Women do not make it very easy for men when it comes to dating.


Active member
Nov 3, 2018
Pretty much every country you mentioned is a 3rd world,poor ass country. They will all see dollar signs when you tell them you are Canadian.
And you don't think women see dollar signs here too when you meet them? Try being a homeless bum and see how your dating life turns out lol

And to the poster who suggested that the women in these countries aren't choosy; how presumptuous and insufferably superior you sound. For example when I met a girl in Japan I dated she said she preferred "western" men because they were taller and treated her better than the Japanese men she had dated. Btw, she had a career and had her own money so that wasn't her prime motivation. I've heard many Russian women prefer non Russian men because alcoholism is rampant among Russian men and many of them are abusive. I think most women the world over appreciates a man who respects her and treats her well. My 2 cents

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
And as women got more independent, the weight of those other factors went down because they become less important to worry about.
But it has always been a mix of factors for everybody and the differences mostly exaggerated.
agreed. it is however still hardwired in our nature, just like women desire to have children.

for example as women earn more money and that sense of independence they still seek out men who earn more than they do. they want to be able to have children take time off, stay at home raise the kids and maintain the lifestyle they had pre baby. this is a phenomenon that is currently happening now with high earning women making over 6 figures. problem is that roughly only 10 percent of men make over 6 figures. that 10 percent includes married men and gay men.

so those hardwired behaviors never really go away regardless of independence.
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Jun 11, 2013
Equating not being willing to settle for a "homeless bum" to then being a gold digger is ridiculous. As you said, most women are more than happy to have someone who treats them well. This is no different for Western women.

And you don't think women see dollar signs here too when you meet them? Try being a homeless bum and see how your dating life turns out lol

And to the poster who suggested that the women in these countries aren't choosy; how presumptuous and insufferably superior you sound. For example when I met a girl in Japan I dated she said she preferred "western" men because they were taller and treated her better than the Japanese men she had dated. Btw, she had a career and had her own money so that wasn't her prime motivation. I've heard many Russian women prefer non Russian men because alcoholism is rampant among Russian men and many of them are abusive. I think most women the world over appreciates a man who respects her and treats her well. My 2 cents



Apr 21, 2019
Women do not make it very easy for men when it comes to dating. I took a lady out on a date in March just before the provincial lockdown . We were still talking right afterwards, I tried to set up another date; She sgreed to it, flaked on me and subsequently ghosted me out of nowhere.

I super liked another girl on Tinder and sent a friend request to her snapchat account that was in her bio. She added me back. I told her that I super liked in her on Tinder. She says she's doesn't use it that much. We chatted a bit. I found her to be very interesting and i told her that I wanted to meet up with her to smoke some joints. She agreed. I tried to set up a date until she started ignoring me.

These are the struggles that I have to deal with as a man just to get myself acquainted with the opposite sex. I have to keep dealing with rejections , flakes and ghosting. I would rather get rejected than to be left on read and get ghosted. Women are very fickle and capricious when it comes to dating. They say one thing and then do the complete opposite. They do one thing and say the completely opposite. You can build an excellent rapport with a woman and it's all find and dandy until they dissappear before the blink of an eye. This is why I fully believe in 80% of the women look for the top 20% of the men in the male dominance hierachy. That was my first date in six years; Yes my dating life is that bad and this is honestly very exhausting...I'm trying my best to make something happen for myself when it comes to dating but women are generally setting standards so high that being an average man is not good enough. Furthurmore, it's very difficult calibrating with women considering that they can change their mood on you at anytime even when everything is good. I don't know how you married men do it.

This is why I value this industry so much because I don't have to deal with the ghosting , flaking and rejection. All it takes is one phone call to see a lady at a spa, All It takes is one text to see a lady at an escort agency. There's too many hoops and obstacles you have to deal with it comes to dating and it shouldn't have to be. We have reached the point in society where modern women have gotten so much attention on social media that they much more picky in mate selection. There's 25 year old male virgins, There's men in there early to mid thirties who had sex twice and there's men like me who hasn't had sex with a civilian in 7 years. Now when I meet an attractive woman, the first thing I think in my head is "I hope she escorts" than "I'd like to take her out" because If she's an escort, I have a better chance of actually spending time with her. It's unfortunate that I have to think this way but women have made so hard for men due to their high standards. I had to read The Game by Neil Strauss when i was younger and I still wasn't getting any results.

Lil Loaded killed himself over a breakup, A California man killed himself as well over his girlfriend allegely cheating on him. Women don't make it very easy for men but It's up to us men on how we choose to react to women's behaviour. It's a constant hard battle to earn a victory in getting a fate, or having sex with the woman of your interest.

