Will you show your proof of vaccination?


Jul 18, 2017
I guess he thinks Tylenol is still experimental as it’s still being studied even though it’s been on the market since 1955


Sensuality Seeker
May 20, 2018
It's folks like you and think like you that will bring us another lockdown! #selfish
I was only questioning the reasoning behind vaccination proof/passport. No need to be judgemental dude. I got my 2 shots as soon as I could. Probably will take booster shots if required. Even encouraged friends and family to get vaccinated to protect themselves.

I'm not for forcing anyone to get vaccinated however if the unvaxed are going to cause virus mutations and lockdowns then I think it's good reason to ask for proof of vaccination.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I was only questioning the reasoning behind vaccination proof/passport. No need to be judgemental dude. I got my 2 shots as soon as I could. Probably will take booster shots if required. Even encouraged friends and family to get vaccinated to protect themselves.

I'm not for forcing anyone to get vaccinated however if the unvaxed are going to cause virus mutations and lockdowns then I think it's good reason to ask for proof of vaccination.
No judgment if you have both shots CB.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
1) if unvaccinated drive up hospitalization we are going back into lockdown and none of us vaccinated people will put up with that because of selfish SOB's
2) unvaccinated cause variations as they get sick
3) public health supersedes selfish folks who think they have a right they do not have!
Not a single line of this is true.

Don't believe the lies just because the lies are coming from the government.

The facts are available.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
the only lies , nonsense and bullshit is in your mind.
I dare you to post ANY reviewed study that shows the mutations come from unvaxed people and not vaxed people. It would do you some good to actually find one, instead of sucking and spewing media hyperbole. You presumably went to school for a reason, which was to learn how to think and analyze, not follow and be a sheep, yet here you are baaaa-ing.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I dare you to post ANY reviewed study that shows the mutations come from unvaxed people and not vaxed people. It would do you some good to actually find one, instead of sucking and spewing media hyperbole. You presumably went to school for a reason, which was to learn how to think and analyze, not follow and be a sheep, yet here you are baaaa-ing.

Since you obviously have trouble digesting what you read, let me give you a video as well

ps...better a sheep bahhhhhhhh, than a jackass EEEEEHAWWWW EEEEEEAWWWWWW


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013

Since you obviously have trouble digesting what you read, let me give you a video as well

ps...better a sheep bahhhhhhhh, than a jackass EEEEEHAWWWW EEEEEEAWWWWWW

Evidently you can't read - but just in case your eyes malfunctioned the first time, I said - REVIEWED STUDY - AS IN PEER REVIEWED STUDY. Found one yet?
Healthline is shody at best at anything and this is speculation in the weakest possible version of virus replication.

The type of simplistic "copying error" cited in your junk article, could happen in immunosuppresed people - who can't get the vaccine anyway. Healthy immune systems kill much broader.

The unvaxed may be driving cases but there is no solid or even soft evidence they are driving variants.

Yes, get the vax if it will help you - that would be mostly fat people over 50 with inactive lifestyles, and even if you're not in that category, its 3x more likely to keep you working.

If you do get the vax you should know that the vaccines immune stimulus effect weakens with time, which may be by design, lack of tech or wilful lack of tech, in any case you'll need boosters.
3 shots is now the recco, but don't worry 4 shots its coming, because if you don't keep up with your shots you might become an error factory.

These mrna vaccines are the equivalent of - here's a quiz, here's one answer key, now go pass the quiz, vs actually studying, understanding and launching a broad scale attack - because they were developed based on the sequencing of first variant gone wild. Now there are new questions on the quiz, the answer key you were given is decreasing in worth.

As for the original question - no I wouldn't show anything. If you support segregation, division and discrimination you're being a good sheep.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Evidently you can't read - but just in case your eyes malfunctioned the first time, I said - REVIEWED STUDY - AS IN PEER REVIEWED STUDY. Found one yet?
Healthline is shody at best at anything and this is speculation in the weakest possible version of virus replication.

