Would this be crossing the line?


New member
Jun 12, 2002
Ok, my wife is out of town and I would like to take the opportunity to see a SP. Here's the catch. We have a 6 month old son. Would it be inappropriate to have my son with me during the session? Question to the ladies out there, would this bother you or would you be ok with it. Question to the guys, has anyone ever done this?

He's only 6 months old. It's not like he's going to know what's going on, and I don't want to have to use our baby-sitter (my wife would be curious why I got the baby-sitter).

This may sound tacky, but I need some SP company!


New member
May 4, 2002
To answer your question as nicely as I can.....
That felt good.
If someone calls me for information and I hear children in the background I hang up the phone. This is totally unacceptable behaviour.
I hope if any crazy , drugged SP agrees to see you with your baby in the room ( I highly doubt that that you will find anyone) , I hope you tell us who she is so I can call Childrens Aid on you.
The fact that you would bring a newborn baby into an unknown, possibly dangerous environment so you could get your rocks off speaks volumes about the type of dad you are. I feel sorry for your child.
I cant believe you would ask this stupid question one day before FATHERS DAY. I hope the ugly tie you get for fathers day chokes some sense into you, slim ball. I thought I have heard everything until this. I hope this is just a sick joke and you are not really serious. If not you should be ashamed of yourself.
BTW -You can find another babysitter in the Yellow Pages or somewhere else. If you are afraid your wife will get suspicious if you call your own babysitter.
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May 25, 2002
Very Close
Go to church

Why post something like this on a public board ? You may have other relatives that post here.If you're caught you have a lot to loose maybe you lost them already.Lol:)

I could be your wives 3rd cousin! Man you are in shit.This post shouldn't even be here.Do you know what is the difference between Lounge and Review Section ?
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Aug 25, 2001
tweener said:
Ok, my wife is out of town and I would like to take the opportunity to see a SP. Here`s the catch. We have a 6 month old son. Would it be inappropriate to have my son with me during the session? Question to the ladies out there, would this bother you or would you be ok with it. Question to the guys, has anyone ever done this?

He`s only 6 months old. It`s not like he`s going to know what`s going on, and I don`t want to have to use our baby-sitter (my wife would be curious why I got the baby-sitter).

This may sound tacky, but I need some SP company!
Something`s rotten in Denmark!(Besides England trouncing them right now!)
Which thread is true,and which one are you lying about?
Here it seems like you live in the local area,but the thread you started Wed.(see link below)
states you are from out of town looking for a three-way?(I guess it would have been a four-way w/your son?)




New member
May 4, 2002
I think Shadow hit the nail on the head. This guy sounds like he is telling a sick lie, probably to get a reaction from people. I guess this is a reminder that you cant believe everything you read on the internet. A lot of freaks and liars out here, it seems.


New member
Apr 20, 2002
I agree with most said

I think it is definitely wrong to have a son present - you are taking him into a potentially dangerous environment. I don't think any good SP will even consider this - even asking them will likely get you blacklisted. I agree with what was said on this point and that thought made me SICK. GET A SITTER and make up a good believable story - and use the regular baysitter - one that your wife trusts.

But I think everyone was pretty harsh on the cheating point - (I know I subjecting myself to flames here - so be it - just my 2 cents) Thats his choice with a 6 month at home he is likely getting very little or no action. His wife will be exhausted looking after the kid and likely have liitle to NO energy. An SP is better than an affair for this part - no attachment. And really how many of us here are married a good majority I would think - Those that aren't have no right to judge this aspect either as they haven't had the experience of having a wife lose interest in sex - so who are we to judge - maybe he hasn't had any for 6 months or so. At least he is finding a way to vent his pent up energy, instead of sexually assaulting someone or getting a sideline actual girlfriend which could mess things up alot worse. Thats just MHO. I've been there - never even considered bringing my kids - or bringing an SP to my Family home - but I have common sense that way. At least he asked for input out of his desperation before he did something stupid like that!

OK flames start here


New member
Jun 12, 2002
You are all so arbitrary

One quick thing. TheShadow asked which thread was true, the one that said I was from out of town or this one. Answer = both. I am visiting an SP here (not Toronto) but will be in Toronto soon and would like to visit one there. The ladies I've seen reviewed are gorgeous and I want to indulge.

As far as all the judgements and the "making me sick" talk go... what a joke. I'm being lectured by prostitutes and men who cheat on their wives and put their families at risk. Yes, I am one of those guys. At least I am honest with myself and have accepted it. You guys DATY then go home and kiss your wife and children with that mouth. I wouldn't do that, so who is the sick one?