Sometimes it's best to raise the white flag and continue to see escorts.
Hi buddy,

First thing first - I completely understand your circumstances. I have been through the exact same thing. Before COVID-19, I have a hard time finding a woman that is worth while to be with, and now with the COVID-19 lock-down - the situation is even worse. I cannot meet anyone beside my mom, my coworkers and few escorts ladies. I have been rejected multiple times. I have three broken relationship which till this day hurts me, and all my ex-girlfriend are MARRIED with other guys.

Does life suck? Yes it does! However, I am not here to tell you how my problem is worse or miserable than you. What I wanted you to remember this quote from Buddha, "Life is full of suffering. If you do not accept the suffering, you will suffer more." So, what does that quote actually mean? It means, whatever you do in life, you will suffer some form of misery, whether it is walking down the street, learning a new language, exerciting on the bike or going on tinder to find a date.

Since you have read, The Game, from Neil Strauss - I can tell you right now - dating women or dating anyone is a numbers game. You have to be willing to accept that fact that not all women like you - there will be some people that will hate you passionately. Why? Who cares! Life is too short to care about everything. However, that's not the point, the point is - if you failed to attract the type of woman you want in your life - maybe it is time to change up your tactics/plan. If you do not change your approach and expect a different results - it is called, INSANITY!

Mystery (PUA master) have said, "you need to work on yourself to attract the ladies - the peacock theory". If you do not like people to disrespect you then you need to respect yourself first. Cause no one will respect you if you do not respect yourself. As for ladies that are GHOSTING, FLAKING, REJECTING et cetera. What their actions tells you, they are NOT WORTH YOUR TIME. Even if you manage to secure an actual meet-up - would it be worth your time?

Do not beg nor ask them why they won't see you - cause you will NEVER know the truth. Even if the ladies did tell you the TRUTH, and explain why they did not want to see you - would you have believe them? There is a saying in the Asian culture, "All history is a lie. It depends on who does the telling and who does the listening."

Also, who cares if they have TERRIBLE behaviour, they are unlady-like or they have no proper social-manners - at the end of the day, if they failed to value you who you are now - they do not deserve the BEST of you in the future. You can change your fate and destiny, if you willing to take the time to develop yourself and push to your limits. However, you have to be willing to take up the challenge to CHANGE yourself. If not, you will suffer more from the things you cannot control, like OTHER people's behaviour, thoughts, manners, society's or family's expectation, MGTOW, Feminist, ANTIFA, Fascism, racism et cetera.

Don't be a follower. Be a leader for yourself and create the world YOU want to be in. Good luck and wish you all the best.
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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
I agree but I believe that its a much bigger factor for men(typically we dont consider the resources of women as important. beauty, fitness, youth for the most part indicates fertility), where as women consider other factors after the physical(resources are important since having children requires having resources).
Yes, looks play a role for women but it is not the same(height is pretty crucial for example, a nice bum would not hurt either). But status ,wealth ,security ,confidence are all extremely important for women. It is a complicated brew driven by evolution. Difference is, today she does not need to fear the big bad wolf especially if she is not planning on having children, maybe just big bad credit cards.. There is a police force. Her government job is guaranteed for life and she will get a huge indexed defined benefit pension.
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Oct 24, 2018
Another book you may want to read is "The Rational Male" by Rollo Tomassi.

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Crimson Mire

Active member
May 22, 2018
The 20 80 rule isn't true. Many/most females are in relationships and those dudes sure are not in the top 20%.
Most nerdly dudes I know are married off to dudettes who match their looks and nerdly inclinations. Except for one, none of them are in the top 20%, maybe veering towards the bottom 20%. However none of them had women throwing themselves at them.

When it comes to picking up random strange at bars or on the streets, sure I can see the 80 20 thing.
Women notice the top 20% but they will enter relationships and even marry more common Soggoths.

That being said the lower down the pole you are the harder they will make you work for it and the less tolerant they will be to any mistake you make. Also you need to be willing to lower your standards to the point where homosexuality starts to become tempting [except then you are dealing with ugly dudes and you are even worse off]

Thus as someone said above. The key is to meet people naturally via social groups and the like. Where your special kind of freakdom can find someone who digs it.

Sadly I am on the bottom end and my social life doesn't lend itself to meeting da womans. I did have some fortune via POF oddly enough, mostly [pretty much only with Chinese women [northern and central] however POF seems on the way out, fewer and fewer people. Tinder has a structure that just doesn't work to my strengths and last time I went on the other sites they have even fewer people and many were the same. As I go beyond the wrong side of 50 and my standards don't keep pace in dropping I think it might be time to give up completely.
I'd get cats but that is a 15 to 20 year commitment and one I take very seriously. I question my life expectancy. A human understands, a cat wouldn't.
Reading this thread makes me sad. There are so many men out there who are incels who will never admit to being incels.