The type of simplistic "copying error" cited in your junk article, could happen in immunosuppresed people - who can't get the vaccine anyway. Healthy immune systems kill much broader.

The unvaxed may be driving cases but there is no solid or even soft evidence they are driving variants.

Yes, get the vax if it will help you - that would be mostly fat people over 50 with inactive lifestyles, and even if you're not in that category, its 3x more likely to keep you working.

If you do get the vax you should know that the vaccines immune stimulus effect weakens with time, which may be by design, lack of tech or wilful lack of tech, in any case you'll need boosters.
3 shots is now the recco, but don't worry 4 shots its coming, because if you don't keep up with your shots you might become an error factory.

These mrna vaccines are the equivalent of - here's a quiz, here's one answer key, now go pass the quiz, vs actually studying, understanding and launching a broad scale attack - because they were developed based on the sequencing of first variant gone wild. Now there are new questions on the quiz, the answer key you were given is decreasing in worth.

As for the original question - no I wouldn't show anything. If you support segregation, division and discrimination you're being a good sheep.
Wow, you are a delusional twat, aren't you? Damn right if needed I'll take a booster because I unlike you do not want another lockdown. You on the other hand scour Facebook and Twitter to get all your delusional uninformed misinformation you simple unwashed

PS....the variants resulted from unvaxxed populations among unwashed simpletons. I'll get my information from experts as opposed to the resident jackass.

"Unvaccinated people are potential variant factories," Dr. William Schaffner, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
Wow, you are a delusional twat, aren't you? Damn right if needed I'll take a booster because I unlike you do not want another lockdown. You on the other hand scour Facebook and Twitter to get all your delusional uninformed misinformation you simple unwashed

PS....the variants resulted from unvaxxed populations among unwashed simpletons. I'll get my information from experts as opposed to the resident jackass.

"Unvaccinated people are potential variant factories," Dr. William Schaffner, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

You've lost objectivity, which is sad, and again no study just more speculation. Next you'll be saying phizer/moderna are the best and if you got any other vax you are making variants.

You're blaming the innocent without evidence.

Oh BTW - ever heard of smoking, do you smoke? Smoking has 3x as many deaths per year, no variant required.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
You've lost objectivity, which is sad, and again no study just more speculation. Next you'll be saying phizer/moderna are the best and if you got any other vax you are making variants.

You're blaming the innocent without evidence.

Oh BTW - ever heard of smoking, do you smoke? Smoking has 3x as many deaths per year, no variant required.

I am going to enlighten you. I have been eating right, excercising, taking vitamin D prior to the pandemic not because of the pandemic. I do not smoke, never have. I take care of myself which means getting a double jab to protect myself and others including business in hope of preventing another lockdown. My first shot was AZ and my second Pfizer (please note this is how you spell Pfizer).

The difference between you and me are I take my advice from professionals, you on the other hand grab it from radical right misinformation sites and social media. I suspect you take your car to Pizza Pizza to get your brakes worked on.

Smarten up and follow the science not your lame ass beliefs extracted from the realm of the delusional.


Whatever member...
Mar 6, 2004

These mrna vaccines are the equivalent of - here's a quiz, here's one answer key, now go pass the quiz, vs actually studying, understanding and launching a broad scale attack - because they were developed based on the sequencing of first variant gone wild. Now there are new questions on the quiz, the answer key you were given is decreasing in worth.
What makes you say this? Do you know how vaccines and the immune system works?

mRNA vaccines are a recipt that show the body how to, in this case, create the spike proteins that cover the Covid's envelope. That mRNA is gone within days, it doesn't exist in the body after that.
The immune system then detect this spike and sound the alarm, creating antibodies. These antibodies are the almost the same type that would have been produced by the body in case of a real infection but, since they were created without an infection present, they aren't destroyed by any virus and can be present in a large enough quantity to effectively "welcome" the virus when it present itself.

