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Worst Booking Ever - Dantay 7749 - Is this typical? 5 hours I won't get back. :(


New member
Mar 3, 2013
Dantay - Indy - 7749

Worst booking experience ever. :)

I’ve read good reviews about her but this was a terrible booking experience that left me feeling uneasy, which I’ll explain more about at the end.

I’m a bit of a TDL guy and I find this can be my downfall. I’ve had poor bookings before but the stubbornness of my TDL causes me to reschedule and persist. This was by far the worst experience I’ve had.
I started setting this appointment up the night before, communicated the day of and, when the text messaging would ALWAYS stop, I would give her a couple of calls.

I shot her a text at 9am the day of and she said that she’s running early and could meet me as early as 11:45. I start adjusting my day to make this time. The communication was decent (long staggered drops but no big deal) and when I was in the area for the designated time I shot a message asking where I’m heading and communication stopped (also tried calling about 3 times).

She finally gets back to me with a text and says that she didn’t hear back from me and can we do 1pm? I told her that I’ve been getting right back to her and even called. She said her ‘network must not like this weather’ (It was foggy out). :)

She appologiesed and we re-booked. I said I can do 1pm and then communication drops out for about an hour. I’m sending texts and calls during this time but I’m sure she’s busy with an appointment.
She shoots a quick reply with only an intersection. I’m in Kitchener at this time and the intersection is in Cambridge. Not a big deal though BUT throughout this whole ordeal she tells me different intersections the whole time. Taking a quick peek at the text messages, she tells me 5 different street names for the intersection. I would like to put down the combinations of street names that she wrote but I know I can’t.
I would consider myself really easy going but I’m getting very frustrated at this time. Other than the jumbling of streets intersections to go to, communication through text was TERRIBLE and I called often enough hoping to speak with her because she would give me half replies with confusing answers or she would answer some texts but not others. I figured talking to someone would be good.

I’m definitely not “in the mood” for an appointment now but my damn TDL and the distance that I travelled keeps me persisting.

I’m in Cambridge and tell her that I’m there (although I’m just in the area) because I know it’ll take her 20 minutes to get back to me and hopefully it’s an address. She does send the address and I realize that, perhaps because of her spell check, a street that she was communicating (starting with a G) was always spelt wrong in her text messages and is different from what is on the GPS.

It’s creeping up on 3 in the afternoon now and I was hoping to be out of the area by 1pm to beat traffic heading East.

I head over to the address and realize it’s a residential home and as I drive by I see two you guys in their mid-20’s standing in the driveway of the house across the street. I continue driving, park down next street and walk past the house, turn at the end of the round and walk past again waiting for these kids to leave. They don’t during this time so I keep walking and head back to my car.

I send her a message letting her know that “because of cars in her driveway (maybe just one and the other was the neighbors drive way) and some young kids lingering infront of the garage across the street I decided to bail. Just got a vibe that I was being pranked or something after such a long day of trying to set something up and different addresses and intersections being sent to me” and wished her a good day.
On top of what I wrote her, I recall a couple of months back her posting that it was her LAST week in town and she was moving. I even shot her a text asking if she was moving east to the Toronto area. With all this weighing on my mind I don’t think bailing was unreasonable.

She got back to me at about 5pm (typical) saying that I stood her up and I’m BLACKLISTED and that she was waiting by the door but didn’t see any kid and called me a fucking goof. :) Then wrote STOP STOP in two separate texts. I don’t know if she was anticipating me replying and having a conversation with her or if that’s a way to block people on her phone. I’m too relaxed to care about stuff like this.

I enjoy this hobby and provide many reviews for this site that should show that I’m not the type to flake out on someone (this being the first time) but nothing was adding up to my having a good experience after so many troubles.

I drove from Toronto to Kitchener (and ALL around) wasting my entire day from about a half hour before our first appointment (11:45am) until I left town (3:00pm) and she’s upset at me for wasting HER time… wtf?

Couple of quick questions for those that Hobby out this way:
- Is this typical of this girl? She seemed like she was on something or drunk in her text replies. Answering one of my phone calls would have gone a long way.
- Did she move about a month or two back according to her BP ad? (I know some post stuff like “Last Night” to get people to book but with that in the back of my head along with everything else it was too fishy for me).
- Does she host out of a residential house?
- The house threw me, but, is that common practice in Cambridge? The house was pretty scary and looked abandoned.
- Anyone ever ACTUALLY get pranked in this hobby?

My TDL leaves me with some interest in this girl but I still have many others on the list. If this was the real girl I may give her a try when I get a new phone. :)

On the upside, I have a new Big Boob favorite that I was finally able to book in Hamilton last week and about 5 reviews coming.

Happy Hobbying,


Jun 30, 2013
She is impossible to get a hold of. She only does texting, doesnt answer her phone. She is a flake. Her looks arent that great and she is too skinny. Her boobs are large, but sagging and flat. You didnt miss anything.


New member
Jun 2, 2006
had a similar experience where I booked the night before .... then reconfirmed in the AM .... and the nothing ... she said she was sick and fell asleep for many hours and slept through appointments .. but no real apology... if her reputation was not so spectacular she would be considered a flake for sure


Active member
Dec 7, 2009
If a SP doesn't care about a customer's time and wouldn't reply back in 10-15 mins after the first contact, I don't pursue. There are a number of other nice girls out there. Sorry to hear what happened with you.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
I'm a bit surprised no white knights have showed up. She used to have good reviews. What I'm also surprised about is so many guys only now saying they had booking issues. Why not earlier?


New member
Sep 28, 2005
I've never been able to connect with her very fact days would go by and I would receive a text message as if I had just communicated the hour before. Heard the "network" BS from her as well, constantly blaming her service provider for her problems. It seems that her location is also an issue in that one day Incalls are no problem and then the next week or so it is only Outcalls. All red flags for me!


Jul 27, 2013
I drove from Toronto to Kitchener (and ALL around) wasting my entire day from about a half hour before our first appointment (11:45am) until I left town (3:00pm)
I'm astonished ...honestly


New member
Mar 3, 2013
I'm astonished ...honestly
I know right?! :D

In my defense I had some quick business in Kitchener I could do. :) .... BUT my real downfall is, as mentioned, being a "TDL" guy and like many "TDL" guys I was on a 'mission'. It's almost like being a 'collector' at times. :/

But, I could compare a drive/trip like this to my college days when I would drive 3 hours to see a girl that I was in a long-distance relationship with. The only difference is no extra expenses from going out on the town or buying her stuff. For anyone else that has had a long-distance relationship they could probably relate to the long drive for a piece of ass. :)


Jul 8, 2007
Southern Ont
I have had trouble booking with her before too, even when we do get to meet she is usually 15-30 min late. I have had once where I was totally stood up, showed up at the location at the time of appointment and then nothing, no response etc.. so I have quit trying to see her again.


Dec 30, 2004
"k" town
I have had the same issue. I love the big boobs too but I can never get a hold of her. Which sucks because she says she is also down for gang bangs. I've given up on her though. I don't have the time to waste.


New member
Mar 30, 2013
Hello I seen her a bunch of times, only got stood up the first time, I think it is just her way of screening people as she told me a hundred guys will text in a day and she will only see two of three of them. So if she stands you up and you start sending her messages that are distasteful she probably will never see you.
I was late sometimes, she was late sometimes we are both tolerant of these things.
Personally I prefer the house visits to a hotel any day.
As for her looks I think she is really pretty, hair and makeup always done, huge tits firm no fat soft feeling, her belly has a bit of chub but not much, she is not too skinny just right for her size.

Her service is really good also, we always have a good time together.
She is number two on my favorites list only because the number one I've been super attracted to for five years and no one does me like her.
She also doesn't drink or do any drugs which is good to say.
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New member
Jul 1, 2012
She is the one SP that I could never book due to her schedule and tardy responses....nobody is worth running down to pay for sex.


Dec 25, 2002
I have had bad booking experiences with her as well. She is the worse I have ever seen. You think you had an appointment with her and even you had confirmed with her prior to getting to her location, you don't. She would simply turn off her phone and stop responding to any text/calls when you are there. She said she usually has 70~80 text messages per day and it gets so confusing and she has no idea who and what to reply lol.


The Submissive Brat
Sep 30, 2012
KW area
My Confession.....

I would just like to say, you are all right.

I have been very scattered, things haven't been working out very well at all for me since my move, there have been non stop interruptions, people unexpectedly showing up despite my repeated requests to message first but let's face it, it has been hard to get a hold of me.

It's hard to explain what's been going on really.... The magnitude of work load and stress I am under right now.....

And have been for some time....Literally just working to make what I can to feed back into the massive renovations I have going on, painting grouting drywalling, of a massive area, a vanity I found but yet to get installed.... unpacking still... Throwing out as much as a hoarder can really.....

There is way too many cats, they all are fighting constantly, huge fur balls everywhere, cats screaming and hissing in the middle of the night.
One of them that had kittens and been trying to get to good homes.
A billion things on kijiji I'm trying to find that I need to get this 4 bedroom house looking like a normal home.
I put in so much effort for Halloween Decorations this year.... A lot of time and effort and thought.... Just to get rained out and the fog machine destroyed.... * Sigh * !

Plus some serious issues with a crazy girlfriend that lost her mind and has joined the band wagon of harassing me.

Single mother hood, juggling grade 1, babysitting, plus issues that my renovation people are having in there private life...

All sorts of renovation troubles..... Honestly if it hasn't been one damn issue it's been another.

I could be the female Tim Allen, except I am sure he knows when looking for drywall you need mold and mildew resistant drywall and I didn't! Or what this foundation membrane thingy is really for but it needs to be framed... Can't puncture it I was warned so any framers out there????

I have never renovated before and knew absolutely nothing about anything to do with home renos.... I have been left feeling rather stupid and over my head.... totally overwhelmed and seriously stressed out.

I've hired people I know to do the work.... But one got sick with pneumonia.... Then like I needed to dry wall, get the drywall.... Oh well u need to mud and tape the stuff.... Oh ok good to know now....then get paint.... 200$ But forgot the primer.... I have no family to help me, don't know anyone here..... I feel lost as to what to do and I don't know what to do and been winging it.

Other problems have recently sprung up too... Big ones... Shower coming through the kitchen ceiling.... Found that out 2 days ago....

How do you men deal with this stuff!!! I can't believe what's involved in a house....! All really important! All connected all time consuming all REALLY EXPENSIVE....

Beyond that...

I have had a large number of phoney calls... And one client that decided to become a stalker cuz I wouldn't see them anymore.... Messages me now 50+ times a day, using a plethora of different numbers because he's discovered text apps (same sort I use) and books me and doesn't show multiple times a day.
I don't know anymore if it's a normal client or this weirdo who has massive rejection issues which he has now made mine.

It's brought most business and income and half done renovations to a screeching halt.

I've become suspicious of all callers.

I can't tell every person who texts me all this.... I want to provide a relaxing time.... Not go on and on about what is causing me daily anxiety attacks and chest pain....

Now big boob man is right, on much that he wrote..... I admit to a lot but a few things are defiantly not correct at all.

5 hrs of waiting time.? That's been grossly exaggerated.

The message I got was you bailed when you saw kids out side playing, which there wasn't any. It was like 1:00 pm on a school days or so... Before school was out for sure....

There wasn't any kids. At least not outside my home or on my street.... That is either a figment of your imagination or your lying to excuse the fact that it was you who did not show up or you were on the wrong street.

One full of children's that had banned together for a truancy party in broad daylight.
They aren't being very incognito clearly.

I do apologize to all fully for my life getting out of hand and making others waste there time..... I really am..... I'm not normally like that.... I am late a lot.... I have time management troubles... Things always end up taking longer than I have I visioned in my blonde head.

That and I am not one who watches the clock... I hate rushing a client especially when he's in a good mood and wanting to chat... I feel like such a jerk to cut them off or be like: k I really need you to go... Cuz I got someone else.... It just makes me feel like a bad person but I know making others wait isn't good either...

Most days now I sit at my kitchen table crying my eyes out wondering how I got myself into this mess but more importantly... How I'm going to get myself out.

I am sorry to all.

And to big boob man for calling him a goof. I figured he was the other dude just wasting my time again.

I try to keep a very clean environment, clean linens,fresh new towels... cold bottled water for thirsty clients...
And a welcoming stress free SP so I can provide service where u feel rejuvenated when u leave... And the door closes and I just cry. Not because of my client, because I'm wondering how well I could hide this stress I'm under and if I did anything wrong....

I just saw this review about an hour ago.... And my I have been sucking.... :s

Now what?


I am really sorry. really really really sorry to all I have disappointed and wasted your time.

I take full responsibility because my issues I have made yours..




The Submissive Brat
Sep 30, 2012
KW area
Ps: the STOP STOP is what my text app says to do to block callers.... It rarely works. I did the STOP the first time then tried again. Your supposed to text START to unblock.


New member
Nov 13, 2013
I have seen Dantay quite a few times, and have never been disappointed. She is all safe(a plus for me) and a delight to spend time with. First time I saw her was supposed to be just for dinner, but she talked me into going back to her place (didnt take much convincing). I have never regretted it. I have seen the ba review, but believe that any problems have changed, from very recent experience. Give her a chance, she is a beauty, and knows how to please.

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
Hello there, Terry44
I see you're new here.
Let's give you
Little welcome


New member
Nov 13, 2013
You can call me whatever you like, I dont really care. I may be new here, but been on another board for a little while, just dont come on here often enough to sign up, but had to reply to this thread. I used this board and another to decide who I first wanted to see as an sp, research if you will. What I said before is the truth and if you dont believe me, it is your loss and I wont lose any sleep over it.


This is all very disappointing to read, I had seen Dantay last year and was seriously smitten. While scheduling was never her strong suit it seems the new house thing is certainly not helping. Tough situation but hobbyists don't really care about anything except getting their willy waxed. I hope a white knight comes to her rescue, she really is a sweetheart. Too bad I am so far away, not that I'm sure I could help in any event.
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