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Working Out To Improve Sex


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
I have started working out to lose weight also to gain some muscle as well watching my diet. But most important to improve sex drive and have the best sex possible. Anyone on this board who lost weight due to exercise and diet and has the sex been drastically better? Also do the providers find you more attractive? Give you compliments?


Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014
It makes a huge difference. I lost over 50 lbs and its like night and day in every aspect of life.
How long did it take you?
Any special regiment or diet you followed?

I'm looking to cut myself down to 150... 165 currently


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Of course its important, it keeps the blood flowing. Which is important for your Johnson.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
i lost around 30 lbs and got a bunch of compliments from some ladies i saw before the weight loss and new ones as well

concentrate on your diet to move it along faster. working out helps boost testosterone and look into doing kegels, you"ll thank me later :)


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Lost 50 pounds and gained alot of upper body muscle. The flirting at the gym, grocery store and the mall never stops ;)


New member
Feb 3, 2006
Absolutely worth the effort. I've lost 35 lbs and built a lot of muscle in the last 2 years. No supplements or anything just low carb high protein diet and regular exercise. Definite improvement in performance/enjoyment.
I saw Dina @Mirage a couple weeks ago and my cock was so hard I could have hammered nails with it.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Dropped 40+ pounds (around the weight of 2 10-pin bowling balls!) in one summer, about 10 years ago through diet and exercise. At the time, it felt as if I had been transported to an alternate Earth that was just like our planet but with lower gravity.

Improved every physical aspect of life, boosted confidence, gained lots of energy. And yes sex became a whole lot better.


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
How do you guys DO it??

Do you drink protein shakes all day?
Do you guys carry around zip lock bags of baby carrots for snacks?
Do you guys not eat after 7pm?
Do you do cardio 6 times a week? For 45 minutes each?

I'm 210, down from an awful 220 and I need to be 185. How can I get there?!!


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2014
The answer to your questions in order are: no, no, no and no.

Diet. I don't mean eat less. If you really want to lose weight and get in shape cut out all sugars. Bread, pasta, sweets and even dairy products. Basically the Paleo diet. You don't have to be hungry and you can even eat late at night. Protein shakes are chemical garbage, you're better off eating real food like eggs instead. You can snack on nuts or even hard boiled eggs if you like. As for working out you're better off doing some weight first for about 20-25 min and then a high intensity cardio workout for about another 15 min, one that can incorporate weights in it as well. Riding a bike at a low intensity for 45 min is not effective and is boring. There are people at the gym that ride bikes and do elliptical machines 5 times a week and never get results. If you don't mind shelling out the money and are committed to good health than I suggest joining a Crossfit gym.Its not for the faint of heart but everyone there started at the beginning so don't feel intimidated. Good luck


Aug 8, 2015
Downtown Toronto
How do you guys DO it??

Do you drink protein shakes all day?
Do you guys carry around zip lock bags of baby carrots for snacks?
Do you guys not eat after 7pm?
Do you do cardio 6 times a week? For 45 minutes each?

I'm 210, down from an awful 220 and I need to be 185. How can I get there?!!
For starters, lunch is chicken breast and broccoli every weekday, indulge a bit more (within limits) for dinner and weekends. No snacking. Light exercise at least 3 times a week.

Trying to get back in to better shape myself after years languishing at a high octane desk job that meant oh so much fast food dinners in the office..


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
How do you guys DO it??

Do you drink protein shakes all day?
Do you guys carry around zip lock bags of baby carrots for snacks?
Do you guys not eat after 7pm?
Do you do cardio 6 times a week? For 45 minutes each?

I'm 210, down from an awful 220 and I need to be 185. How can I get there?!!
You just answered your own question. The only thing missing is a hot piece of ass motivating you to come back ;)


Dec 20, 2010
Yes. Lost 30 pounds since end of April through strict low carb diet for the first couple of months and exercise 4 to 5 times a week. As I was losing and since I have gotten lots of compliments from providers and civilians which is very flattering. Get a lot of comments about how fit I look. I have trimmed 2 inches off my waste as well so hade to buy new pants in May. I found it improved by endurance in and out of the bed room.

The quickest way to lose the weight is thru low carb Atkens diet. I have introduced carbs back in my diet but keep it in moderation. No carb Protein shakes like Isoflex are also very important after your workout.

