Would Amy Winehouse scare the livin' bejesus out of you?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Mao Tse Tongue said:
I find it terribly sad, especially since her voice has given me goosebumps many, many times. A brilliant---and I mean BRILLIANT--artist utterly destroyed by fame and media pressure.

The circus atmosphere around her decline says it all. It's what we do to artists in modern society. We tear the shit out them like piranhas.
I do and I don't understand what you mean. Yes, there is a lot of media pressure on people these days (interesting that on TERB this only applies to entertainers, not to politicians or academics or whatever).

That said, she does need to take the responsibility for her own addiction.

Numbskull Pete

New member
Oct 3, 2008
Aardvark154 said:
I do and I don't understand what you mean. Yes, there is a lot of media pressure on people these days (interesting that on TERB this only applies to entertainers, not to politicians or academics or whatever).

That said, she does need to take the responsibility for her own addiction.
she's seriously fucked up. And coming from someone fucked up like me, that's harsh. It's her own fault too, you got that much money pay someone to hold you prisoner til you kick it.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Numbskull Pete said:
she's seriously fucked up. And coming from someone fucked up like me, that's harsh. It's her own fault too, you got that much money pay someone to hold you prisoner til you kick it.
Not to sound insensitive, but that's why since the day of the murder I've had far more sympathy for some idiot from Mississauga, or Buffalo who flips out and murders his wife than I did for OJ. The "Dumbass" not infrequently has to make do on his own in fighting the inner demons, while O.J. could have a afforded the very best psychiatrists in Los Angles and environs to work out his feelings of rage. He chose not to, "Dumbass" didn't have some of those same choices.

As you say the same basic situation is true here.
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