Will North America recover economically, politically, culturally?


Aug 18, 2009
The fees and taxes you see starting a business are similar to the taxes on the lower income brackets. Think of them as impediments to free market competition, advantage larger corporations. Its not black and white, but I won't put that much energy into nuance for an internet argument. But lets take two statements. Corporations shouldn't be taxed, you say? I'm incorporating next week. The right wing argument is to say tax them and they'll leave. So more countries need to tax corporations at the same time.

Compare government wages to CEO's and Bay street and tell me its the government who are the fat cats. Government wages are the last vestiges of a proper middle class, every one else has had the rug slowly pulled out from under them, and then people say lets pull the rug out of government employees as well. What should be argued is that CEO's shouldn't make 300 times a worker, and maybe those workers should make what a government employee makes.

Its hard not to admit that the latest incarnations of Neo-cons have all run deficits, cut taxes and services (Bush 1 and 2, Reagan, Mulroney, Harris, Harper) while the latest middle of the road almost liberals have balanced budgets, raised some taxes and cut some services (Clinton, Martin, Chretien). At least this is true in North America.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I don't think the US will keep it's economic and political dominance.... while it will last for several/many more years the trend is to Asia and we will become a larger UK.....

The world is not a zero sum game.... A billion people in Asia rising to middle class is a VERY good thing, if it knocks us off our pedestal so be it - not that fun to run the world anyway.

I would predict that North Americans will continue to be very wealthy comparatively for the remainder of all our lives.



May 22, 2007
So really what you're saying is you want Western culture to remain white, middle class, and conservative.

Wow. Deep thinking.

are you seriously saying that when people immigrated from Europe to the US in the late 19th/early 20th century they didn't bring their baggage with them? e.g discrimination against the Irish

#1 and #5 are related. The middle class is shrinking as a result in higher taxation.
This question really depends on who you ask and where you look. Most North Americans are only vaguely aware of Asian economies.

India, the world's largest democracy, for example, is growing so fast, it is expected to be the world's 5th largest economy by 2025.



It is also expected that by this time, it will have a middle class population of approximately half a billion. China and India will represent the largest middle class in the world. The stage has been set for Asian economies to overtake Western ones, so, yes there will be a shrinking middle class in North America, but a growing and dominant one in Asia.

As for immigration, it's hard to say. Most very well to do families abroad may have homes in Canada, but that doesn't make Canada their home. There are some families, who will send their kids to get a Western education, and give them time to sow their oats here, but fully expect them to come back and invest from the countries they are from. Most immigrants come to Canada, because the place and/or social status they have back home is lower than what Canada can offer. For those who already are wealthy and have high status, immigrating to Canada is moot.

As for history and sense of self, what does that mean exactly? If you mean no connection with Canada, that's not necessarily an indication of a disconnect with their sense of self or culturally and/historically ignorant. They may have strong senses of self from the communities they are from, and know their history. I'm not saying that is a good or bad thing, I really don't know, because Canadians can be pretty racist, so when someone from a distinct culture tries to reach out and socialize with Canadians, they often face resistance and discrimination and exclusion from doing so. At the same time, distinct communities also tend to be closed off as well.


Apr 24, 2005
This question really depends on who you ask and where you look. Most North Americans are only vaguely aware of Asian economies.

India, the world's largest democracy, for example, is growing so fast, it is expected to be the world's 5th largest economy by 2025.
The PRC and India growth rate looks impressive only because they are starting from such a low base but there is a limit to growth (e.g, Japan). Speaking of "tipping points", do you know that Russia, Japan, Italy, etc. have now all entered the negative population growth stage?


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
Markwee, and Got Gusto, are Ayn Rand, social darwinist types..so be it...but i always find that most 20th and 21st century societies that severely cut off immigration and have significantly low taxation rates are backward societies...i always have a problem with people being referred to as parisites..i guess its the bleeding heart in me...and finally, i think that if i had to spend more than 2 minutes with those two posters, i would throw up in my mouth..sorry the "insulting" Ogibowt just surfaced..
You misread my post. I am in favor of unrestricted immigration. Immigrants should not even have to fill out a form. If a person comes here and wants to stay then I am fine with it.

I am for zero taxation. It is illegal for me to acquire funds through coercion, and I ask government merely to hold itself to the same standard.

Do you have a bleeding heart for the Wallstreet parasites that got their Christmas bonuses bailed out? I have sympathy for poor welfare cases because, in many cases, their work has been made illegal by minimum wage laws.