I am not looking to gain muscle mass but rather have lean muscle and look fit.


New member
May 4, 2007
I would also like to loose some pounds - thanks for the motivational thread.
A while back while in the locker room at the gym (haven't gone in 5 yrs) a guy (whom I believed to be a Dr.) said that wait loss was 70% diet and 30% exercise - which I believe.
What was successful for me in the past for weight loss in order was: (I could be completely out to lunch though)
1. cardio first thing in the am before eating - your body is hungry and depleted of quick energy sources and moves quicker to burning fat.
2. free weights to build muscle density (don't have to add bulk) as muscle burns more calories, the more muscle you have (even if just more dense) the more calories you burn by simply moving about the office or house.
3. do cardio AFTER doing free weights or strength training - use the quick energy reserves for the weights and when you do cardio, you are more likely to pull from fat reserves.
4. eat better not less - cut out any ice cream, fast food (unless its a grilled chicken type sandwich), get something healthy in your stomach as soon as possible in the am post cardio - this was the only time I used protein shakes.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
I'm 55 lighter than two years ago. To echo some of the thoughts above, the move that made it possible for me was cutting out processed sugars, breads, pasta, rice, and high-carb snacks (a particular evil in my life). For me cutting out those foods made me less hungry, being full "stuck" longer. It also made an enormous difference in my energy level, I stopped taking naps and being tired in general.

And yes, sex is way better.

Good luck to you - KK


Mar 11, 2012
In addition to a good diet, regular exercise helps tremendously. I have no need to lose weight, but when I was younger, I found that after a game of golf which involved walking 4 plus hours, my performance was much better at night. Nowadays, in addition to golf and tennis, I find that weight training seems to help a great deal.


Feb 8, 2012
To answer your question.

1. Has the sex been drastically better?
YES. I'm 41 and I'm horny all the time. Erections are much better than pre-2008.

2. Also do the providers find you more attractive? Give you compliments?
I think so. But I don't do it for that so it's not something I focus on. My validation is internal. BUT I'm human I like the compliments I've received from everyone.
Last edited:


Feb 8, 2012
How do you guys DO it??

Do you drink protein shakes all day?
Do you guys carry around zip lock bags of baby carrots for snacks?
Do you guys not eat after 7pm?
Do you do cardio 6 times a week? For 45 minutes each?

I'm 210, down from an awful 220 and I need to be 185. How can I get there?!!
Understand that weight loss is SIMPLE, but HARD.
Simple in that the process is burn more calories than you eat.
Hard because humans are busy, and food is yummy. I'd bet that you are in a NON-physical job.

So here is what I did.
In 2008 my child was born and someone took a picture of me sleeping while holding her. Awe so cure. Fuck no. All I saw in that picture was my fat 310 lb ass. I used to be a sports star in University.
At that point I made a change.

- Bought and religiously used P90X = A fuck ton of hard cardio.
- Used mynetdiary - and recorded my eating EVERY SINGLE DAY.
- And lost 95 lbs to drop to 215 lbs
- For me exercising is easy I LOVE IT. The hard part was eating within my caloric limits (2500) a day.

For me though I found that I was as weak as a kitten. So I changed from a crazy cardio plan to more of a power lifting plan.

I am currently up to 245 but my bench, deadlift and squat amounts are higher than when I was university and I'm 41.

Anyway to answer your questions
1. Do you drink protein shakes all day?
- No I think this is stupid and is only useful for people who are trying to GAIN muscle mass and who are on a heavy program.

2. Do you guys carry around zip lock bags of baby carrots for snacks?
- No. BUT I do monitor what I eat VERY closely. And I will buy fruits for lunch etc.

3. Do you guys not eat after 7pm?
- This is a HUGE myth. Your body doesn't change the way it burns calories after a certain hour of the day. The only value of this is to try and limit your caloric in take. But I don't think its effective.

4. Do you do cardio 6 times a week? For 45 minutes each?
- My P90x program was 6 days a week.
- My current powerlifting program is 4 days a week of heavy lifting (surprisingly short session each time tho). And then an active lifestyle.

Hope that helps. BUT YMMV. The above works for me.
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