your fingertips (or on

kisses and cuddles

Thanks for the compliment :)

Mongrel4u said:
see you could do this and then your time runs out and she sticks in business mode and boots you just paid someone to pleasure're not satisfied and shes giggling her ass off at you...thats the biggest scam since the devil convinced man he didnt exist
Yeh I agree. I sometimes think about that too, but then I also think:

If that lady has that mentality to not give a good "service" to begin with, and I just went for the sex so she can please me, it'd probably not be as good. Whereas, if I had pleased her first, then at least maybe I can change her mind and then she'll give me a greater "service" than she originally would've.

Hope I make some sense.

You can tell I'm a very naive-kinda client lol.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Its hard to accept the responsibility of making the date successful. Remember that the SP is in control of the session. Often they ruin it with classic lines that deflate the whole fantasy. Lines like, "sure its your money whatever you want" or "We have to hurry my next appointment is coming over soon", or "I know I shortened the appointment but I'll make up for it next time", or "I just dont do that -- except with boyfriends" -- when "that" could very well be something safe and clean but the SP feels the need to remind you that she just doesnt want to get too personal.

This review board was designed to give men a voice during a time that the sex trade was a system that had men anonymously ripped off with no recourse.
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