I have watched only this one Mike Wallace interview with Ayn Rand. I disapprove of her maligning the perfectly good word "liberal", but I support her position that a democratic majority should not be able to vote away the life, property, or liberty of a minority. All of these things have happened in Canada and the US (among other democracies):

W: How does your philosophy translate itself into the world of politics? Now one of the principle achievements of this country in the past 20 years, particularly I think, most people agree, is the gradual growth of social and protective legislation based on the principle that we are our brothers keepers. How do you feel about the political trends of the United States?

R: The way everybody feels except more consciously. I feel that it is terrible, that you see destruction all around you, and that you are moving toward disaster, until, and unless, all those welfare state conceptions have been reversed and rejected. It is precisely these trends which are bringing the world to disaster, because we are now moving towards complete collectivism or socialism. A system under which everybody is enslaved to everybody, and we are moving that way only because of our altruist morality.

W: Ah...Yes, but you say everybody is enslaved to everybody, yet this came about democratically Ayn. A free people in a free country, voted for this kind of government, wanted this kind of legislation. Do you object to the democratic process?

R: I object to the idea that the people have the right to vote on everything. The traditional American system was a system based on the idea that majority will prevailed only in public or political affairs, and that it was limited by inalienable individual rights. Therefore, I do not believe that a majority can vote a man's life, or property, or freedom away from him. Therefore, I do not believe that if a majority votes on any issue, that this makes the issue right, it doesn't.

W: Alright, then how do we arrive at action? How should we arrive at action?

R: By voluntary consent, voluntary cooperation of free men, unforced.

W: And how do we arrive at our leadership? Who elects, who appoints?

R: The whole people elects. There is nothing wrong with the democratic process in politics. We arrive at it, the way we arrived by the American Constitution as it used to be. By the constitutional powers, as we had it, people elect officials, but the powers of those officials, the powers of government are strictly limited. They will have no right to initiate force, or compulsion against any citizen, except a criminal. Those who have initiated force will be punished by force, and that is the only proper function of government. What we would not permit is the government to initiate force against people, who have hurt no one, who have not forced anyone. We would not give the government, or the majority, or any minority, the right to take the life or the property of others. That was the original American system.

W: When you say take the property of others, I imagine that you are talking now about taxes.

R: Yes I am.

W: And you believe there should be no right by the government to tax you believe that there should be no such thing as welfare legislation, unemployment compensation, regulation during times of stress, certain kinds of rent controls, and things like that.

R: That's right. I'm opposed to all forms of control. I am for an absolute laissez-faire, free, unregulated economy. Let me put it briefly, I'm for the separation of state and economics. Just as we had separation of state and church, which led to peaceful co-existence among different religions, after a period of religious wars, so the same applies to economics. If you separate the govenment from economics, if you do not regulate production and trade, you will have peaceful cooperation, and harmony, and justice among men.

W: You are certainly enough of a political scientist to know that certain movements spring up in reaction to other movements. The labor movement for instance, certain social welfare legislation. This did not spring full blown from somebody's head. I mean, out of a vacuum. This was a reaction to certain abuses that were going on isn't that true Ayn?

R: Not always, it actually sprang up from the same source as the abuses. If by abuses you mean the legislation which originally, had been established to help industrialists, which was already a breach of complete free enterprise. If then, in reaction labor leaders get together to, initiate legislation to help labor, that is only acting on the same principle. Namely, all parties agreeing that it is proper for the state, to legislate in favor of one economic group or another. What I'm saying is that nobody should have the right neither employers nor employees to use state compulsion and force for their own interests.

W: When you advocate for completely unregulated economic life in which every man works for his own profit. You're asking in a sense for a devil take the high most, dog eat dog society, and one of the main reasons for the growth of government controls, was to fight the robber barrons, to fight laissez-faire, in which the very people whom you admire the most, Ayn, the hard headed industrialist, the successful men, perverted the use of their power. Is that not true?

R: No it isn't. This country was made not by robber barrons but by independent men, by industrialists, who succeeded on sheer ability. By ability, I mean without political force, help, or compulsion. But at the same time there were men, industrialists who did use government power, as a club, to help them against competitors. They were the original collectivists. Today, the liberals believe that the same compulsion should be used against the industrialists for the sake of workers, but the basic principle there is, "Should there be any compulsion?" And the regulations are creating robber barons, they are creating capitalists with govenment help, which is the worst of all economic phenomenon.

W: Ayn, I think that you will agree with me, when I say that, you do not have a good deal of respect for the soceity in which you and I currently live. You think that we're going down hill fairly fast. Now I would like you to think about this question, and you'll have a minute intermission to ponder it and then come back and answer it, "Do you predict dictatorship and economic disaster, for the United States, if we continue on our present course?" Do you? And we'll get Ayn Rand's answer in just a moment. And now back to our story. Alright Ayn Rand what I'd like to know is this, since you describe it as happening in your novel Atlas Shrugged, Do you actually predict dictatorship and economic disaster for the United States?