Vaccines can't protect against all viruses or variants of a virus simply because the part any vaccine trains the immune system to recognize (in this case, a protein spike) is different from virus to virus and can change within a virus branch. The immune system can't be trained to recognize something it never encountered and vaccines can't be developped for something nobody ever saw.

Think of the immune system like a big muscular classical boxer getting his ass kicked by a skinny asian judoka. The big guy have no clue how the judoka is fighting so can't predict what's coming and gets its ass kicked. The boxer can decide to do nothing and get its ass kicked again the next time he meets the judoka. Eventually, he'll learn, if he doesn't get killed before. Now, if the boxer gets trained, the judoka might have a surprise the next time. It doesn't mean the boxer will not get bruised and left in a lot of hurt but, the judoka have far less chances to win.

Vaccinated people can spread the virus also. That's absolutely true. What does that mean?
  • Imagine the front door of where you live. That's your body's respiratory tract.
  • Imagine a weak or unknown strenght lock. That's your "Covid-virgin" immune system.
  • There's a bunch of thieves trying to break-in. That's the Covid virus.
Your door lock might hold, maybe it wont. That's your immune system.
  • Now, the thieves decide to set up shop right on your front porch and open a thief school. They'll reproduce, find a way to break in simply by the force of numbers and then they'll go after other houses. That's Covid in your body, replicating and spreading to other people.
  • Within that thief school, a few students are more lucky than others and they find a way to break your lock more easily and find a way to make the school more efficient. That's the variants.
Where's the vaccine in there?
  • There's a new way to barricade your door from the inside and the thieves are struggling to break it. They sometimes succede but, when they do, they very seldom succede in stealing your super 72" TV. That's the virus against the vaccines and the TV is your life.
So, vaccinated people can still spread the virus. This thing won't stop so why fight it?
  • Remember the thief school on your porch? Why don't you put a fence in front of that porch, a fence that would almost stop them from coming in and getting out? That's the mask and distanciation in relation to your respiratory tract. The more you keep the virus away from your respiratory tract, the less it can reproduce, infect you and spread.
(I'm thinking, I just spent so much time writing all that and it won't change anything for true denyers..)


Active member
May 29, 2021
I don't expect a cop to believe me when I tell him/her I've got a driver's licence. I've always got my cert with me and on my phone. There is no classified info that I don't want others to see so whether I tell someone I'm shot up or show the papers, makes no difference to me.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
What makes you say this? Do you know how vaccines and the immune system works?

mRNA vaccines are a recipt that show the body how to, in this case, create the spike proteins that cover the Covid's envelope. That mRNA is gone within days, it doesn't exist in the body after that.
The immune system then detect this spike and sound the alarm, creating antibodies. These antibodies are the almost the same type that would have been produced by the body in case of a real infection but, since they were created without an infection present, they aren't destroyed by any virus and can be present in a large enough quantity to effectively "welcome" the virus when it present itself.

Vaccines can't protect against all viruses or variants of a virus simply because the part any vaccine trains the immune system to recognize (in this case, a protein spike) is different from virus to virus and can change within a virus branch. The immune system can't be trained to recognize something it never encountered and vaccines can't be developped for something nobody ever saw.

Think of the immune system like a big muscular classical boxer getting his ass kicked by a skinny asian judoka. The big guy have no clue how the judoka is fighting so can't predict what's coming and gets its ass kicked. The boxer can decide to do nothing and get its ass kicked again the next time he meets the judoka. Eventually, he'll learn, if he doesn't get killed before. Now, if the boxer gets trained, the judoka might have a surprise the next time. It doesn't mean the boxer will not get bruised and left in a lot of hurt but, the judoka have far less chances to win.