Crimson Mire

Active member
May 22, 2018
I think ghosting is a shitty thing to do no matter who does it and who they do it to. The behavior isn't exclusive to women and dating.

See, if a health care worker or boss ghosts you it is universally regarded as unprofessional & rude - everyone can agree that's out of line, and there should be accountability. If your dad says he'll take you to the movies and then flakes on you without explanation we would all agree that he's a bad father.

However, when a woman does it to a man in a dating situation, women seem to take the attitude that it's just some perfectly acceptable thing women do. If for some reason a woman has second thoughts about a date, that it's fine & dandy for her to just not show up and then never communicate with the guy again. All good. Talk about a double standard.

I have two kids that I care for and raise (I'm not their dad but I am their guardian). The younger is now an early teens girl. She's being taught by social media, media, and her friends that the best way to deal with an uncomfortable situation with a boy is to simply "ignore the problem and it will go away", rather than address it. That both saddens and scares the hell out of me. Fear of even minor confrontation is not a success trait.

I've had a manager for a volunteer job that I did ghost me. A fucking MANAGER for a VOLUNTEER JOB. You're telling me that her shitty behaviour was universally regarded as unprofessional and rude? Ha! There was simply nothing stopping her from not showing up because she was the manager, and she could have easily made the bullshit excuse that "she was busy as hell" just like any other individual in high power positions. Was I pissed? Fucking yes I was, because I submitted all my work and wanted to ask her about my overall performance, only to realize she never showed up, and made the bullshit reply that "she had other things to do".

Look, Kkelso, you're obviously playing the victim here and that is totally not cool. Learn how to accept rejection. If a woman you want to date says "no" to you, move on and leave. And if she's ghosting you, then it obviously shows that you two are not compatible with each other, so why are you dating her in the first place? Think with your brain for a second - why do you want to date someone who is ghosting you? Are you so drawn to her beauty and nice body that you would do everything you want just to date her even if you know you two are incompatible?

Be in her shoes for a while - imagine how many men are sending her dating requests, and how many times she has to weed out all the assholes and losers? Be glad that as a man you don't get harassed by 20 women a day.
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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
I've had a manager for a volunteer job that I did ghost me. A fucking MANAGER for a VOLUNTEER JOB. You're telling me that her shitty behaviour was universally regarded as unprofessional and rude? Ha! There was simply nothing stopping her from not showing up because she was the manager, and she could have easily made the bullshit excuse that "she was busy as hell" just like any other individual in high power positions. Was I pissed? Fucking yes I was, because I submitted all my work and wanted to ask her about my overall performance, only to realize she never showed up, and made the bullshit reply that "she had other things to do".

Look, Kkelso, you're obviously playing the victim here and that is totally not cool. Learn how to accept rejection. If a woman you want to date says "no" to you, move on and leave. And if she's ghosting you, then it obviously shows that you two are not compatible with each other, so why are you dating her in the first place? Think with your brain for a second - why do you want to date someone who is ghosting you? Are you so drawn to her beauty and nice body that you would do everything you want just to date her even if you know you two are incompatible?

Be in her shoes for a while - imagine how many men are sending her dating requests, and how many times she has to weed out all the assholes and losers? Be glad that as a man you don't get harassed by 20 women a day.
Ah, who's playing the victim card? The volunteer manager in your story sounds like a jerk.

My position, to be clear is: Ghosting anyone under any circumstance is shitty. As a society we should not accept it or promote it. Ghosting is being taught as an acceptable mode of communication (I suspect by people who whither at the thought of any confrontation or acceptance of personal responsibility) and I believe that should stop.

In witnessing multiple debates on this topic, one constant shows through. The people who say "get over it and let it go" are, without fail, people who do the ghosting.

My guess is that's you.

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Jul 3, 2020
I've had a manager for a volunteer job that I did ghost me. A fucking MANAGER for a VOLUNTEER JOB. You're telling me that her shitty behaviour was universally regarded as unprofessional and rude? Ha! There was simply nothing stopping her from not showing up because she was the manager, and she could have easily made the bullshit excuse that "she was busy as hell" just like any other individual in high power positions. Was I pissed? Fucking yes I was, because I submitted all my work and wanted to ask her about my overall performance, only to realize she never showed up, and made the bullshit reply that "she had other things to do".

Look, Kkelso, you're obviously playing the victim here and that is totally not cool. Learn how to accept rejection. If a woman you want to date says "no" to you, move on and leave. And if she's ghosting you, then it obviously shows that you two are not compatible with each other, so why are you dating her in the first place? Think with your brain for a second - why do you want to date someone who is ghosting you? Are you so drawn to her beauty and nice body that you would do everything you want just to date her even if you know you two are incompatible?

