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Wit & Wisdom-Best One Liners on TERB!

Dr. Faust

New member
Jan 6, 2002
OK People. Like most of us, I log onto this for "Information (very useful) & Entertainment" and I must say some of the repartee has cracked me up.

There are often absolute gems of humour buried in these Threads (very like the SP Business!) so I propose we EXPOSE them.

Let's Post "Wit & Wisdom-Great One Liners" to give us a lift-and by the way-they don't HAVE to be funny; I've seen some pretty thought-provoking stuff here.....

My starter one liner (courtesy of our good friend Dr. Wanker):
"You think your wife whines now, wait till you hear her going through a wood chipper! (OK that was TOO sick )"

Yes it was too sick, but I fell off my chair when I read it!

Next???? :D



Why is it that some "beautiful blonde" SP's insist on dying their roots and pubic hair a darker colour??
Never could figure that one out!

Willywants (to get to the "truth" of the matter!)


"Picture" Perfect Breakfast! a man see's it!

You're sitting at the breakfast table!
Your son's picture is on the front of the box of Wheaties, your mistress's picture is on the recent cover of playboy and your wife's picture is on the back of the milk carton!

Willywants (to enjoy his breakfast!)


Results Of Recent Study!

A recent study of men's sexual habits revealed that they, by far, prefer to engage in sexual activity on day's of the week that start with the letter 'T"!
Such as:

And thats just for starters!

Willywants (to think of a few more!)

Cool Dude

Willy's cheating again. You are asking for posts already made I assume. Lately it seems that the Barrie Bitch...uh..Barrie Bastard...uh..Barrie Drama Queen has been on a roll. Too many to name. At least she did not call you a drag queen Fannie. If that were true, I suppose you and sexysophia might be getting together


Cool Is Too Cool!

Hey Dude!
Looking forward to seeing you "out" once again on the 28th!
Sweet is as sweet does!
Wonder if either lady will like my new duds!
Hope so! Maybe the'll tear them off my back!
I've got this great "Red Stuff" to show off!
There is method in madness!

Willywants (to go crazy!)


Foxhound Wants A Review from Willy!

Hey Foxy!
Most of the ladies I choose to see out of the bountiful bevy of beauties available, do not all want to be reviewed!
If I do review, it is in undertones rather than overtones!
I do believe in posting reviews as far as good, bad or otherwise is concerned! I don't believe in splashing intimate details in public! Realizing it is mostly the gory details you guys are looking for, you can always PM me! Even then, any references made would only relate to the "Sticky" short forms and not to specific activity! Ymmv reigns!

Willywants (to be discreet!)

P.S. Watch the Escort Review section over the next few days!
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