You don't realize how lucky you are North of the border!


New member
Sep 22, 2002
You Canadians are one lucky bunch. Do you realize how well off you are in comparison to your American cousins?

I travel worldwide, and the quality and caliber of the Canadian SPs at such low rates is beyond compare. While in New York City, I engage the company of SPs who charge $500 + per hour, and these are in American dollars!

The same goes for Chicago, LA, and Miami.

While in London, there is a beautiful lass that I like to visit who charges 500 Pounds Sterling (over $1,250 CDN) for an hour!!! This is the norm, not the exception.

Why do you think that so many of your American neighbors come North for entertainment, and so few of the American SPs visit this fair city.

Hunter, Samantha Jones, Ela, Chloe, you are inexpensive by comparison to your worldwide sisters. I think that you should all get together and jack up your prices!!!

Now I'm stirring the pot, aren't I?


New member
Aug 3, 2002
As usual

As usual these Americans are here to SCREW the indians and take their woman.

But we breed them as fast as you wish to take them away.
And no we will jack down the prices, just watch as soon as the market dries up they will be back down to 150-180.
Been through it before


Simply butter baby.
Mar 17, 2002
Bareblow, do

me a favour? Tell me why you talk like a goofball idiot that has no clue about what time it is or what he's talking about and just may have been hit real hard on the head as a youth?

Just tell me why, and I'll leave you alone forever. I promise.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Rates differential between Can and USA

I used to argue about this stuff a lot 2 years ago when Can escort prices went on a brief spike skywards before dropping again.

First, the hobby is practically legal up here. With less to worry about, "nice" girls don't mind signing up to work at agencies and as indies. This leads to more quality girls working and also to the absence of the "danger pay" high rates girl charges in the States.

As well, we have a different tradition in this country. More girls work and more guys hobby because of the lower prices. This makes everything far more competitive price-wise. But it works out. Because more guys buy, the girls end up making about as much $.


Apr 6, 2002
A yankee is taking the stage coach to Houston. Just after the Texas state line a woman and a man join him in the coach.

The woman is young and fine looking so the yankee say's "Mam, I have been travelling for a long time and I miss my wife. If you would be so kind as to satisfy me sexually at the next stop I will kindly give you five dollars"

The Texan takes out his revolver and without hesitation empties all the shells into the northerner who dies instantly.

"I can't thank you enough for defending my honour" says the young woman.

The Texan responds, "Lady I don't know anything about your honour but damned if I am going to sit here and let some Northern boy raise the price of our whores"


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I Agree

As someone who has hobbied in Australia and several countries in Asia I would second Zayn's comments. Finding great services with a beautiful girl in YYZ is about as hard as falling out of a boat and hitting water.



New member
Aug 22, 2001
How would you guys like this scenario? After about a year and a half of being an Erica the Fox addict I got transferred to Saudi Arabia. I've been there for the last 7 months- the only guys getting any action in the place where I was were the sheiks who were importing 20 year old Russians in for fun. The only thing that got me through was knowing I could get back to Toronto for Christmas. Guess what was number 1 priority? A wild Erica fix over a weekend with a week long trip coming up. There's no doubt that Toronto rules- just try being away for any length of time.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
In the US do SPs advertise in the local papers like they do here in Toronto?

Talking about whether something is legal/illegal and how it relates to cost, it will be interesting to see if the cost of marijuana drops when it is decriminalized. I have no clue what the cost are now, any insights?


Aug 21, 2001
at her six
Sheik said:
The ladies in Toronto are free to set their own rates and the "johns" are free to decide how much they are willing to pay to see the ladies.

The higher rate ladies dont see as many clients and in some cases make considerably more or less than their lower priced counterparts.

Thats the joy of market and demand. Oagre could not have said it better. answer to your first question, yes (mostly) we do know how lucky we are, but we're Canadian.....which means we just don't feel that there is a need to brag about it. You're free to indulge as your wallet will allow. Since our economy is doing so much better I don't think we'll mind!


New member
Oct 21, 2002
Chicago - USA
KBear said:
In the US do SPs advertise in the local papers like they do here in Toronto?
I'm not sure how they advertise in Toronto, but do know that in most major US cities you can pick up a local "nightlife" paper with significant section of ads for all kinds of sexual activities. Depending on city and local statutes against this type behaviour, most have some type of agency ads and loads of indy ads. many are simple one liner ads like "18YO Redhaired vixen 240/hr. 555-1212" Some are more complex. I'm really amazed at the sheer quantity of ads since the resulting appointments certainly break local laws. But outside of "election" time, they seem to flourish and don't seem to get much trouble from the local authorities.

Yes, you Canadians have quite a nice little benefit in the local industry. Add the exchange rate, and, well, It's a great value in my world!

Outside of the obvious legal issues, I don't understand why more of your finest aren't travelling to NYC, Chicago, LA to increase top line revenue! And, not to worry about prices escalating locally, as many pointed out, it really is a classic supply and demand function. The real trick for a SP is to be in demand where the supply is low!


New member
Sep 6, 2001
It is worth mentioning as well that regardless of the factors surrounding the "hobby" in Canada that Canadian women are very different in their attitudes about men & sex overall as compared to their sisters in the states.

Whether on the short-term or long-term payment plan Canadian guys have it good.



New member
Aug 19, 2001
Silicon Valley, USA
I agree you guys are lucky..however..

