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Women Who don't Drive.




Why don't you have a drivers licence at your age. Why don't you have a damn car.

I don't know how these ladies function in everyday life.

I make it a rule not to date a woman with no car or license. I don't want to feel like a taxi service to pick you up so you can come to my place. I would much rather prefer a woman with a car who will come and see me rather than inconvenience me by asking me to pick them up.

Fuck that.

Ladies if you don't drive, you're behind the times.

(had to get that off my chest)


New member
Jun 26, 2003
So troops you'd rather have a scared or nervous driver on the road with a great chance and causing an accident then picking ip a lady or just hanging out at her place?


Scared and nervous drivers?..........cmon. We're grown ups

Jels i've dated too many women who don't drive.............they just become to reliant on you 24/7 to drop them here, drop them there, in the middle of the nite ......."come get me". When you tell them not tonite......i'm tired. They become all whiny and shit and try to place a guilt trip on you.
I refuse to go to their place because I like the luxury of entertaining at my place by a huge pool and a jacuzzi and a kingsize bed rather than try and sqeeze into a little love seat watching a 13 inch tv and fucking on a single springy bed and being around cats who shed like a sheep.

I just think getting your drivers license is an important priority in life regardless of if you live downtown. What if you wanted to go somewhere like Niagara. what the hell you gonna do? Find a friend that drives? *shakes head* Jels even your friends get sick and tired of having to pick you up after awhile.
I just think a lot of women need to get their shit together in their lives starting with a drivers licence, then a careeer, and then buy a car.

I just prefer a woman who has her shit together.


New member
Jul 30, 2003
Having your drivers licence I can understand, but driving in Toronto is nuts some days I never want to drive plus there are so many other means of transportation that can be even faster then trying to battle the traffic of the greater Toronto area, give a girl a break..

xoxoEve of Toronto


New member
Jul 13, 2003
Jels said:
So troops you'd rather have a scared or nervous driver on the road with a great chance and causing an accident then picking ip a lady or just hanging out at her place?
Believe it or not I've notiiced that there are "many women" who are "too nervous" to drive for some reason (unknown to me). Who cares if a woman isn't into driving! As long as she's into me I'm fine with that!
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