Vaccinated people can spread the virus also. That's absolutely true. What does that mean?
  • Imagine the front door of where you live. That's your body's respiratory tract.
  • Imagine a weak or unknown strenght lock. That's your "Covid-virgin" immune system.
  • There's a bunch of thieves trying to break-in. That's the Covid virus.
Your door lock might hold, maybe it wont. That's your immune system.
  • Now, the thieves decide to set up shop right on your front porch and open a thief school. They'll reproduce, find a way to break in simply by the force of numbers and then they'll go after other houses. That's Covid in your body, replicating and spreading to other people.
  • Within that thief school, a few students are more lucky than others and they find a way to break your lock more easily and find a way to make the school more efficient. That's the variants.
Where's the vaccine in there?
  • There's a new way to barricade your door from the inside and the thieves are struggling to break it. They sometimes succede but, when they do, they very seldom succede in stealing your super 72" TV. That's the virus against the vaccines and the TV is your life.
So, vaccinated people can still spread the virus. This thing won't stop so why fight it?
  • Remember the thief school on your porch? Why don't you put a fence in front of that porch, a fence that would almost stop them from coming in and getting out? That's the mask and distanciation in relation to your respiratory tract. The more you keep the virus away from your respiratory tract, the less it can reproduce, infect you and spread.
(I'm thinking, I just spent so much time writing all that and it won't change anything for true denyers..)

The analogies are futile yes because that's NOT how any of this works, that's simplistic nonsense. To replay your analogy in ways that you've lost perspective with:
  • Imagine building a vaccine,
  • Imagine making it out of bleach (throw back to trump)
  • Yea it'll work but it'll probably kill ya in the process.

The facts are the vaccine is currently good to decrease chance of severe illness/death and hospitalization, that is not in dispute - they are reasons to take the vaccine, but they are insufficient reasons to make vaccination mandatory - and that "fact" may soon not be the case. There were no models for estimating long term durability (which it doesn't have as shown with live evidence) and LT-side-effects are completely unknown. Do you really think that once your body eliminates the mRna directives, that they are gone? That your body hasn't learnt a new way into auto-immune disease? The healthcare community overall does not know what teaching your body to both make the spike protein amd antibodies will actually do. The mrna may be eliminated from your body but FFS man, its not destroyed,

- Now that the instructions are out in the wild having pissed them out...what could happen - any research on that?
- How about fertility?
- How about immune system development in young adults any research on that?
- Is this a trojan horse? Has anyone actually thought through the scenarios? And if so why are they not available?
- Adverse events tracking has been totally shit - VAERS data is garbage and the EU lists hundreds of thousands of AE but the data is marginaly better than the garbage in VAERS.

It's going endemic and no one should be forced to take a highly experimental understudied vax ,and show a passport for such, to assume everyday life.
Vaccine passports indicate one should have special privilege to participate in everyday life and that is ridiculous. Due diligence hasn't been done and we are starting to see its cracks, with reduced effectiveness, clots, heart issues, breakthrough and yet mandates are being called for left right and centre by a largely uninformed set, under the false pretense that it will solve covid - when 80% of the world isn't vaccinated and won't be.

The elephant in the room is also mortality, it's not high at all, its less than heart attacks or smoking yet we don't ban shit fast food and smoking is still going strong.
Pushing vax mandates and passports isn't about your safety or health - it is about vaccinating the floundering economies we've made and providing imaginary validation of a lie we are telling ourselves. The war has just started, its not even close to over.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
The analogies are futile yes because that's NOT how any of this works, that's simplistic nonsense. To replay your analogy in ways that you've lost perspective with:
  • Imagine building a vaccine,
  • Imagine making it out of bleach (throw back to trump)
  • Yea it'll work but it'll probably kill ya in the process.

