I can only speak from my own personal experience.My father was an abusive, sick basturd with my mother.
- Never had a bf after the age of 32 because the guy she was dating was beaten with a two by four by my father and his two brothers.I THINK he paid a 500$ fine if I remember correctly(God bless the Canadian Criminal Justice System in the 70's for their tough ways on domestic violence)
- Had zero self esteem from verbal abuse and physical abuse.
- Could not even hold a simple job because my father would show up at her work yelling that she was a whore out running the roads instead of taking care of us(we were fine with my grandmother until she gave up)
- threatened more then once to shoot my mother(with the gun I know for a fact he kept under the seat of his van), shoot us and "burn the house to the ground".
- refused to pay a dime of child support and again, threatened to kill her if she made any waves about it.
- what money she did get always had"strings" attached to it.Sex, etc etc.
- My mom died last year penniless except for what her children provided for her.She died scared as she lived her entire life.She never travelled, never remarried, never had a career, never had any passion.
By the time she was in her mid 40's(this is when his age caught up with him and he slowed down his vicious evil ways)she was a pretty broken person.
I've seen a few really good therapists and don't say any of this out of any sense of anger.I'm simply stating what happened.You can't reason. with obsessed,sociopaths that most of these men(and some women) are.They will slow down as they get older but that's it.No other reason.
I honestly wish she would have killed him when it got really bad.She probably would have made 4 other lives much better and her own also.