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WOMEN: The nice guy space time continuum.

Ed Thomas

New member
May 18, 2012
From a Youtube comment about the topic of being a nice guy and getting shot down.

Girl age 16: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: ” I don’t want to hurt your feelings, or come off as a bitch to my friends, but I’m really much more attracted to Bad Boys – outlaw bikers, the football team’s quarterback, basically any guy who appears dangerous and exciting. You’re Nice, nice and mundane”

Girl age 22: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “Thanks for listening on the phone to me cry, fall into verbal hysterics and drone on for hours about my Jerk BF (oh, and my little dog too). You’re really sweet, and deserve a girl **(which isn’t me)**who can appreciate how nice (i.e. mundane) you are.”

Girl age 28: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “I know you’ve always been (an) my emotional tampon, and thanks for sticking with it – any sane guy would’ve found a far better prospect by now. And while I’m beginning to see that guys like you are stable, dependable and tend to make a lot more money than the Jerks I’ve dated, I think I’m gonna hold out for a hotter guy than you while my looks still hold up”

Woman age 32: “Why can’t I just find a nice guy?” Translation: My jerk ex BF/ex husband left me with this 4 year old rugrat, a stack of bills and a broken down car. Well, actually, I kicked him out, but who’s keeping score? I’m screaming toward The Wall at Mach 3, I can feel my eggs dying and my body shriveling up, and I need a beta provider yesterday. But they don’t tingle me like alpha douchebags do, so ….

Woman age 35+: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “Oh, you’re a Nice Guy,, let me suck that for you. See? Being a Nice Guy does get you laid!,..thanks for being there for me when I needed you; my fatherless kids appreciate your generosity too. How chivalrous of you to forgive my past indiscretion and take us in, I wish there were more guys like you. I really pity the women who can’t appreciate your kind of dedication – you are so different from “other guys”




Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
As a 35+ woman, I don't see any of those to be at all true about my past (or current) relationship patterns. Was never into the bad boys, never cried about my life to a guy, never felt the need to have children, etc.

"I can feel my eggs dying and my body shriveling up" Seriously?

And at 38, I am still competing quite well with the 28 year olds. :)

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory

My thoughts? 95% of the time I see posts like these it's because the guy's weak and lacks confidence so he makes himself feel better by posting how it's really all womens' fault.

If a woman has put you "in the friend zone" it's because you've allowed yourself to be put there.

Ed Thomas

New member
May 18, 2012
I'm not a friend zone type of guy Elfboy, but i know guys who are and from my observations of what they deal with..... hence the post.

Ed Thomas

New member
May 18, 2012
I know eh Canada-Man.. That post you dropped was obviously written by a beta-bitch nice guy boy.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
From a Youtube comment about the topic of being a nice guy and getting shot down.

Girl age 16: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: ” I don’t want to hurt your feelings, or come off as a bitch to my friends, but I’m really much more attracted to Bad Boys – outlaw bikers, the football team’s quarterback, basically any guy who appears dangerous and exciting. You’re Nice, nice and mundane”

Girl age 22: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “Thanks for listening on the phone to me cry, fall into verbal hysterics and drone on for hours about my Jerk BF (oh, and my little dog too). You’re really sweet, and deserve a girl **(which isn’t me)**who can appreciate how nice (i.e. mundane) you are.”

Girl age 28: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “I know you’ve always been (an) my emotional tampon, and thanks for sticking with it – any sane guy would’ve found a far better prospect by now. And while I’m beginning to see that guys like you are stable, dependable and tend to make a lot more money than the Jerks I’ve dated, I think I’m gonna hold out for a hotter guy than you while my looks still hold up”

Woman age 32: “Why can’t I just find a nice guy?” Translation: My jerk ex BF/ex husband left me with this 4 year old rugrat, a stack of bills and a broken down car. Well, actually, I kicked him out, but who’s keeping score? I’m screaming toward The Wall at Mach 3, I can feel my eggs dying and my body shriveling up, and I need a beta provider yesterday. But they don’t tingle me like alpha douchebags do, so ….

Woman age 35+: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “Oh, you’re a Nice Guy,, let me suck that for you. See? Being a Nice Guy does get you laid!,..thanks for being there for me when I needed you; my fatherless kids appreciate your generosity too. How chivalrous of you to forgive my past indiscretion and take us in, I wish there were more guys like you. I really pity the women who can’t appreciate your kind of dedication – you are so different from “other guys”



I just don't get the whole generalization of women. It would be like me saying all men are exactly the same. It's simply not true.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
The trick is to be nice, but not pathetic.




Well-known member
There are stereotypes for sure, but like anything else there is definitely a segment of the population this represents. Although nice guys may not always finish last......a vast majority of them do.Many, many women I've known over the years have uttered that infamous quote "I wish I could just find a nice guy"......I try not to laugh knowing they have spent the previous 20 years looking for anything but


Dec 1, 2012
From a Youtube comment about the topic of being a nice guy and getting shot down.

Girl age 16: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: ” I don’t want to hurt your feelings, or come off as a bitch to my friends, but I’m really much more attracted to Bad Boys – outlaw bikers, the football team’s quarterback, basically any guy who appears dangerous and exciting. You’re Nice, nice and mundane”

Girl age 22: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “Thanks for listening on the phone to me cry, fall into verbal hysterics and drone on for hours about my Jerk BF (oh, and my little dog too). You’re really sweet, and deserve a girl **(which isn’t me)**who can appreciate how nice (i.e. mundane) you are.”