Tell me where the real harm is if I get a hotel room and my son plays quietly in his pack 'n play while I get intimate with a woman who takes money for sex. Yeah, my threshold may be in a different place than yours, but your morality is so arbitrary. Makes me laugh. I guess it would be wrong for me to have a pizza delivered too. Hell, I better not have any service people come over, especially the cable guy!

I will say this though, the point about putting my son in a dangerous situation is the only legitimate argument I've heard. That I would not do.

It is funny to read all the other talk that tries to rationalize this activity as a "hobby" among respectable consenting adults.


New member
Apr 20, 2002
Hey you're the one that asked

You asked for our opinions and got them - you obviously just wanted to hear everyone agree with you - Or start a debate Some people did get a little heavy - But hey you struck a bad chord with some - what did you expect ??


here, there and nowhere..
Mar 31, 2002
If you've already made up your mind that it's okay why did you ask us? If you don't think this is the crowd that's worthy of answering your question, try your wife or her friends or your family. Just who do you think is worthy?

Personally, I think it is an unwise decision. Your son is six months old you say, so dependent on you for his safety. While you're in the other room doing your thing with whoever, what happens if something goes wrong, he falls out of bed, starts crying for whatever reason at an "inconvenient moment". Are you going to respond or just assume everything is okay and continue?

No matter how you try to rationalize it, I think it's wrong. As raven said, babies do know what's going on around them.

BTW, this opinion is coming from someone who is not married or in a relationship, so is not cheating on anyone.


New member
Nov 26, 2001
Not a good idea...

In addition to the "risk" involved in visiting an SP, there are a couple of other potential problems that immediately occur to me:

1) A six-month-old is relatively unpredictable. What happens if the child starts crying after arrival? He might need to be changed, get hungry, bored, etc. He might not stop for a long time. Somehow, that would ruin the mood, IMO.

2) Having a baby present in a setting where sexual intercourse is the point, may be a really serious turn-off for the SP. Sex, at its core, is about procreation and while humans have some control over that natural function, it remains the basic rationale for having pleasure during sex at all. I suspect the SP will respond negatively to the association -- the child may also waken maternal instincts.

I must admit, this is a unique question. Also, I feel compelled to express some sympathy to tweener's opinion of the moralizing. It is funny, considering the source(s).


Re: You are all so arbitrary

Originally posted by tweener

Tell me where the real harm is if I get a hotel room and my son plays quietly in his pack 'n play while I get intimate with a woman who takes money for sex. Yeah, my threshold may be in a different place than yours, but your morality is so arbitrary. Makes me laugh. I guess it would be wrong for me to have a pizza delivered too. Hell, I better not have any service people come over, especially the cable guy!


Well, I guess that would depend on what you plan on doing with the cable guy in your hotel room.


Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
my thoughts ...

here's another one ...

there is one reputable agency in town that allows sp's to bring their kids on calls ... the kids stay in the car with the driver watching video's on the monitor screen in the vcr till their mommie is finished 'working'...

you tell me that's a healthy environment for children!



New member
Jun 12, 2002
good idea

which agency is that, maybe our kids could play together while we knock boots.


Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
Re: You are all so arbitrary

tweener said:
Tell me where the real harm is if I get a hotel room and my son plays quietly in his pack 'n play while I get intimate with a woman who takes money for sex. Yeah, my threshold may be in a different place than yours, but your morality is so arbitrary. Makes me laugh. I guess it would be wrong for me to have a pizza delivered too. Hell, I better not have any service people come over, especially the cable guy!

I will say this though, the point about putting my son in a dangerous situation is the only legitimate argument I've heard. That I would not do.
my clear headed response without value judgements:

sp's get odd requests all the time. it would be unlikely that any of the upscale sp's would entertain such a request unless they knew you already. i would imagine that most sp's would intitially think it was a crank call ... [you would be amazed at the stupid calls an sp receives on a daily basis ...]

it may be my biased perception of the sp's in the city [i have met many amazing women]... but i cannot really see calling one of the reputable escorts in the city as putting a child in a 'potentially dangerous situation'. fuck. quite frankly, i would be more worried leaving a child with a priest in a catholic church than with a reputable service provider ... opps!