The facts are the vaccine is currently good to decrease chance of severe illness/death and hospitalization, that is not in dispute - they are reasons to take the vaccine, but they are insufficient reasons to make vaccination mandatory - and that "fact" may soon not be the case. There were no models for estimating long term durability (which it doesn't have as shown with live evidence) and LT-side-effects are completely unknown. Do you really think that once your body eliminates the mRna directives, that they are gone? That your body hasn't learnt a new way into auto-immune disease? The healthcare community overall does not know what teaching your body to both make the spike protein amd antibodies will actually do. The mrna may be eliminated from your body but FFS man, its not destroyed,

- Now that the instructions are out in the wild having pissed them out...what could happen - any research on that?
- How about fertility?
- How about immune system development in young adults any research on that?
- Is this a trojan horse? Has anyone actually thought through the scenarios? And if so why are they not available?
- Adverse events tracking has been totally shit - VAERS data is garbage and the EU lists hundreds of thousands of AE but the data is marginaly better than the garbage in VAERS.

It's going endemic and no one should be forced to take a highly experimental understudied vax ,and show a passport for such, to assume everyday life.
Vaccine passports indicate one should have special privilege to participate in everyday life and that is ridiculous. Due diligence hasn't been done and we are starting to see its cracks, with reduced effectiveness, clots, heart issues, breakthrough and yet mandates are being called for left right and centre by a largely uninformed set, under the false pretense that it will solve covid - when 80% of the world isn't vaccinated and won't be.

The elephant in the room is also mortality, it's not high at all, its less than heart attacks or smoking yet we don't ban shit fast food and smoking is still going strong.
Pushing vax mandates and passports isn't about your safety or health - it is about vaccinating the floundering economies we've made and providing imaginary validation of a lie we are telling ourselves. The war has just started, its not even close to over.


Active member
May 29, 2021
The analogies are futile yes because that's NOT how any of this works, that's simplistic nonsense. To replay your analogy in ways that you've lost perspective with:
  • Imagine building a vaccine,
  • Imagine making it out of bleach (throw back to trump)
  • Yea it'll work but it'll probably kill ya in the process.

The facts are the vaccine is currently good to decrease chance of severe illness/death and hospitalization, that is not in dispute - they are reasons to take the vaccine, but they are insufficient reasons to make vaccination mandatory - and that "fact" may soon not be the case. There were no models for estimating long term durability (which it doesn't have as shown with live evidence) and LT-side-effects are completely unknown. Do you really think that once your body eliminates the mRna directives, that they are gone? That your body hasn't learnt a new way into auto-immune disease? The healthcare community overall does not know what teaching your body to both make the spike protein amd antibodies will actually do. The mrna may be eliminated from your body but FFS man, its not destroyed,

- Now that the instructions are out in the wild having pissed them out...what could happen - any research on that?
- How about fertility?
- How about immune system development in young adults any research on that?
- Is this a trojan horse? Has anyone actually thought through the scenarios? And if so why are they not available?
- Adverse events tracking has been totally shit - VAERS data is garbage and the EU lists hundreds of thousands of AE but the data is marginaly better than the garbage in VAERS.

It's going endemic and no one should be forced to take a highly experimental understudied vax ,and show a passport for such, to assume everyday life.
Vaccine passports indicate one should have special privilege to participate in everyday life and that is ridiculous. Due diligence hasn't been done and we are starting to see its cracks, with reduced effectiveness, clots, heart issues, breakthrough and yet mandates are being called for left right and centre by a largely uninformed set, under the false pretense that it will solve covid - when 80% of the world isn't vaccinated and won't be.

The elephant in the room is also mortality, it's not high at all, its less than heart attacks or smoking yet we don't ban shit fast food and smoking is still going strong.
Pushing vax mandates and passports isn't about your safety or health - it is about vaccinating the floundering economies we've made and providing imaginary validation of a lie we are telling ourselves. The war has just started, its not even close to over.
Phew! I'm so glad you got that out of your system. Feel better now?
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Kilt Boy

Jul 12, 2017
Moncton NB
Yes, I will show my vaccine immunization information.
Without question or hesitation.
It'll make me feel better about being there if I know that everyone else is likewise immunized.

I'm not attacking anyone. The rule will state that I need to show this information to get in, so I will. In order to get that information, I will have to be immunized. Them's just the facts. I don't feel the need to argue with anyone who disagrees. I'll never get the chance to meet them.
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