Girl age 28: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “I know you’ve always been (an) my emotional tampon, and thanks for sticking with it – any sane guy would’ve found a far better prospect by now. And while I’m beginning to see that guys like you are stable, dependable and tend to make a lot more money than the Jerks I’ve dated, I think I’m gonna hold out for a hotter guy than you while my looks still hold up”

Woman age 32: “Why can’t I just find a nice guy?” Translation: My jerk ex BF/ex husband left me with this 4 year old rugrat, a stack of bills and a broken down car. Well, actually, I kicked him out, but who’s keeping score? I’m screaming toward The Wall at Mach 3, I can feel my eggs dying and my body shriveling up, and I need a beta provider yesterday. But they don’t tingle me like alpha douchebags do, so ….

Woman age 35+: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “Oh, you’re a Nice Guy,, let me suck that for you. See? Being a Nice Guy does get you laid!,..thanks for being there for me when I needed you; my fatherless kids appreciate your generosity too. How chivalrous of you to forgive my past indiscretion and take us in, I wish there were more guys like you. I really pity the women who can’t appreciate your kind of dedication – you are so different from “other guys”


Im over 35 and I'm really picky in my personal life i find this bullshit

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
There are stereotypes for sure, but like anything else there is definitely a segment of the population this represents. Although nice guys may not always finish last......a vast majority of them do.Many, many women I've known over the years have uttered that infamous quote "I wish I could just find a nice guy"......I try not to laugh knowing they have spent the previous 20 years looking for anything but


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
There are stereotypes for sure, but like anything else there is definitely a segment of the population this represents. Although nice guys may not always finish last......a vast majority of them do.Many, many women I've known over the years have uttered that infamous quote "I wish I could just find a nice guy"......I try not to laugh knowing they have spent the previous 20 years looking for anything but
+ 1 .


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
Women saying "I wish I could find a nice guy" is the equivalent to men saying "looks don't matter". Both sexes guilty of a little hypocrisy.


Active member
Jan 5, 2010
Nice guy sounds like passive-aggressive entitled guy, the way he's described here. The girl just sounds immature and stupid. I'm sure people like this exist, but I'm proud to say I don't know any of them personally.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I think you've got the stages right, but the ages differ for each woman, and there are some women who miraculously don't need to go through the stages to arrive at "enlightenment".

I think young women crave both freedom and status, and often those "bad boys" provide both: they spit in the face of rules and are often the popular ones in the teenage years. Of course, most of us know that these guys often have poor prospects, are general douchebags to those around them, and will eventually be douchebags to the women in question when they grow tired of them. It's a tale as old as time. In terms of evolution, these alpha males were the best providers and defenders. But that hasn't applied for some time now. Evolution has some catching up to do. It's too bad that so many women have to learn the hard way what kind of person they really want to be with; and that so many nice guys go wanting for so long.

That said, this is by no means a female only problem. How many guys chase hot tail over the sweet gals? Fortunately for me, I can tell the difference between love and lust and so even though I've tumbled a few hotties, I would never dream of being in a long-term relationship with them (at least, not unless they had other traits in their favour). I look for certain qualities for a real relationship: dependability, affection, disposition, maternal instincts, etc. Looks do factor in somewhat, but I find that if she has the right personality she tends to become more beautiful by the day. Funny how that works!


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
When I was young I definitely had the bad boy persona.
Long hair, booze, fast cars, shit disturber. Never any real problems, but the hint there could be.
You wouldn't believe the girls it attracted.
Once I matured, graduated University, got a job, drove a respectable car, bought a house, wore a suit, I ran into an old girlfriend.
She outright asked me, "what happened to you?" "You used to be soo TABO?"


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
From a Youtube comment about the topic of being a nice guy and getting shot down.

Girl age 16: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: ” I don’t want to hurt your feelings, or come off as a bitch to my friends, but I’m really much more attracted to Bad Boys – outlaw bikers, the football team’s quarterback, basically any guy who appears dangerous and exciting. You’re Nice, nice and mundane”

Girl age 22: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “Thanks for listening on the phone to me cry, fall into verbal hysterics and drone on for hours about my Jerk BF (oh, and my little dog too). You’re really sweet, and deserve a girl **(which isn’t me)**who can appreciate how nice (i.e. mundane) you are.”

Girl age 28: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “I know you’ve always been (an) my emotional tampon, and thanks for sticking with it – any sane guy would’ve found a far better prospect by now. And while I’m beginning to see that guys like you are stable, dependable and tend to make a lot more money than the Jerks I’ve dated, I think I’m gonna hold out for a hotter guy than you while my looks still hold up”

Woman age 32: “Why can’t I just find a nice guy?” Translation: My jerk ex BF/ex husband left me with this 4 year old rugrat, a stack of bills and a broken down car. Well, actually, I kicked him out, but who’s keeping score? I’m screaming toward The Wall at Mach 3, I can feel my eggs dying and my body shriveling up, and I need a beta provider yesterday. But they don’t tingle me like alpha douchebags do, so ….

Woman age 35+: “You’re such a nice guy.” Translation: “Oh, you’re a Nice Guy,, let me suck that for you. See? Being a Nice Guy does get you laid!,..thanks for being there for me when I needed you; my fatherless kids appreciate your generosity too. How chivalrous of you to forgive my past indiscretion and take us in, I wish there were more guys like you. I really pity the women who can’t appreciate your kind of dedication – you are so different from “other guys”


Too much analyzation and speculation. You have to let it happen on its own. I do believe that the first few minutes of a meet with a women is especially important. Sorry to say guys, they are wiser than us.
So be careful when treading in these waters. Never lose who you are (This is called confidence) it will bring you far on your journey.
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