R: If the present collectivist trend continues, if the present anti-reason philosophy continues, yes, that is the way the country is going. But, I do not believe in historical determinism, and I do not believe that people have to go that way. Men have the free will to choose and to think. If they change their thinking we do not have to go into dictatorship.

W: Yes, but how can you expect to reverse this trend, when as we've said the country is run by majority rule, through ballot, and that majority seems to prefer to vote for this modified welfare state.

R: Oh...I don't believe that. You know as well as I do, that the majority today has no choice. The majority has never been offered a choice between controls and freedom.

W: How do you account for the fact, that an almost overwhelming majority of the people, whom are regarded as our leading intellectuals, and our leading industrialists, the men whom you seem to admire the most, the men with the muscle and the money, favor the modified capitalism that we have today.

R: Ah...because it is an intellectual issue. Since they all believe in collectivism, they do favor it, but the majority of the people has never been given a choice. You know that both parties today are for socialism, in effect, for controls, and there is no party, there are no voices, to offer an actual, pro-capitalist, laissez-faire, economic freedom, and individualism. That is what this country needs today.

W: Isn't possible that they all, we all believe in it because we are all basically lonely people, and we all understand that we are basically our brothers keepers.

R: You couldn't say that you really understand it because there is no way in which you could justify it. Nobody has ever given a reason why men should be their brother's keepers, and you've had every example, and you see the examples around you, of men perishing by the attempt to be their brother's keepers.
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New member
Jan 18, 2009
You misread my post. I am in favor of unrestricted immigration. Immigrants should not even have to fill out a form. If a person comes here and wants to stay then I am fine with it.
Unbelievable. I'm sure that would work out just wonderfully.

Out of curiosity, has this ever been done anywhere before in history and how successful was it?

It seems to me that you have economic theory down pat, but you completely ignore social, political, and cultural realities.


Apr 24, 2005
Out of curiosity, has this ever been done anywhere before in history and how successful was it?
Usually done in the form of an univited invasion. Here are some examples:
1) Vikings in Normany.
2) Mongols in Russia.
3) Scots in Ireland.
Successful? Depends who you talk to. The Vilings will say that they got land and French women, so they are happy. The Mongols will say that they got land and Russian women. The Scots will say that they got land.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Usually done in the form of an univited invasion. Here are some examples:
1) Vikings in Normany.
2) Mongols in Russia.
3) Scots in Ireland.
Successful? Depends who you talk to. The Vilings will say that they got land and French women, so they are happy. The Mongols will say that they got land and Russian women. The Scots will say that they got land.
I couldn't agree more.


Aug 18, 2009
I am for zero taxation. It is illegal for me to acquire funds through coercion, and I ask government merely to hold itself to the same standard.
Stephen Harper was quoted as saying he didn't think there was a single good tax.
So that means doing without army, healthcare, police, courts, schools, garbage collection, road maintenance..........
Perhaps you should try living in a country like Somalia or Zimbabwe, or other similar failed states where all those nice perks of taxation are almost gone.


Apr 24, 2005
BTW: Japan has virtually zero immigration and is de-populating.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it is almost impossible for a non-Japanese to get Japanese citizenship.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Usually done in the form of an univited invasion. Here are some examples:
1) Vikings in Normany.
2) Mongols in Russia.
3) Scots in Ireland.
Successful? Depends who you talk to. The Vilings will say that they got land and French women, so they are happy. The Mongols will say that they got land and Russian women. The Scots will say that they got land.
Or some more modern examples would be:
1.) British and French in North America
2.) USA in Hawaii
3.) USA in Puerto Rico
4.) After 1867, Canadian annexation of western provinces and northern territories
5.) American annexation of western states after 1776.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
There is ...........................


......................... going to be a economic recovery. Maybe a few periods of economic stability before we hit small slides downward. We will never see good times like we saw in the past. The reason for this is that the would has changed.
Everything is made in China now. The rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer.
I am preparing now and not going to circle down the big toilet bowl with most other people.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Government debt is out of control because the Government continues to borrow from itself. It has nothing to do with taxation, it has to do with responsible spending.
-If you made an income of $250,000/yr and spent $500,000/yr would you blame it on your ability to earn an income or your lack of responsible spending?
That's one way to look at it. Or you could say you are a family of 4 making an income of $25,000 and spending $28,000. Would you blame it on your income or your spending? Well, considering what $1000 a month in rent will get you, day care costs, food and clothing for 2 young children, unless you want to dress your children in rags and feed them oatmeal 3 times a day, something needs to be done. Now, say you are only working half time. I'd say its a problem with income, not spending. Same thing with taxes. Look what the Cons did - cut the GST and corporate taxes. No wonder there is no money for programs. Government income has been reduced on purpose as an excuse to cut programs.

