Well people are waking up to realize there is a lot more then science can explain or what they have been indoctrinated with like we all go to heaven if we are good and there is a bearded dude in the sky smoking splits. Like start with even defining what good is. Under what ideology is it defined which it is always looked at from that point of view. One persons good is another persons evil. Then start with language the structure from a meta perspective and eventually you realize how bullshit all these ideas are. None of it is based on absolute principles like guarding the light of consciousness through love of all that is living especially humanity. It’s all based on ego, greed selfishness, tribalism and ideologies. You can have absolute principles that would define good free from ideology to work in any galaxy, planet or intelligent being based on consciousness, beings like humans and love for those two. You can even take it to all beings if you want to and based on universal principles what would work anywhere in the universe that light and consciousness could exist.
Things that science currently doesn’t understand in example include consciousness, what created the first something from absolute nothing and quantum mechanics to name a few. They are still stuck in their paradigm and limitations same like religion or a cult. From a meta perspective it’s all the same the structure and paradigm lock they fall under.
For all we know we could just stop to exist when we die like a computer that turns off. Like when you are under anaesthesia you don’t remember much even your dreams. Just wake up like hours later with the time erased. Or you can say that all this is a projection from the nothing and we are all connected through this absolute consciousness that projected existence into being and it’s realizing itself through each and every one of us and infinite amount of possibilities. Some say when it realizes itself nirvana happens and everything happens again from that point into another round of infinities and possibilities all realizing and actualizing itself over and over again.
Meaning it’s really lonely up there and this is a way for the absolute consciousness to fool itself and distract it from its meaningless nothingness. All this could be a projection.
At then end of all this we just don’t know. Even science just doesn’t know and it’s too arrogant to admit how much more it still has to learn.
What a fucking baller ^^^ they still don’t understand what this means