1. There is no such thing as a "danger" premium in SP pricing. Pricing has everything to do with the prevailing local market and the caliber of clientele/frequency with which they desire to work. The notion that SPs somehow charge extra for a legal expense bank is bogus. The fact is that most any woman in the business is grossing more income than she could ever command in a private sector mainstream endeavor. That above all else motivates women, no matter where they are on the planet.

2. "Nice girls don't worry in a legal environment." A valid observation, but they still worry about retribution as do many of you anonymous hobbyists on this forum. Legalization does not destigmatize the profession. The number one fear of any "nice girl" in this business is being discovered by family or friends. Legal repercussions in my opinion has little to do with it, particularly here in the US. For "nice girls" there are many more first order concerns than being caught by the cops. "Nice girls" can work in a relatively safe cocoon here in the US just as they can in any other society. Many "nice girls" work in the business here. FYI: Many Canadian women work here and REFUSE to work in Canada.

3. I am always amused at Canadians perception of the business in the US. It usually displays their abysmal igonorance, despite their claims of expertise on matters south of their border. Somebody is blowing smoke up your ass if you actually believe your economy is performing better than ours. The last time I looked, we had 6% unemployment and 50% edge in productivity. Care to run that by somebody else not nearly as gullible. Perhaps a devalued dollar has something to do with the fact that you have jobs at all.

4. There is a CONSIDERABLY higher number of non-Canadian women working in the business in Canada as opposed to the US. The notion that any foreign national could enter the US to be a just doesn't happen as frequently here as in Canada. To wit: The most talked about SP on this board over the past several months has been Bobbi: not a Canadian citizen, but here on temporary visa. The same can be said about a VERY popular SP in Vancouver. In Canada for over 10 years and still not a citizen. Simply put, your lax immigration laws permit more women seeking to prostitute themselves to enter your country. NOT a bad thing..but I thought I'd set the record straight.

5. You have no tradition your country as Oage would like to suggest. The fact is that your prices in Toronto were higher in the 80's in terrms of absolute dollars. More girls work because of see "4". More men with income..NOT by any stretch of the imagination. The high end Canadian women are here in the states, not in Toronto. They know where the high rollers live. Your tax structure leaves you with little discretionary disposable income as compared to the average American who would dabble in this hobby. Your prices are a function of your market..PERIOD.

6. Montreal beats Toronto hands down in both price and quality at any level of the business that you'd like to consider. Toronto SP's while excellent in their attitude, are considerably more restrictive in their service menu. The best looking women I've met in my 11 years in the Candian market are from Montreal. You have few model quality SP's in Toronto. Montreal while overall excellent, has few available women in the business who could work at high end agencies in New York. Toronto has even fewer.

7. Supply and demand is a good first order approximation. But women who work the high end of the business are not concerned about middle market and below market pricing. They are more concerned about quality of clientele and frequency of encounters.
If they are good, they can work anywhere above "market".

Just a few things to start off the discussion...LOL



New member
Nov 13, 2002
"The high end Canadian women are here in the states, not in Toronto. They know where the high rollers live. "

That may be so for the ones who are completely single, but any sp who has family here in Canada that she cares about will not go to the USA for any length of time and leave them behind.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Well, EBS......

..... why is it then that TO sp's who are rated as slightly above average up here always knock the socks off their US customers when they go out - at two or three times the price - in NYC.

If US chicks were all that superior, why are US guys always fawning over our girls?!


Simply butter baby.
Mar 17, 2002
Well said Oagre

but some U.S escorts look like adult models. But the money they charge for extra service is insane. So as Canada continues to export no automobiles, barely any electronics and few natural resources on an international level, Americans will continue to set up shop here and take our dollars value for full advantage. Wouldn't you do the same?


New member
Aug 23, 2002
its not just cost. a black market cannot be easily compared to a grey one. i don't know how to put a price on hassles and wasted time.

sp attitude here is bad, real bad. dancers in wny ironically are friendly or more so than in nf/can., however the sp i saw there was as cool to me as a club girl here. weird huh? if i compare that one experience to reviews and commentary i've seen on terb, i think that that girl wasn't as interested/interesting as others in nf/can or further north.

i don't know about looks. if you can find looks stateside you will pay for them.

US girls are unfriendly but f**k just as well as in CAN. the crimanality and taboo makes them erotic. i don't think its just me. try it out.

the bottom line on price would be that a somewhat good time which is all you can get in buffalo costs almost 400can. NYC prices are reportedly double. this is for the exact same girl who moved back to buf for family reasons.
Last edited:


New member
Mar 11, 2002
My gosh I've died and arrived in Econ 201. Okay, while I understand the need to put forth your best arguments, this is a pleasurable activity that doesn't need to be overanalyzed or nationalized. Everything in NYC & LA is exaggerated, hyped and overinflated (try parking in NYC for 3 days--you can buy a car for less). Bottom line is, everyone's got to be somewhere. Why doesn't everyone flock to the cities with the highest incomes? I just try to enjoy the hobby where I am and where I go, and try not to worry about the comparisons.


New member
Nov 7, 2002
Hold on!
This may come as a surprise but, contrary to the way this thread is going, Toronto is not the only city in Canada - sorry to disappoint. I'm pretty familiar with the hobby scene in both Toronto and Montreal and IMHO the latter is miles ahead. Fantastic women at excellent rates. For example, try Les Filles de Monsieur Jacques (LFMJ) where for about half of what it cost in TO, you can have an excellent time with a lovely someone who knows what FULL service is all about. And the second hour is even less. YUL rules! Comments?
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts