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working out


New member
Dec 3, 2005
Now I hate to be one to repeat myself or get called a broken record but I am once again looking for a bit of help.

Back in september I posted asking for help with finding a Personal Trainer.....I did find someone.....thanks you know who you are. But unfortunately our schedules never worked and it kinda fell thru the cracks on both of us.

So here Iam, asking again as I no longer have all the PMs from before.
Iam looking for a personal trainer or someone who is very well informed on the subject of health and healthly weightloss/healthly lifestyles and would be interested in working with me on it.

I need someone who is motivating as that is my biggest fault...i try but fail! I aporeciate all the comments and advice but i really need someone who can personally go to a gym and do actual training with :)

PLS PM me and hopefully we can work out a very fun and exciting deal for both parties involved!!!

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
You know what kind of shape I'm in, so I can't pretend to offer you advice as a trainer.

:wink::wink::wink: But I sure would enjoy working out with you. :wink::wink::wink:
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