what i am trying to say is that if the baby is sleeping, as a six month does quite often ... there is not a lot of risk of harm to the child, as i cannot see any sp 'harming' a child! nor do i think that a 400 llbs pimp named bubba willcome crashing down the door .. and i do not think that this guy was thinking off picking up someone off the streets ... soo .. i am unclear as to the potential dangers ...

as far as the child 'knowing what's going on' ... does that mean that the child will be emotionally scarred for life because they know that daddy is being unfaithful? ... does that mean the baby will be traumatized because they saw adults having sex ...? i don't think the guy is planning is screwing the sp with the baby in the bed! moreover, many new mothers and father actually save time and take baths with their children ... for shame! children are exposed to nudity at young ages!

my only words of wisdom ... babies have an uncanny sense of knowing when you want them to be sleeping ... and they somehow instinctively know when to start crying ... and crying ... and crying ...

by the way, i had a small number of clients who had older children who were in bed when they called ... sure. i would be a little worried that 'johnny' would wake up and discover me with 'daddy' ... but divorced dads with custody of children need sp's too ...

as far as the fact that this guy has a six month old ... it may have been ages since he has had sex with the wife. many women have uncomfortable pregnancies that make sex out of the question ... and add to the recovery time after giving birth ... i go nuts if i go a week without sex ... this may have been going on for over a year for this guy...! show some empathy, boys!

besides ... in reality, having children changes women emotionally and physically and biologically ... many new mother's do not lose the weight immediately (if ever) and feel self conscious about their bodies ... particularly if they are breast feeding ... there is hormonal madness going on that affects sex drive ... and sex may not be their number one priority. i know some new nother's that think it is a luxury to find enough time to wash their hair ... and track pants seem to be the outfit of choice ...

i am not a mother, but i can only guess that motherhood is a fucking exhausing endeavour ... and just maybe dear mommie does not want to light some candles, put on some sexy lingerie and make slow, sensual passionate love to daddy when baby has finally gone to sleep. so give the guy a break for looking elsewhere or risk looking like sanctimonious hypocrites!

and just maybe ... if daddy got his jollies elsewhere ... he would stop guilting or pressuring his wife into meeting her 'wifely obligations' till she was ready ...

in a perfect world, daddy would love mommie ... or at least daddy would get a sitter to allow him to misbehave ... which opens up a whole other can of worms ... when i was a babysitter, you have no idea the number of daddy's who would be more than 'friendly' on the drive home ... sigh ...


other thoughts - some women like seeing a man with a child ... and some women actually like babies - even more when they are not their own.

recomendation: if you find the right sp - make sure she knows that she is responsible for the time specified only ... if the baby is awake and nothing 'exciting' happens ... not her problem.

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Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
Ok heck...

For pete's sake...

I'll baby sit for you... 3 sisters, 1 brother, 9 godchildren and a healy maternal instinct (Which tells me I am not ready for my own!) gives me a love of children...

But I have one thing to ask of you all... If he got a suite with more then one room... What would be the difference from a house call where the children are sleeping in the next room? Just asking. Oh and I doubt there are many women who have never run into this!


New member
May 4, 2002
Re: good idea

tweener said:
which agency is that, maybe our kids could play together while we knock boots.
With an attiitude like that no wonder your wife does not want to have sex with you. Stupidity is never sexy.

BTW -In regards to safety I was referring to an incall , possible LE sting. I know I would and most other SP's would never harm a baby. I would prefer to play with a baby, much cuter.
But can you imagine the story on the front page of the SUN "Happy Fathers Day Daddy- Father of 6mos old brings his baby with him when visiting prostitute, because he cant fibnd a babysitter because his wife is out of town." Dont tell me Child Protective Services would not get involved. Your wife would leave you and try getting visitation rights after such an idiotic choice. You could not show your face in public and would probably get death threats.
Society may not view prostitution and cheating husbands very highly, but I promise you bringing your child into such an encounter would disgust a lot more people, then paid sex between two consenting ADULTS. Adults is the key word and a 6mos old is not an adult.
And I would worry that any SP that agreed to take such a call would be desperate for the money(maybe a drug addict- which would be a dangerous situation) which could leave you open to a 'blackmail' situation. If you dont give her what she wants $$$, what would stop her from threatening to call your wife and tell her what her house and baby look like, and the exact day she was out of town.


on former TERB in 90's
Aug 18, 2001
on a serious note

I would ask Tweener

Where would you draw "THE LINE".. one year ...two ?
Maybe a challenged child of 15 with mental capacity of 4?

I think the line is zero till an adult that is consenting to multiple partner sexual activity.:mad:
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