There is no need for double taxation, small business owners hide their incomes to avoid it as do the wealthy. A solution here would be a fair and balanced tax system designed to capture spending rather than income. If we didn't pay income taxes we would all spend a lot more because we would have that extra discretionary income to do so.
So you are saying that taxes on the rich and on corporations should be reduced because they commit fraud and evade taxes?

A fair and balanced tax system taxes income and spending, not just spending. All but the most myopic realize that sales tax is regressive and unfairly taxes the poor. You seem to have this idea that the rich should enjoy a privileged position with regard to paying taxes.


Jun 6, 2009
There is ...........................


......................... going to be a economic recovery. Maybe a few periods of economic stability before we hit small slides downward. We will never see good times like we saw in the past. The reason for this is that the would has changed.
Everything is made in China now. The rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer.
I am preparing now and not going to circle down the big toilet bowl with most other people.
I think you're half way down the crapper and just don't know it. You typed this out in such a tizzy you got down 'would' instead of 'world', just sayin'.


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
Government control of immigration rests on a presumption that government owns all of the land, as does property tax (rent) and expropriation (eviction).

This should come as no surprise because government has also presumed to own citizens' bodies (draft, sterilization) and labour (draft, income tax).

But individuals should own land and individuals should decide who is welcome and who is trespassing on their land.


Jun 6, 2009
Government control of immigration rests on a presumption that government owns all of the land, as does property tax (rent) and expropriation (eviction).

This should come as no surprise because government has also presumed to own citizens' bodies (draft, sterilization) and labour (draft, income tax).

But individuals should own land and individuals should decide who is welcome and who is trespassing on their land.
I'm more convinced now than ever that you are or want us to believe you're a Libertarian. You just spout this stuff with little understanding of what you're saying. i'm just trying to decide if your on the left or the right side of that argument. I know we have some very learned economy and poli-sci types on this BB and they might be interested in debating your points.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
I'm more convinced now than ever that you are or want us to believe you're a Libertarian.
Sounds like an anarchist to me. He sees no role for government at all. No right to tax. No right to control immigration. No right to defend. No doubt he believes that those kinds of things, along with education, law enforcement and health care should be handled by private corporations.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
The wild card in this is science and engineering

We have yet to begin to see the wonders that the geniuses at M.I.T. etc will create


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
Stephen Harper was quoted as saying he didn`t think there was a single good tax.
So that means doing without army, healthcare, police, courts, schools, garbage collection, road maintenance..........
Perhaps you should try living in a country like Somalia or Zimbabwe, or other similar failed states where all those nice perks of taxation are almost gone.
Stephen Harper was correct in saying there is no good tax, but don`t worry, it was merely rhetoric. He recently answered questions on youtube (I made a thread in the politics section with a link to the video and full transcript: https://terb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?279202-Stephen-Harper-took-questions-on-youtube), and here is part of his response to a question about marijuana legalization.

"Now, I also want people to understand what we’re really talking about here when we’re talking about the drug trade. You know, when people say focus on violent crime instead of drugs, and yeah, you know, there’s lots of crimes a lot worse than, you know, casual use of marijuana. But when people are buying from the drug trade, they are not buying from their neighbour. They are buying from international cartels that are involved in unimaginable violence and intimidation and social disaster and catastrophe all across the world. All across the world. You know, and I just wish people would understand that, and not just on drugs. Even when people buy, you know, an illegal carton of cigarettes and they avoid tax, that they really understand the kind of criminal networks that they are supporting, and the damage they do."

Apparently, cigaratte taxes are good taxes.

Can you imagine what would happen if not only marijuana were legalized, but alcohol as well? And untaxed?

Also, nowhere did I say there should be no defense, health care, garbage collection, etc. I would just like to see these things funded by a method other than coercion. Would it be okay for a cable comapny (with which you signed no contract) to withold part of your pay cheque or to throw you in jail for non-payment? I ask only that government follows the same rules as the rest of us.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
To the original poster...you may not be aware that there are other places in the world where things are much better than in the USA...people are better off, governements have less debt or no debt, healthcare is not a problem, and people don't have the scourge of the fundamentalist christian taliban to worry about.
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