Would earning 75K a year make you happy?


Active member
Aug 3, 2009
75k is fine with me.

But my magic income would be 100k after taxes.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
No, it would not.

Happiness is a state of mind that cannot be bought at any price.

Having a lot of money makes life easier as it gives one financial independence to go sit on a tropical island and do jack all day if that is what one desires. People who can't do this because they don't have the money think they would be happy doing it if they only could. People who can do it often find out that they don't really want to do it long term.

Happiness is most often found by accepting one's state in life and having the best time you can. Would I be happier than I am now with mega millions, a private jet, 10 homes, etc? Sure, though the more stuff one gets the more effort to look after it is required. Am I happy now? Yes. When one passes up the chances for happiness one CAN enjoy today to dream only of happiness one might be able to get in the future if one has more money, etc one can miss the boat on a lot of happy memories.

Remember the song:

Enjoy yourself, its later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink
Time goes by, faster than a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself its later than you think

(seeing a hot SP is certainly enjoyable for starters :D )


New member
Dec 9, 2003
75K isn't a situation or a goal, it's a potential... The real number is disposable income after expenses. I'd rather make $600.00 a week and have $300.00 left over after fixed expenses ( rent or mortgage, food, insurance, etc. ) than make a grand a week and only have a hundred left to blow out my ass as I saw fit.

Also, there's two types of " making a living" one is to do something that you don't really enjoy that pays what it pays.... the other is to do something that you love to do and it pays what it pays, but going to work is something that you would do for free and you can't believe that the dumb asses you work for actually pay you to show up and have fun.. Then, the money you make is just bonus cash.

I had an interesting conversation with my Dentist.. He was in the middle of a root canal on a back tooth on the upper side. He said "Are you O.K. or do you want to take a break?" I said "I'm fine, but it can't be much fun for you either." He looked puzzled and said " Why?" I said " Because you're drilling upside down and backwards in a mirror and have to be accurate to within a half a millimeter and you can't see jack shit" ... He just smiled and said " But it's what I do".. At the end of the day, he would do what he does, no matter what it paid, because that is what he enjoys doing. That it pays really well is just the bonus package. Every year, he spends 1800 hours doing something that he loves doing and gets over a hundred bucks an hour to do it.

Most people that persue a post secondary education do so to to have a life that includes a work week that entails doing something they want to do as opposed to something they have to do to make a living. 75K a year doesn't make them happy, what they do for a living does..

Just saying..


New member
Oct 28, 2006
If $75K makes you happy, go for it. If not keep your $200K income and try something else. It would certainly cut down on your hobbying.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
make me happy but i have simple tastes. classic triple from wendy's and some burger king will put a smile on my face.


May 13, 2010
"A survey of 1,000 Americans " big differance!!! Hello it's from the U.S. - Has NO relevance in Canada!! I know cause i've lived in both places!!


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2001
In a place far, far away
You can't do very much with 75K these days - it is like the being 50 is like being 40... Living in Toronto you need to make at least 100K just to stay ahead of all the taxes


Mar 20, 2008
It would be helpful if the original poster actually read and understood the article. The first lines are "Can money really make you happy? Not really, but up to about $75,000 a year can ease the pain of life's stresses..."

"More money does not necessarily buy more happiness, but less money is associated with emotional pain,"

The main point of the study IMHO is that making *more* than $75k doesn't *increase* happiness:

"Perhaps $75,000 is a threshold beyond which further increases in income no longer improve individuals' ability to do what matters most to their emotional well-being, such as spending time with people they like, avoiding pain and disease, and enjoying leisure."


New member
Jan 2, 2009
shut up everyone.

Money is the means to happiness if used correctly like any other means .

Marcus Fenix

Sep 4, 2010
75k a year won't get you far in Toronto. After taxes, mortgage/condo fees/rent, car costs, food, clothes etc. you're left with very little for fun and leisure, and that's just if you're single. If you want to raise a family with 75K a year in Toronto... forget about it, unless you enjoy living in poverty.
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New member
Jul 14, 2009
A 75000 pension would make me very happy and I would agree to take the first flight out of Canada to enjoy it elsewhere
Working for that money in Toronto would hardly allow me to enjoy a company of women half my age, which I consider to be an inherent part of male happiness.


Active member
Nov 17, 2002
Deriving happiness is based on "experiences". For example, you go on holidays and you bring back your experiences from the trip. You buy a new car and your enjoyment is derived from feeling, driving, smelling, etc. Material things just as clothes, shoes, computers etc tend to end quicker than the joys of trips, spending time with friends and family because we can bring back these experiences forever. Money can buy experiences but only to a certain point. I am blessed with having a few bucks to save after my expenses and it certainly gives me peace of mind and security. But, I can live and enjoy my happiness on less than I make.
I have to go now... booked an appt at HFH !!

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
75k a year won't get you far in Toronto. After taxes, mortgage/condo fees/rent, car costs, food, clothes etc. you're left with very little to fun and leisure, and that's just if you're single. If you want to raise a family with 75K year in Toronto... forget about it, unless you enjoy living in poverty.

This is what I make and I am considering dumping the car to save 10 K


Active member
May 18, 2003
It wouldn't make me happy but how I lived and who I spent time with could make up for the lack of extra spending cash.
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