Be in her shoes for a while - imagine how many men are sending her dating requests, and how many times she has to weed out all the assholes and losers? Be glad that as a man you don't get harassed by 20 women a day.
I don't find it hard to believe that someone would not want to spend their leisure time with you. Maybe you're a poseur, maybe you're legitimately trans; that part doesn't matter anymore. Your sole purpose appears to be trying to annoy people. Why would you expect anyone in their right mind to voluntarily chose to share the company of an individual with that raison d'être? It's not rocket surgery; that's the last step in permanent physical gender transformation. If you're less of an asshole in real life, why the charade online?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Both sides ghost. It should be said about men or women but people in general.
Yes absolutely both side ghost. And why? Because both do not want to deal with the potential follow up of rejections. Some men or women go ballistic when they get rejected. They just can fucking deal with it. A bit like Trump when he looses an election.

We ghost because there is too many of these peoples. We ghost because we do not want to have to deal with the deluge of text/email/phone calls or worst (for women) physical visit from that person were avoiding...

Being ghosted is a message. That person is not into you. Just move on life is too short.
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Crimson Mire

Active member
May 22, 2018
Ah, who's playing the victim card? The volunteer manager in your story sounds like a jerk.

My position, to be clear is: Ghosting anyone under any circumstance is shitty. As a society we should not accept it or promote it. Ghosting is being taught as an acceptable mode of communication (I suspect by people who whither at the thought of any confrontation or acceptance of personal responsibility) and I believe that should stop.

In witnessing multiple debates on this topic, one constant shows through. The people who say "get over it and let it go" are, without fail, people who do the ghosting.

My guess is that's you.

Blah blah blah I get it. Ghosting is bad. Don't be a ghost. Mmmmmkay?

Do you honestly, HONESTLY think some of us will come out and say "oh yeah, you're right, ghosting is... totally wrong! Thanks, I never thought that way before!" Ha! As if! If anything, you're making a strawmen.

The issue with your posts is that you're singling out women; or to precisely put it, you're singling out women who wouldn't want to fuck you after asking them out on a date. You act like you're so entitled to get a woman's attention that you feel victimized if they refuse to give you one. The stuff you say forms the foundation of what makes incel movements so violent and dangerous.
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Crimson Mire

Active member
May 22, 2018
Ah so you just did the work for me. Lovely. :)

Funny though, if you want to ignore me so badly why do you keep replying to my posts and saying smartass shit? Let's see how well you can ignore me... ready... set... GO.

Ah nice, you're also making that as your signature! Good, you'll need all the reminder you can. :)
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Parts of this thread are fucking hilarious!!!!!! I spit out my coffee I was laughing so hard.
Yes absolutely both side ghost. And why? Because both do not want to deal with the potential follow up of rejections. Some men or women go ballistic when they get rejected. They just can fucking deal with it. A bit like Trump when he looses an election.

We ghost because there is too many of these peoples. We ghost because we do not want to have to deal with the deluge of text/email/phone calls or worst (for women) physical visit from that person were avoiding...

Being ghosted is a message. That person is not into you. Just move on life is too short.
I think if you get ghosted you should be happy. It is clearly not a person that you want to have in your life.

I also have no problem telling people no. I think society hasn’t gotten scared of just saying no.

I have a friend who is in this position. She is terrified of confrontation. Like terrified. I learned the hard way when she did something pretty rude to me and I called her on it. She got physically sick from the anxiety and stress and I swear all I did was get firm with her and ask her directly to explain herself. So I let people ghost. It just doesn’t bother me. I would move on. But I’m different. I know this.
And you don't think women see dollar signs here too when you meet them? Try being a homeless bum and see how your dating life turns out lol

And to the poster who suggested that the women in these countries aren't choosy; how presumptuous and insufferably superior you sound. For example when I met a girl in Japan I dated she said she preferred "western" men because they were taller and treated her better than the Japanese men she had dated. Btw, she had a career and had her own money so that wasn't her prime motivation. I've heard many Russian women prefer non Russian men because alcoholism is rampant among Russian men and many of them are abusive. I think most women the world over appreciates a man who respects her and treats her well. My 2 cents

Maybe her prime reason was a sponsorship?????? Who knows. That happens more then hooking up with a western man because they are truly into them and want love and marriage and all that shit. Try asking her if you moved there for her if she would still want you. It is the same with Russia and many other parts of the world.

But as pointed out saying saying that women won’t date a homeless man..... what does that mean? She is a gold digger if she doesn’t? Are you trying to say there is no in between in westerns worlds? Only in third world countries? Would you date a homeless woman? I think not. So how are we suppose to take your opinion seriously with assumptions like this?

Women in the west do have the ability to be more choosy then those in third world countries. It not even just about money. Family obligations etc. They are more reasons. And I think you know this you just didn’t like how the debate was going. But whatev.
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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2019
A buddy of mine used to say ”Homeless women are the best...you can drop them off anywhere”
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