Live in the present moment. Participate. Sorry I edit some stuff from what you quoted lol.
Im surprise to hear this coming from you at present.
Well all we have is our direct experience to tap into. In example I have been out a couple of times on anesthesia and it’s like I just completely shut off and wake up 4 hours later like it was minutes without any memory of dreams or anything and procedure finished. Probably when brain stops to work the same would happen and you cease to exist. Don’t know if other people remember. I know some wake up during the procedure.
Although based on my faith and direct spiritual experience and connections to other people I believe in love, connections and consciousness. I believe somehow we connect to this consciousness as my personal faith.
So in my brain both possibilities exist and I need to be fine with whatever happens or can happen. Although I try to live my life trying to love everything and everyone because this is what makes me feel good and feels like the right way, especially the things or people who want to hurt or destroy me. Although it may not seem like it, I really do hope the best in everyone especially the people that hate me and have done harm to me or want to do harm to me. In example I had an uncle with PTSD point a gun in my head and I thought it was it. I still love him and would still say at his place and forgave him the next day. Maybe not drink anymore vine and play music that would trigger the PTSD from war would be a smarter way. Or the countless disagreements I get into especially on here or in personal life. Just need to be smart and clever how to love without opening yourself up for personal harm to you or the family.
Therefore best to prepare for the worst and expect the best and live in the present experience and moment especially with people.