If you mean Sir Wanker's father in law, he must be an unusual man to have #2 through his pee pee shooter.His pee pee shooter is all decrepit and worn to a nub?
That's right jiiimmm, sitting down is the way to go. Everyone in our household sits to pee. My wife and I take turns cleaning the bathroom so why would I want to make cleanup more difficult for either of us by standing? All you have to do is pee wearing shorts to know exactly how much splash-back there is when standing.Have him sit down. Its cleaner, better for him, eases pressure on the prostate and lets every drop out. There is nothing unmanly about it. Doesn't matter how careful a guy is, there is always some sort of splash. don't believe me, do it over a black stone floor then get down on your hands an knees and then check.
It goes way beyond the seatie sweetie.or this one:
if you sprinkle when you tinkle ... be a sweetie wipe the seatie!
How did they taste?Ahhh... so that's why I found Cheerios in my friend's washroom the other day. Mystery solved!
You will need this for your son too when the time comes
Put a Cheerio in the bowl, and make them sink with their yellow stream of power.
It works and keeps things clean.
Or when you fire up the baseboard heater next to the toilet for the first time in the fall. Ugh!It's even worse when there's a heat radiator next to the toilet that gets overspray. :fear: