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WTF?!?!?! American soldiers EXEMPT from criminal court ...

This is ridiculous ...

This is bogus ...

This is terrible ...

America is the international fascist?

Are Americans special?

How about all those rape cases by American servicemen in Japan and Korea? WTF?

This is totally unjust ...

The Nazis were trial and shit at Nuremberg, yet, when America does the same shit, it gets excemptions ??? WTF???

And yes, American soldiers are just like any soldiers ... they aren't fucking saints. So don't tell me thet don't loot and rape and torture enemy soldiers ... ;)


Big Member
Bad reporting

This is alot of things ... but mostly bad reporting.

It appears to me, that this news snipit was written without the complete facts, just so people would react like you did SD ...

As I understand it, the only reason immunity was asked for in this case is because the UN never sactioned the "policing" of Iraq, therefore under UN law, all American soliders involved in the conflict are/were subject to punishment under the War Crimes Act adobted by the UN.

Military crimes or crimes by US military personel (like the rape incidents you reference) are subject to punishment under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice), which is a stricter set of laws than most civil laws.

Sad to say but Men are men, most are good, some bad, whether they are in the military or not ... its just publisized more with military folks ...

Oh ... and "yes", I am American and "yes", we are special ... LOL


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
sighs... humans......... shrugs... oh well...



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
SD if you are looking for the HUMANITY in war you need to look to the Peace.

War by its nature is nothing we would seek.

Dont expect RULES to apply. when one can get into an area and be attacked while withdrawing, when there was no sign of attack during the insurgence.

As for NAZIs you need to think herding people into cattle cars and transporting them to death camps......Come on prespectives need to be upheld.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
What about American conduct in South and Central America

The US has a history there that would rival Stalin.

The School of the Americas should have been called "Dr. Mengele High"

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
The UN war crimes court is basically a joke. It is a body devoted to bashing the US and Israel while not a word is said about the atrocities happening right now in the Congo. Nothing is said about all the human rights violations in the Middle East or all the homicide bombings.
The US wisely chose to ignore this kangaroo court.
The UN has become a useless and irrelevant body. What do you expect from somebody who puts Libya head of human rights. Over 1 million killed and counting in Congo and the UN does nothing, Quarter million starved to death in a man made famine in Somalia and the UN did nothing, Pol Pot killed 7 million in Cambodia and the UN did nothing. Mao in his “Great cultural revolution,” Stalin in the Ukraine and the list goes on.
WTF??? I thought that the UN was organized to champion human rights throughout the world.
I’ve suspected for a long time that the UN was inept and paralyzed with indecision. I’ve only recently realized that they are corrupt as well. This food for oil program for Iraq was a real gravy train for the UN. They traded 17 billion dollars each year worth of oil for food and kept almost a billion for themselves in “escrow fees.” Now we find out that over a 20 billion is unaccounted for. The UN is worse than our Liberals for making large sums of money disappear. No wonder they were so against their own resolutions being enforced. They knew that it would be the end to their cash cow. I can’t believe they would steal so much money from the Iraqi people.
I don’t know the details of this CBC article but it doesn’t sound right. I agree with traveler that there must be some facts missing. Doesn’t surprise me from the CBC. The US is not pure as the driven snow especially in a combat zone but to compare them to Nazi’s is way out of line.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
UN War Crime Court devoted to bashing the US and Israel?

Maybe you can give some evidence of this court doing this. Actually, maybe you can tell me where this court is located and who are the judges of what you call the "UN War Crime Court"

Or is your post basically a joke?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
What we do know…

…is that the US opposed the establishment of an international criminal court, hasn't ratified the Treaty after 3 years, and has specifically stated that it will not allow its servicepeople's actions to come under its jurisdiction. Now, essentially through force majeure, it has a year of the 'cops' turning a blind eye.
I'm sure we all remember the United Nations were the allies that defeated Germany and Japan. I believe the USA played some part in that. There was a time when the world looked to the US as an example of democracy, freedom and the rule of law. Fewer do each year, the 'gratitude' of newly-liberated Iraqis being but the most recent example. For very good reasons, like its meddling—up to and including asassination of democratically elected heads of state— in Chile, the Congo, Cuba and other countries, most peoples of the world today see Uncle Sugar as a greedy bully, who might at best be useable, as the pilotfish uses the shark. My bet is whatever may be the sins of the UN's part in Iraq's oil sales, they will disappear in the wash of America's. It is deeply saddening to see the bright promise of the Founding Fathers so blighted and tarnished by the cynical, self-interested mini-minds that have inheirited the leadership of that wonderful country.


New member
Aug 18, 2001
submissivedave said:

...American soldiers are just like any soldiers ... they aren't fucking saints. So don't tell me thet don't loot and rape and torture enemy soldiers ... ;)
American soldiers do rape and loot--read their own Stars and Stripes publication--but is that really the reason for your post? Or is it that you have nothing more to do with your idle hands than make 1,200 posts in the last few months about anything and everything?

Your post doesn't even make sense; the rape cases you read about in Korea are usually those being prosecuted. Why not make your own argument rather than posting a poorly-written "news" link like *d*is so fond of doing.

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
papasmerf said:

As for NAZIs you need to think herding people into cattle cars and transporting them to death camps......Come on prespectives need to be upheld.
Yeah right and we are supposed to believe this bozo of Smerf? What about herding Muslims like cattle naked in transport planes for 18 hours from Afghanistan to Cuba?

Throw the book at those shitheads, who cares if they are American. In the last 3 days they have killed over 100 Iraqi civilians in happy-trigger incidents.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
and look who's talking

Alien (<>..<>) said:
Yeah right and we are supposed to believe this bozo of Smerf? What about herding Muslims like cattle naked in transport planes for 18 hours from Afghanistan to Cuba?
Waydaminit, Alien, what about all those human abductions by your kind and all those probe insertions , experiments done on your space ship ?

And btw ,good to know you are still hovering around us earthlings :D
Aug 18, 2001
The fundamental problem with many who post here is: The inability, and/or simple refusal, to think in terms of clearly defined moral principles. If you ask yourself: What social system allows me to exist for my own sake and not for the sake of others? You would answer: Capitalism, and fight to save the system that is dying in front of your eyes. If you ask yourself: What is required of my nature to survive? Then you will naturally find yourself attracted to the Western values of: Secularism, Rationality, Individualism and Acheivement.

Alas, many out of laziness have been seduced by moral equivalence which has subverted their thought processes and induced a moral blindness. Some, of course, are just consciously immoral and naturally gravitated to evil theories.

Here's a good argument (with exception of suggestions 2, 3, 4) about why international criminal courts make no sense.
Justice would be the ***** if Saddam were put in the dock
by George Jonas


New member
Feb 12, 2003
Never, ever trust the CBC to give you all the information when it comes to the US or anything not Left Wing. They have a very biased point of view and simply report only information that supports it. It's a bitch when you can't trust a publicly funded media organization to give you a balanced report.



New member
Apr 8, 2003
Wired for Found
What you have said about morality is a good "modernist" statement. But morality is not about oneself, it is how you deal with others. Postmodernists say that morality occurs before action and before is the essence of one in his or her treatment of others. Thus, thinking of moral principles as you say is modernist because it comes after thinking and relies on rules to help one decide what is moral and not moral. This allows individuals to surrender their personal responsibility to some outside code. But morality occurs from within and is highly individualist.

Thus, the moral blindness to which you refer comes from surrendering one's moral responsibility to a set of principles composed by others. It lets one off the hook. If we all asserted our moral responsibility, perhaps we would be better off....but too many seem to have surrendered it......

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
rawhide said:
If we all asserted our moral responsibility, perhaps we would be better off....but too many seem to have surrendered it......
A little off topic here but this is very interesting (geek talk for amusement)

Perhaps we would be better off rawhide but the fact that moral responsibility is individual in nature, as you discussed, allows for differing opinions and responses to situations. Using your analogy one could still argue both sides of this thread topic.


New member
Apr 8, 2003
Your Eminence Cardinal F

Morality is expressed in actions and can be judged only in hindsight. It is action taken without any thought of reciprocity ( i.e what it can do for you) So one can only debate whether someone was acting morally in a given situation after the fact. If one is debating what action to take before the event, then one is talking about situational ethics, but this is not morality. This is being influenced by others. Morality concerns the essence of you and so is not a calculation or concious thinking process.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Alien (<>..<>) said:
Yeah right and we are supposed to believe this bozo of Smerf? What about herding Muslims like cattle naked in transport planes for 18 hours from Afghanistan to Cuba?

Throw the book at those shitheads, who cares if they are American. In the last 3 days they have killed over 100 Iraqi civilians in happy-trigger incidents.
HI I'm homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Hey WTF is this? hmmmmmmmmmm Looks like SFB is at is again. I guess he did never hear of taking prisioners in war........ And yes the US is at war with AL Quada ( not your friend but the terrorist group)

Which book you tossing the one you read?????? Ok but See Dick Run aint a challenge to toss.............It is a sad fact that civilians die when war is brought from the battle field to the streets. I guess is, if your buddy SO DAMENED INSANE had surrendered this would have been advoided................How does a child growup in texas and several thousand miles south at once????

Now where did I put that cleaning kit
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